Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 60: Select courses, write reports, and unexpected invitations

  During the Easter holiday, the second-year students have new things to consider. They should choose the third-year course.

Starting this year, in addition to the eight compulsory courses of transfiguration, spells, potions, herbalism, defense against the dark arts, astronomy, history of magic, and mathematics, third-year students will also need to learn from ancient runes. At least two elective courses in the study of literature, protection of magical creatures, divination, arithmetic and divination, and Muggle studies.

   Zhang Xu sat at the desk in the dormitory, carefully studying the course selection table in front of him.

   The study of ancient runes must be chosen, because many ancient European magic books are written in ancient runes. If you want to understand these books, you must first learn this course.

   At the same time, runes are a kind of incantation. When making magic items, you need to engrave or draw runes on the items.

   As for other courses, Zhang Xu was a little bit undecided.

   Fortune-telling and arithmetic divination are two courses he would definitely not choose.

   Instead of studying at Hogwarts, it is better to go back to study with Zhao Lao.

   Zhao’s family is an alchemist family famous for divination. Although Zhao Laokai’s grand move (gǎo) country (shì) was transported by the prophetic foresight as a traverser, he experienced battles for more than ninety years from the Second Opium War to the signing of Panmunjom. Countless, all survived, and have a deep and inseparable relationship with his family.

   If he wants to learn, it will be enough for him to get the knowledge through his fingers.

  And divination is very dependent on talent. People who are not talented can't even tell if they will bring an umbrella when they go out the next day.

   Among the younger generations in Zhao’s hometown, the one with the highest talent and true family biography is working on weather forecasting at the National Meteorological Administration.

   If he were to play fortune-telling, he believed that he could frighten Dumbledore out of a heart attack by pretending to be forced.

   Zhang Xu also didn't want to take the Protecting Magical Creatures course, because this course is a big hole, and the reason is that next year's professor is the super big hole of Hagrid.

Besides, the relationship between Zhang Xu and Hagrid is very poor. During the first school year, the two clashed in the Forbidden Forest. This school year Zhang Xu killed Hagrid’s spider friends and his family was everywhere. It wasn't Dumbledore who was pressing, the two of them might have started fighting.

   Then Zhang Xu's treatment in class might be the same as Harry's treatment in potions class. So he didn't want to choose this course by himself.

   As for the Muggle Studies class, Zhang Xu’s knowledge in this area is undoubtedly able to get rid of the ten Downing Streets of Professor Keridi Bubage.

   Zhang Xu learned from Zhang Qiu that the things taught in the Muggle studies class do not know which world Muggle’s knowledge is. The books are full of prejudice and misunderstanding.

   After some consideration, Zhang Xu finally chose Muggle Studies for his second elective course.

   The reason is very simple. The homework of this course is very simple for him, and he can solve it without any brain.

   After taking classes, Zhang Xu found that there was still some time for the meal, so he wrote a comparison of the combat effectiveness of the students between Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Huaxia School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and used it when he went back to the meeting this summer to make a report.

   Zhang Xu found that if the students of the junior high school stage start their hands, the students of China will suffer. High school students start their hands, and Huaxia students can hang Hogwarts students and beat them. College students... There is no magic university in Europe.

   The reason is that the environment of the magical world of both sides is related.

The magical world of the United Kingdom and other European countries almost stayed in the Middle Ages, and the thoughts still stayed at the stage of tit-for-tat between wizards and Muggles, and due to the imperfection of the legal system, the incidence of vicious cases among wizards was high, so teaching Hogwarts At the beginning, European magic schools consciously added combat content such as the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Coupled with the home teaching of the magic family, students who have just entered the magic school for two or three years will have a certain fighting capacity.

   For example, Draco Malfoy was able to use Oolong to get out of the hole in the second grade.

   In China, alchemists have been living in harmony with ordinary people for thousands of years, and there are no major conflicts between them. In addition to the war years, the alchemist's enemies are often their counterparts, as well as various monsters. At that time, the alchemist had a lot of offensive spells.

After the founding ceremony of the country in 1949, seeing the fulfillment of Zhao Lao’s “five stars out of the East and benefiting China”, the alchemists rolled up their sleeves and worked hard to build the four modernizations with the country, and made drastic decisions in education, magic and other aspects. Reforms.

  On the one hand, magic education has broken the traditional teaching model that was mainly inherited from the family and the sect, and has become a modern school-based education model. The traditional families and sects have transformed into the general existence of scientific research institutes.

   On the other hand, the development direction of spells began to lean towards the development of constructive and practical spells. Therefore, a large number of spells that can solve the problems of materials science and processing technology on the scientific side have been developed.

Coupled with the influence of Zhao Lao’s Zhan (hū) 卜 (yōu), the children of the alchemist family who went abroad to learn advanced technology from Western countries have returned to China. They have knowledge of science and magic, and they have brought the style of the Chinese magic circle more and more biased. .

   After 30 years of accumulation, in the 1980s, the alchemist world began to enter a period of great explosion and great development. Various new spells are emerging in an endless stream, which not only promotes the development of the alchemist world, but also promotes the development of ordinary society.

   This led to the cultivation of Chinese alchemists, not mainly fighting. Only the alchemist students who have just entered high school and university receive one month of limited military training when participating in military training. The combat alchemist is trained by the military after joining the army.

   But this does not mean that the alchemist students in high school have no combat effectiveness. On the contrary, the alchemists of this age cause the most destructive power. The "Into Science" program group spends most of their time in the aftermath.

  First, the magic power that the alchemist of this age learns and masters is large enough, and he has begun to have a certain ability to research and develop spells.

  Secondly, people of this age are most likely to be obsessed with and imitate various novels, movies and TV series on martial arts, fairy tales and even wars and gunfights, as well as various video games.

Third, students of this age are very capable of accepting and learning new things, and living with ordinary people all the year allows them to come into contact with a lot of ordinary people’s wisdom and use it in spells, which leads to their brains all year round. Open wide, the neck is almost briquette.

   Under the comprehensive application of these three, the high school alchemist of China has a variety of tricks and often does not play cards according to the routine.

   For example, Zhang Xu's commonly used lighting technique to confuse his face was actually developed by the student alchemist of China based on the "searchlight" tactics used by Soviet Marshal Zhukov in the battle to conquer Berlin.

Moreover, the spells learned in high school are used in combat, and the destructive power is not weak. Fire spells are as easy to use as burning pill furnaces. Water spells are not difficult to produce high-pressure water guns. Wood spells can make people on the ground. The grass turns into a tentacle, and it is as easy to use for drag racing as it is for strangling the neck. The soil spell makes a big hole and breaks the opponent's leg without pressure, and the deformation spell has various methods to kill people invisible. In addition to the self-defense spells taught during the military training, such as the coma spell, iron armor spell, and petrification spell, the actual use of hands is no less deadly than the bombing of a large-caliber cannonball in a pile.

   also led to the ideological and moral education has always been the top priority in the courses that alchemists received from childhood.

   After receiving the draft analysis report just now, Zhang Xu looked at the course selection table again, and once again decided to choose the two elective courses according to the minimum number, he would not choose any more. The remaining three gates are all pits, you can step on them if you don't step on them, and Zhang Xu's time next year is also very tight.

  Because when the next school year is over, he will return to China to take the high school entrance examination.

   And after the end of this semester, he will return to China to take the junior high school exam.

So in this semester, while thinking about how to deal with basilisks and Horcrux diaries, he was writing examination papers on Chinese, English, mathematics, ideology and politics, history, geography, physics, chemistry, and biology. He wanted to renew his previous knowledge. Pick it up to avoid accidental overturning.

   If the junior high school entrance exam fails, Zhang Xu estimates that he will be teased by the two "comrades" Zhao Lao and Qian Zong for a lifetime. Zhao Lao was born in the Imperial Examination of Yimao Year of Xianfeng in the Qing Dynasty. He was born as a scholar, UU Reading www.uukanshu. The champion of com that year was Weng Tonghe. Mr. Qian received the admission notice from Zhongguancun Comprehensive College of Arts and Science as the provincial college entrance examination champion. With these two school tyrants in front, if Zhang Xu fails his junior high school exam, it will become his black history.

   As for domestic spell learning, it is relatively easy. The three-year spell learning in junior high school is mainly based on foundation, basic theoretical knowledge and mana control, supplemented by basic spells and simple prescriptions.

Now Zhang Xu has completed his self-study of the content of the junior high school. He expects to write the "Five-year High School Entrance Examination and Three-Year Simulation·Spell", "Tianli 38 Sets·Spells", and "Huanggang Kaodian·Herbs" next year. Wait, there will be no problem with the senior high school entrance examination.

   But after the high school stage, the difficulty of spell learning will rise linearly, and in the second year of high school, you will have to choose your own spell development direction.

Think about it in Hogwarts’ fourth to sixth year. You might have to go through the Triwizard Tournament, Dolores Umbridge’s seizure of power, and the Ministry of Magic’s Department of Mystery War, and Dumbledore’s lunch. While waiting for the "story" incident, Zhang Xu had a plan to transfer to Boothbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

   After the Easter holiday, he turned in the course selection form, and Zhang Xu was preparing to write a set of geography test papers in the reading room.

   Just as Zhang Xu just finished writing the multiple-choice questions, an owl flew in front of Zhang Xu.

   Opening the letter brought by Owl, Zhang Xu was surprised to find that it was an invitation letter sent by Dumbledore as the principal of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, inviting Zhang Xu to meet in the principal's office.

   In the past, Dumbledore approached Zhang Xu, usually by asking Filch to bring a message, or using a paper crane to bring a note, but this was the first time such a formal invitation letter.

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