Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 14: This is a butterfly's wing fan

   After entering November, the weather started to get colder and colder.

   Zhang Xu, who has mainly lived south of the Tropic of Cancer for two lifetimes, is not very used to the weather, and has to add a warming spell to his robe to save him from the cold.

   Zhang Xu’s robe that can be attached to various magic is known by many people. When there are always people crowding in the castle, when someone meets Zhang Xu, he finds a warm feeling.

   The robe that can be attached to magic is not a bargain. Old nobles don’t necessarily have a few pieces in their homes. Even if they are, they are worn on important occasions to show off. Like Zhang Xu, this one was given by Mr. Zhao.

   Zhang Qiu was the first to occupy Zhang Xu's mobile warm and warm treasure. From the time the weather turned cold, Zhang Xu turned on the heating for himself, and Zhang Qiu would stay with Zhang Xu whenever he had the opportunity.

   Then many girls also went to Zhang Xu's heating.

   In the common room, a group of single dogs looked at Zhang Xu, who was surrounded by girls, and wanted to put a stern curse on Zhang Xu.

   And Zhang Xu is also very helpless at the moment, now he is only eleven years old, even if there is a girl around him, he can't do much.

   With the advent of winter, the Quidditch season has begun.

   For Quidditch, Zhang Xu found it interesting.

  In the last life, Zhang Xu was a fan of air combat games.

   After rebirth, what I look forward to most is when the pilot’s uncle comes back to visit relatives with a flying sword to take him to the sky a few times.

   As a fighter pilot, flying a few laps means first to make two circling sharp turns, then a circling dive, then Yo-Yo, and then a few barrel rolls when finished, and finally a cobra and golden hook to finish.

   Flying down so many laps, Zhang Xu's whole person is refreshed.

   At the beginning of this year’s flight class, Zhang Xu did not let go of the broom for teaching in the school because of his distrust of the school’s teaching broom. He just flew according to the arrangements of Mrs. Hooch.

   Then, Zhang Xu was busy with a lot of things, so he didn't have the energy to focus on flying.

   The days passed, and soon it was the days for the Lions and Snake Yards to compete.

   On the day of the game, Zhang Xu was dragged off the bed by Zhang Qiu. He came back to bed late to treat Filch last night.

   In the potions classroom last night, Filch drank the potion made by Snape while everyone was watching.

   Soon, Filch's crystal ball used to monitor his magical power reacted.

   In this crystal ball whose brightness was lowered by Zhang Xu, the forbidden white light spots suddenly vibrated.

   As the white light spots in the crystal ball vibrated more and more intensely, Filch showed a painful expression on his face.

   At this time, Dumbledore took the shot.

   Dumbledore took out his wand and pressed it against Filch's head, just like Chen Yongren pointed a gun at Liu Jianming on the last rooftop in "Infernal Affairs."

   Under the guidance of Dumbledore, Filch began to rejuvenate the magic power in his body, and slowly changed from Brownian motion to an orderly flow.

   An hour later, Filch's magical powers flowed like ordinary wizards, but the current flow rate was as slow as ordinary first-year freshmen, far incomparable to other wizards of the same age. But the first step has been taken, and the road behind is easy.

   Madam Pomfrey checked Filch's body, and there was nothing serious except for excessive energy consumption and minor physical injuries.

   This is related to Dumbledore's magic power to help Filch guide the riots. If someone who is not that strong in manipulating the magic power is used to guide Filch's magic power, Filch will suffer even more damage.

   After drinking two bottles of the pre-prepared potions, and after a short rest, Filch took out a wand prepared many years ago, and used a spell that had been practiced for many years without any response.

   Suddenly a huge stream of water spouted from the top of Filch's wand, rushing toward the crowd of professors who were watching.

   There is no fuel-efficient lamp that can be a professor at Hogwarts. Facing the sudden current of water, the professors waved their hands to solve it.

   Even Zhang Xu cast a wind wall in front of him to block the flow of water.

   Then Filch let out another gust of wind, followed by a ray of light.

   Zhang Xu could see that Filch was like Fan Jin who had just been raised.

  The other professors thought that Filch was very happy now that he had fulfilled his wish for decades, but suddenly he didn't expect that he was overjoyed and mentally abnormal.

Filch tried all kinds of basic magic in various directions, but the fire magic is missing. Before Filch did something like the fire potion class classroom, Zhang Xu stretched out his hand into the treasure bag. Prepare to take out a requiem and pat it over to calm him down. But Zhang Xu suddenly thought that such a thing as burning a classroom had never happened in the history of Hogwarts School. It was still a fire in front of the principal and the professor. So Zhang Xu retracted his hand holding the Requiem and began to prepare defensive magic.

   Just when a ball of flame was being generated at the top of Filch's wand, Snape, who saw that it was wrong, threw it all petrified, and fixed Filch, who was about to hit the ground.

   Only then did other professors react.

   After Snape solved the spell, Madam Pomfrey checked Filch again and found that there was no problem, and the flow of magic power did not turn back to the prohibition.

   At this moment, Filch's treatment is a complete success.

   Filch, who had calmed down, thanked everyone for shaking hands one by one.

   In the end, Dumbledore said that Filch will continue to check whether there is any change in magic while studying magic with the professors systematically.

   Dumbledore also asked everyone to keep secret at this time. If everything is normal in Filch a week later, then Dumbledore will personally make a big news. The treatment of dumb artillery had too much influence, so it has been kept confidential, except for the participating professors, only Zhang Xu knew about it.

   Dumbledore also specifically instructed Filch not to use magic in his work during this period of time, and talk about it when he can master magic power.

   After finishing his busy work, Zhang Xu can finally relax.

   During this period, I had to work with the professors for a long time every night, and then I had to do homework when I returned to the dormitory, which made Zhang Xu tired.

  In addition, several professors are very optimistic about Zhang Xu, a good student, and have stricter requirements on him than other students. Naturally, he will not put water on Zhang Xu's homework.

  In addition, Zhang Xu's homework ideas are unique, and occasionally he can see and solve problems from a perspective that professors can't think of, which makes him unable to copy other people's homework.

   During this period, Zhang Xu was not in the common room every night, and he came back very late. This caused Zhang Qiu's dissatisfaction. Zhang Qiu wondered if he was going to fall in love with a girl.

   One night, Zhang Qiu waited in the common room until Zhang Xu came back, then grabbed Zhang Xu and sniffed him, trying to find out the smell of other girls on him.

   The bustling Anthony Goldstein, Terry Butt and Michael Kona couldn't help winking at Zhang Xu.

   Zhang Xu, who was dragged out of Zhang Qiu’s bed, yawned while sitting at the dining table in the dining hall for breakfast.

  At eleven o'clock, Zhang Xu and Zhang Qiu came to the Eagle Yard stand of the Quidditch field together to watch the game.

   Now Zhang Qiu is the backup seeker for the Eagle Academy Quidditch team. It is said that the current seeker will retire next year and concentrate on preparing for exams and looking for a job. Then Zhang Qiu will be able to become a regular player.

   So at this moment Zhang Xu and Zhang Qiu are sitting on the highest stand with the team.

   The game started, and Harry's appearance surprised everyone.

   "How can they let a first-year student play?" asked a Quidditch player next to him.

"There are two possibilities for Harry to play." Zhang Xu said, "The first possibility is that Professor McGonagall and their team's IQ has become the same as that of trolls, and the second possibility is that Harry Potter is a genius. The first one is obviously impossible, so the only possibility is the second one."

  The members of the Eagle Academy felt that Zhang Xu made a lot of sense, and they nodded their heads, and then increased their attention to Harry Potter.

   "So Harry is a Quidditch genius?" Zhang Qiu asked Zhang Xu while observing his future opponent.

"I think Harry is very talented in flying." Zhang Xu replied, "Do you remember what Neville and Ron said before? In the first flight class, Harry was first exposed to flying broomsticks. The first time he went to heaven, he was embarrassed by Malfoy, and he caught the glass ball dropped by Malfoy at a height of one foot from the ground, and he straightened the broomstick in time and landed safely. This shows that Harry His flying talent is not low. And he was not punished after being taken away by Professor McGonagall that day. It is very likely that Professor McGonagall saw Harry’s talent and introduced him to the team, and their team has been Harry used it as a secret weapon."

   After listening to Zhang Qiu and the other team members, they felt that what Zhang Xu said was the truth.

   The pitch soon went into a fever pitch, with various regular moves, goals and fouls constantly appearing.

   Listening to the discussion of the professionals on the side, Zhang Xu began to see the way in contrast to the actions of the players on the court.

   Suddenly Zhang Qiu said: "Something is wrong with Harry Potter."

   Zhang Xu looked up, Harry's flying broom turned left and right and shuttled in the air, UU reading www. uukanshu.com shook violently from time to time, just like the bison in the American professional bull riding competition, trying to throw off the rider on his body.

   After a while, the people in the stands all pointed upwards at Harry.

   They saw Harry's flying broomstick began to churn and roll, and Harry could barely support it from falling.

   Suddenly, there was another crazy twist of the flying broomstick, and Harry was thrown off by it. He now grabs the broomstick with only one hand and hangs it in the air.

   Zhang Xu picked up the binoculars and looked at the stands of the Snake Academy, and he found that Quirrell and Snape were both raising their heads and chanting spells at Harry. Then he turned the leader to the stand of the Lions House and saw Hermione next to the huge Hagrid leaving the stand.

   The telescope lens followed Hermione all the way, and after seeing her knocking down Professor Quirrell, she came to Snape's back.

   Then, nothing happened.

   After researching the fire-prevention potion with Zhang Xu, Snape used the potion on his robe. After all, the potion dealers deal with fire all day long, and safety should be the first priority, right?

   Now Snape's robes had to burn himself hard, not to mention Hermione, who was just a little better than other first-year students.

   So Hermione's attempt to distract Snape's attention by setting fire ultimately failed.

   Finally, Harry, who was out of danger, caught the Snitch and ended the game.

   After the game, Zhang Xu, who returned to the castle, received an invitation from Dumbledore from Filch to come to the principal's office.

   In the principal's office, Dumbledore handed a beautiful letter to Zhang Xu.

   "Mr. Zhang, Ms. Olim Maxim, the principal of Boothbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, invites you to visit Boothbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at Christmas."


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