Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 35: Offended the professor, you still want to run?

   On the first day of class, the students were eating breakfast in the cafeteria while looking at their schedule.

   Mrs. Weasley's roaring letter arrived as expected.

   Mrs. Weasley’s lion roar skill, coupled with the power bonus of the roar letter, made the entire Hogwarts dining hall tremble, and even the dust on the ceiling was shaken.

   Zhang Xu complained about the dead end of Hogwarts, and he popped his wand and made a gust of wind to blow the dust out of the door.

   Zhang Xu felt that Harry and Ron deserved it.

   On the way to the cafeteria this morning, Zhang Xu ran into Harry and two of them. Zhang Xu asked Harry why he didn’t let your owl send a letter to notify the school, and Harry and Ron ran away with their faces covered.

   Today’s first class is the Transfiguration class.

   Zhang Xu walked into the classroom tremblingly and hid in the last row of the classroom, but he found that Professor McGonagall's eyes had been fixed on him.

   Zhang Xu knows that Professor McGonagall is an impartial and strict educator who is strict with others and at the same time more strict with herself. She will not retaliate against students who offend her for her own benefit.

   But when Professor McGonagall is temperamental, when someone like her digs for you upright, you still consciously jump in and hurry up.

   The content of today's transfiguration class is more difficult than in the past, or each class of transfiguration is more difficult than the previous one.

  The content of today's course is to turn a beetle into a button.

   Professor McGonagall spoke earnestly from the podium, and Zhang Xu listened earnestly from his seat.

The transfiguration class is the most serious course that Zhang Xu has learned. It is not because the teacher is too afraid to do it, nor is it too difficult to keep up with the progress without being serious, but Zhang Xu has a dream of changing sheep in his heart. .

   The person who travels through the rebirth has some plots from the past life.

   For example, what Zhang Xu plays the most now is the lighting technique. What he likes most in battle is the large fireball with calmness and calmness. The sheep-changing technique is his next goal.

   There are also spells such as Frost Aura, Flame Aura, Chain Lightning and so on.

  Although there are similar spells in this world, how can they be interesting in their own research.

   When it came to the practice session, Zhang Xu took a few minutes to turn the beetle into a round button with four holes in the middle.

   Zhang Xu looked at the button in front of him and turned it into the copper button on his jeans for a moment.

   Then, Zhang Xu once again turned it into a copper button with the Hogwarts school emblem.

   "Being as good as ever, Mr. Zhang."

   At this time, Professor McGonagall's voice thought of Zhang Xu's side.

   Listening to Professor McGonagall’s icy voice, Zhang Xu felt that she had something to say.

   "I think I should make you a little more difficult, try this."

   As soon as Professor McGonagall's voice fell, a small dried fish fell in front of Zhang Xu.

   Zhang Xu's head twitched, thinking that if he eats this little fish, it is an indirect kiss with Professor McGonagall? Then he turned the dried fish in front of him into a button in the shape of HelloKitty.

   Zhang Xu didn't know how to get to the end of Transfiguration get out of class. He found that he was walking farther and farther on a road called death.

   Today’s second class is herbal medicine, with students from the Snake Academy.

   Zhang Xu and his classmates left the castle and walked through the vegetable field to the greenhouse.

   Zhang Xu is very familiar with this road, because he has to prepare some side dishes for the hot pot in the evening, right? The greenhouse that cultivates all kinds of magical plants is a vegetable garden full of curious little wizards.

   "Today to the third greenhouse!" said Professor Sprout with a bandage on his arm.

   After the students came to the third greenhouse, Professor Sprout stood behind a bench in the middle of the greenhouse. There are earmuffs of different colors on the stool.

  Professor Sprout asked the students: "We are going to change the pots of mandela grass today. Now, who can tell me the characteristics of mandela grass?"

   Zhang Xu was the first to raise his hand, he didn't want to miss the chance to score points for the academy.

"Mandrake, also known as mandela root, its root is a powerful restorative and an important part of most antidote. It is often used to restore deformed or cursed people to The original state."

"At the same time, the leaves of mandela grass also have medicinal value. It has a strong hallucinogenic effect. If taken in small amounts, it has a sleeping effect. Soak the leaves of mandela grass for more than half an hour with high spirits. After the medicinal ingredients are soaked, the leaves of mandrake are a very refreshing vegetable, which is suitable for salads or blanching."

"Digging mandela grass is a very dangerous job, because hearing the cry of mandela grass can kill people. Therefore, when digging mandela grass, one way is to plug the ears. Another way is to prevent the mandela from crying. For example, pull out the head of the mandela and cut off the head of the mandela with a knife immediately before it cries, so that it has no head. Mandela grass can't cry anymore."

"After digging it out, there is a difference between the mandela roots who have cried and they have not cried. At the beginning, the heads of the mandela roots that have not been crying are cut off. After peeling off the skin, the flesh is dark and it tastes like A kind of astringency. The meat of the crying Mandela root after peeling off the skin is tender and white. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com tastes no astringency, and it is very refreshing."

  Professor Sprout: (¬_¬)

   Zhang Xu: ( ̄ー ̄)

Professor Sprout: "The answer is perfect, plus 15 points. However, I still want to remind you, Mr. Zhang, herbs are not vegetables. I don’t want you to be because of Mandela Omelet or something. Sent to the St. Mungo Hospital for Magical Injuries."

   Zhang Xu: "I will pay attention, Professor Sprout."

   After Professor Sprout showed the students how to change the pots of Mandela grass, the next stage was the student operation.

  Mandrakes are unwilling to be pulled out of the soil, nor do they want to be stuffed back. They twisted their bodies, kicked their feet, waved their little pointed fists, and gritted their teeth.

   But their IQ is flawed, which can be solved with a little skill.

   When you loosen the soil around the Mandrake, grab the leaf on its head and lift it up, they will drill down by themselves. At this time, as long as you gently press it down, it will think that you are going to shove it into the soil, and it will crawl out on its own.

   The same is true when planting mandela grass into the pot, first stuffing part of the grass roots into the soil, and then pretending to pull out, so that the mandela grass will drill into the soil by itself.

   I don't know who invented this little trick, but those students who often go to the kitchen to eat hot pot at night know it, because there is no fresh mandela root in the kitchen warehouse stock, if you want to eat it, you have to bring it yourself. Had it not been for the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry made a lot of money last year and expanded the greenhouse, otherwise these students would be able to eat half of the herbal medicine lessons to the point where no textbooks are available.

  Professor Sprout saw that many students in both colleges had mastered this technique, and he felt very tired and wanted to retire.


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