Li Daoyuan's heart is indeed quite angry. It seems that he has too many people to those people on weekdays, but someone dares to fight, his idea is simply out of line.

Li Daoyuan has thought about it, and he has to take this opportunity to teach those who don't know how high the sky is, and let them understand that if they dare to make their own decisions, they will have to pay the price, even the price of their lives.

Although Li Daoyuan was comforted, Luo Qingyu's heart never let go.

My parents have never had any grudges against anyone, and it is even less likely that someone would come to trouble my parents for no reason.

But his parents disappeared without a trace at this time.

The things at home have never been passive, and it is impossible that someone forcibly robbed his parents.

But his parents disappeared. There is indeed such a thing.

What is the situation now, Luo Qingyu's face is full of confusion, and he doesn't understand the situation at all.

Thinking of his parents, something might happen, Luo Qingyu held Li Daoyuan's hand anxiously and pleaded: "Brother Li, you have a lot of connections in Jinling City, can you help me think of a way to check it out for me? Come on, what happened to my parents?"

Seeing this, Li Daoyuan held Luo Qingyu's hand again, signaling her to be calm.

And continued to comfort and said: "Don't worry, you are my woman, your parents are my parents, I will definitely not let them have any accidents."

"You have to believe me, I will send someone to look for it now, go to inquire, and I will find out the whereabouts of your parents as soon as possible."

After Li Daoyuan finished speaking, he was not idle, and immediately ordered his subordinates in Jinling City, and asked all the forces to help find it.

We must find the whereabouts of Luo Qingyu's parents as soon as possible.

Li Daoyuan didn't go anywhere at this time, so he just sat quietly to accompany him, accompanied Luo Qingyu, took him into his arms, and constantly comforted him.

Even with Li Daoyuan's comfort, Luo Qingyu was still full of anxiety at this time.

After all, those were his biological parents. the closest person to him.

Now that it has suddenly disappeared, everyone will be anxious.

What's more, Luo Qingyu is a very filial daughter, and she doesn't want anything to happen to her family, and she doesn't want her parents to have any accidents.

Fortunately, Li Daoyuan's name is not blown out, and he also has a pivotal position in Jinling City. Once his power is activated, although it is difficult to find the whereabouts of the protagonist like Luo Fan, but to find the clues of Luo Qingyu's parents, There are still clues.

Someone immediately reported the latest situation to Li Daoyuan.

"You mean, this morning, a Land Rover came to the village where Luo Qingyu's parents lived?" Li Daoyuan asked, looking at Chu Jun in front of him.

"Yes, according to the news from the traffic police, the Land Rover came to a nearby village. Since there is no surveillance here, they don't know where the Land Rover drove to."

"But not long after the Land Rover arrived here, it left in a hurry. It can be seen that they didn't stay in this village for a long time, and this is the only place where there is suspicion," Chu Jun continued to reply.

"When did the Land Rover come here?" Li Daoyuan continued to ask.

"About ten o'clock."

Around ten o'clock?

Hearing this time, Li Daoyuan suddenly rang. At about ten o'clock, didn't Luo Qingyu receive a call from his mother.

Because at that time, I was whispering to Luo Qingyu, and the two were flirting with each other, so I didn't have time to answer her mother's phone.

Could it be that what happened to her mother at that time, she called Luo Qingyu before the accident, but she just happened to receive it.

Thinking of this, Li Daoyuan quickly looked at Luo Qingyu and said, "Qingyu, hurry up and see what time your mother called you."

Hearing Li Daoyuan's question, Luo Qingyu hurriedly took out his mobile phone to check the time, and then said, "It's more than ten o'clock."

It's ten o'clock!

But hearing this number, Li Daoyuan was almost certain that Luo Qingyu's mother had something to do at that time, and the Land Rover was the most suspect.

"Check, start all the relationships, you must find out for me where the Land Rover went." Li Daoyuan looked at Chu Jun and said viciously.

Now Luo Qingyu is his own woman, so Luo Qingyu's parents can be called his own father-in-law and mother-in-law no matter what.

Someone who dares to move their own people in Jinling City is simply courting death.

Li Daoyuan absolutely wanted to take advantage of this incident to kill chickens and ban monkeys, so that people would know about his reputation as Li Daoyuan, so that those little ones would keep making trouble for themselves over and over again.

In that way, he will become a firefighter just like those protagonists, fighting fires here and there,

You must know that Li, Daoyuan also has quite a few women now. If every woman in him has something to happen every once in a while or something happens every once in a while, wouldn't Li Daoyuan be busy in this place.

Moreover, as his own woman, it was impossible for Li Daoyuan not to save their relatives.

Except for people like Luo Fan, if anything happened to the relatives of other women, he would helplessly watch what happened to them and stand by, Li Daoyuan could not be so ruthless and ruthless.

The Chu army immediately passed Li Daoyuan's order to the people of other forces.

After half an hour of searching, Chu Jun came to report again and said, "Dong Li, it has been found. The Land Rover has already entered the Jiangnan Hall."

"Fengyun Guild Hall, what kind of power is this? Why have I never heard of it?"

Li Daoyuan wondered for a moment, he knew everything about the upper-level forces in Jinling City.

But he had never heard of this Jiangnan Guild Hall.

Is it difficult, is it some new force, or there are other reasons.

Sure enough, Chu Jun said the reason in the next second: "This Jiangnan Guild Hall is the latest opened by Ouyang Feng of the Ouyang family in the capital. It is said that its purpose is to capture Luo Fan and avenge his father's blood and hatred."

Ouyang Feng opened it?

The purpose is to capture Luo Fan and avenge Ouyang Zhenhua?

Hearing Chu Jun's explanation, Li Daoyuan finally came to a realization.

Now he finally understands who caught Luo Qingyu's parents,

The feeling is this Ouyang Feng. He learned from himself that Luo Fan killed his father. In order to avenge the blood and hatred, he naturally investigated Luo Fan's family to the bottom of the sky.

At this time, Luo Fan's parents were found.

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