Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 46: After-school life at Hogwarts

   There were so many emergencies this semester that Harry was a little overwhelmed. In the three months since the beginning of school, four incidents occurred one after another, and two of them occurred in less than a day yesterday. Just this afternoon, his good friend Hagrid was taken back by the Ministry of Magic to investigate.

  Although the staff of the Ministry of Magic repeatedly assured that this was only a routine investigation, and only conducted routine inquiries in the Ministry, instead of dragging people to feed the dementors, Hagrid, who was psychologically shadowed, still had a certain degree of resistance.

   In the end, Professor McGonagall relayed Dumbledore's certificate to ensure that Hagrid would not be dragged to feed the Dementors, and Hagrid walked with the Ministry of Magic staff with a little relief.

   Looking at the angry three Harry, Zhang Xu disapproved.

  If such a serious incident occurs, the relevant departments will naturally start investigating people with criminal records and the tendency to commit crimes.

   Hagrid carried the same type of case fifty years ago. At that time, he was exempted from criminal punishment only because he was a minor, and he was expelled. But no one knows that he is a man of the back of the pot, so now something has happened. Who should he call if he is not called first?

   In Harry's narration, Zhang Xu learned that Hagrid had left behind the spider.

   And when Harry and the others were leaving Hagrid's hut, they unexpectedly found a large number of spiders walking in a row from the castle to the forbidden forest, which made them think that the answer they needed was in the forbidden forest.

   In order to explore the Forbidden Forest at night, Harry and the others came to Zhang Xu to buy armor.

The speechless Zhang Xu looked at the three bear children who regarded death as an extracurricular activity, and sighed for their heart of death. If it weren’t for the protagonist’s halo, these few little experts at Hogwarts would live in the future. In 1 year, the death was enough for them to receive lunch several times.

   Finally, Zhang Xu sold them two amulets with iron armor curse each. In addition, Zhang Xu took out a brooch with a transparent gem in the middle and handed it to Harry.

   Harry remembered that Zhang Xu also carried this brooch in the ward last night.

"This is a video brooch, I just researched it with Professor Flivy a few days ago. After entering the magic, it can record the picture and sound of the brooch two hours before it like a video recorder. The effect was good after the trial last night, and I sold it to you cheaper Now," Zhang Xu said.

   When Harry paid the money and was about to leave, Zhang Xu said to them again: "If you notice any accident, run quickly. Remember to send a signal when I see it. I will go and support you."

   If you don’t see it, forget it.

   Watching Harry, they walked quietly towards the Forbidden Forest, and Zhang Xu went to wander around.

   There were not many extracurricular activities at Hogwarts originally, but after the school rules were revised this semester, Hogwarts students began to become active.

  The little wizards naturally have the gameplay of the little wizards.

  On the grass by the lake, a group of little wizards who love flying formed a flying club.

   They first found Mrs. Hooch, repaired the broomsticks that were not used in school due to malfunctions and other reasons, and then they all flew on the grass and played together.

   Later, a little wizard from a Muggle family found it meaningless to fly in circles like this, so he made reference to the F1 racing track and equestrian competition, and built a flying broom track by the lake with a few friends.

   There are two-meter-diameter rings on the track. To fly over these rings one by one, the broom must be controlled to make an S-shaped maneuver, spiral upward, vertical dive, and a series of actions such as flying above the water.

   In addition, they also set up a list of results at the end, and the top 20 fastest can be on the list.

   As soon as this gameplay came out, it was immediately welcomed by the little wizards, and there were a large number of little wizards queuing every day.

   There is an outdoor canopy, tables and chairs next to the flying club’s track, which is the site of the gourmet club.

   This was founded by a group of little badgers. Their place of activity was originally in the kitchen, but one day after the house elves accidentally put their lamprey version, looking up at the stars, onto the dining room table, Zhang Xu found them.

Then Zhang Xu advised them on the grounds that "you should not hide in the kitchen for self-entertainment, but should face the teachers and students of the school. The place between the flying track and the ice and snow garden has a lot of people and is most suitable for you". Up the kitchen.

   So the lovers ate snacks next to me, while the single dogs swayed youthful sweat on the flying track to attract the attention of the girls and became a beautiful scenery on the campus.

   The four ice castles originally built by the students of the four academies for snowball fights have now become the bases for several reading exchanges and magic seminars.

   Those reading and exchange meetings were originally organized by a few friends who gathered together to communicate with each other. As a result, friends continued to invite friends into the group, and they all developed into groups of more than ten or twenty people, and large groups of forty or fifty people.

   And the differences between the exchanges began to show up. Some focused on the history of magic, some focused on potions, and the one with the largest number of people focused on Muggle research.

   After Zhang Xu brought a lot of books about the modern society of Muggles, UU read www.uukanshu.com many traditional little wizards had the feeling that they opened the door to the new world, and then Sanguan was caught by the door panel.

   People in school days are the age when they are most able to accept new things.

When artificial satellites, the Apollo moon landing program, nuclear weapons, 800,000 tons of giant oil tankers, Concorde supersonic airliners, a variety of movies and TV shows, etc., which are simply unimaginable in the wizarding world, appear in front of the little wizards. , The three views of many little wizards were shattered.

Just like Zhang Xu’s last life in the 1980s, the Chinese who went abroad again saw the capitalist world. Many people who had received the education of "capitalist society in a deep and fierce society" had shattered the three views, and throughout the 1980s, they became almost universally beautiful. The era of points. As a result, before Zhang Xu crossed the road in the 21st century, after the country began to grow strong, there were still many people who had been kneeling for too long to stand up.

   Zhang Xu, who had a stomach of snacks at the Gourmet Club, was now giving a group of little wizards popular science satellites, and the little wizards were taken aback for a while.

   Halfway through the discussion, a question suddenly popped up in Zhang Xu's mind. Didn't the British magical world import goods such as comfort and protection from the Muggle society? Muggle-born witches are accustomed to using comfortable Muggle products when they come home on holiday, and shouldn't endure medieval-level magic society products anymore. Or the products of the magic world have special spells?

   Zhang Xu didn't dare to think too much, if one day he got his brain pumped to ask the girl this question, he would probably be killed.

   Suddenly, there was a scream and noise outside.

   Zhang Xu rushed to the window and looked out, and found that the fire in the depths of the forbidden forest was blazing into the sky, and a red flare was exploding in the sky.

   Zhang Xu immediately took out his flying broomstick from the treasure bag and flew to the flare.


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