Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Vol 2 Chapter 602: Reunion

The Harry trio watched the fragrant Buddha jumped over the wall outside the iron gate every day in the ice-cold cell, local pot chicken, preserved claypot rice, char-grilled pork belly, steamed pork ribs with black bean sauce, sweet and sour pork loin, fried bacon and enoki mushroom beef rolls ..., recalling the two meals without a trace of oil and water in the morning and evening, they first uttered a weak cry, and then faced the Zhang and Mu who were feasting in front of them, they gradually became numb, and would no longer be numb to it. Struggled in vain.

They numbly copied the school rules, and they could only judge whether it was day or night outside depending on the time when the house elves came to deliver meals.

When the iron door of the cell "creaked" open, the three of them didn't react for a while, thinking that someone was bringing them food.

"The time is up, the three of you come out."

Moody's voice reverberated in the dungeon, and Harry pinched himself to make sure he was not dreaming, then stood up from behind the table and staggered toward the door of the cell.

After stepping out of the cell, Harry turned his head to look at the next door and found that Ron was also turning his head to look at himself.

Moody on the side looked at the three people who were embracing and crying. After a while, he said to them: "Let's go, there is someone waiting for you outside."

The freed Harry trio wiped their tears and walked out of the dungeon.

When Harry and Ron pushed open the dungeon door from inside, Hermione behind them let out a scream.

Immediately after seeing the people waiting for them outside the door, Ron also exclaimed: "Mom!"

Harry squeezed himself hard again, but the pain told him that he was not dreaming. It seemed that he squeezed himself a little hard, tears streaming from his eyes unceasingly.

In the dungeon, Moody sat on the chair where he was protecting Harry and the others these days, took a cigar out of his pocket, and lit it beautifully in the voice of Mrs. Weasley from outside the dungeon. Smoked.

( ̄?o)y━?

After he had eaten Zhang's lamb pot that day, Zhang prepared an extra piece of torture for Harry and the others the next day, and gave him a large box of cigars. From then on, even if Zhang came late, he would not eat those instruments of torture in advance.

Today is the first day of the Christmas holiday. Professor McGonagall Kane released the Harry trio in advance so that they can reunite with their families as soon as possible.

In this way, Moody's job is easier, and he finally has time to install the newly bought prosthetic leg.

On the second day of the fair, Blake and Lupin came to the dungeon, and then Lupin gave him a job, and Blake dragged him to a booth full of hands and feet in the fair.

Black told him that Hogwarts decided to pay him to put on a prosthetic leg that was almost identical to the real leg. And whether or not to change his fake eyes is up to him.

It's just that the custom-made prosthetic leg was made and shipped to the UK last weekend, but he didn't have time to install it.

After smoking a cigar, Mrs. Weasley's babbling outside the dungeon had ceased. Moody's original fake eyes turned to the door, and through the thick stones in the castle, he saw Mrs. Weasley hugging the three young men tightly.

Moody did not disturb their reunion, and took another cigar from his pocket and lighted it.

Today is the day when Hogwarts students go home from vacation. The students left the school after breakfast. Some students take the Hogsmeade train home directly, and some students will be reunited with their families waiting for them in Hogsmeade. They will go home together after doing the last big purchase before Christmas. .

Just as the Harry trio and Mrs. Weasley went to the principal’s office to go to Grimmauld Place 12 through the fireplace there, Gabriel grabbed Zhang Xu’s hand on the central street of Hogsmeade. Hand, and then ran to the Honey Duke candy store.

In the past two years, Gabrielle has grown a lot taller, and similarly, her strength has also grown a lot.

Gabriel's twitching touched the wound on Zhang Xu's hand, and the pain made him grinning behind Gabriel.

During the operation a few days ago, his arm was injured a bit. There is no problem in daily life, but he has to wait a day or two for heal. In the past few days, in order not to worry his family, he has been making excuses to heal his injuries in Hogwarts, and he did not appear until today after the Dracul family came to England.

Since this year’s rare Zhang family are all in the United Kingdom, the Delacours decided to spend this Christmas with the two families in the United Kingdom. By the way, we will discuss the wedding of Zhang Xu and Furong in France next summer. .

This is the scene of Zhang Xu shopping with his sister-in-law in Hog ​​Modri ​​today.

Today’s Honey Duke’s candy store is no longer the bleak look at the beginning of the month. Candy from all over the world fills every inch of the counter and shelf space.

Gabriel, who got the guarantee of buying as much as Zhang Xu wanted, carried the basket in the candy store, and shuttled through the shelves like an elf in the flowers to select her favorite candies.

At this time, the three of Harry got out of the fireplace at No. 12 Grimmauld Place one after another, and Mrs. Weasley came out last.

Against the backdrop of the fireplace, Harry keenly noticed that Mrs. Weasley was a lot thinner than before. But from the usual smile on her face, there was no trace of suffering.

Maybe it was because she didn't want Harry and the others to see it.

"You wait here for a while, and eat something first, I know you are all hungry these days." Mrs. Weasley said to the Harry trio in the restaurant.

"Mom." Ron stood up and stopped his mother, obviously there was something to ask her.

It's just that Mrs. Weasley smiled at him and said, "My dear, what you need most now is to fill your stomach. Let's talk about it later. This holiday is still very long."

At this moment, a bowl of oatmeal, a small piece of cake and a glass of milk flew over and landed on the table in front of each of Harry.

"You guys have something to eat first. After being hungry for so long, you cannot eat too much at once."

Ginny, waving her magic wand, walked out of the kitchen next to the dining room. She knew what kind of life these three had during this time, and knew that their top priority now was to restore their empty stomach.

"Ginny!" Ron yelled. "Hurry up and tell us how did mom come back?"

Ginny walked over to Harry and sat down, next to Harry's shoulder. She sighed and said, "Oh, we don't know either."

"What?" ×3

Faced with the questions of the three people, Ginny said: "Last week, the unconscious mother was sent to Saint Mungo. After a medical doctor's diagnosis, she was only very weak."

"Who rescued her?" Harry asked.

Ginny shook her head, "I don't know, St. Mungorie has no record, and no one has the memory of how his mother was admitted to the hospital. When the medical doctors responded, the mother was already lying in the hospital bed. Later, my father asked the minister. After his father came back, he said that the minister pretended not to know about it."

At this time, Hermione, who had not spoken, asked: "Ginny, is there a Daily Prophet here? From that day to today."

"Yes, wait." After Ginny finished speaking, she used a flying curse to summon a large stack of bundled newspapers. The thick newspapers slammed on the table with a "bang", making the plate of cake on the table. Jumped up.

"These are the newspapers you want." Ginny said to Hermione bitterly. "You cost me a gallon."

Hermione question mark face.jpg

"Kreacher, are you there?" shouted into the air this year.

With a "pop" ~www.readwn.com~ Kreacher appeared in front of Ginny.

Ginny reluctantly took out a gold coin from her pocket and handed it to Kreacher, and said, "Please hand this gold coin to Hogsmeade Zhang Xu's hand."

Kreacher grumbled not knowing what he was talking about, and disappeared with a "pop" after he took the gold coin.


"This morning, he bet with me that you would definitely want to read the newspaper during this period of time, instead of trying to find a way to make up the homework you missed during this period of time." Ginny shrugged and said, "And I I think the first thing you will think of is how to make up for your missing homework."

Then Ginny waved her magic wand again, and after a while, a large pile of tied parchment flew in and landed in the center of the table.

"Here, this is the homework you owe during this time." Ginny pointed to the pile of parchment on the table and said, "Professor McGonagall then I will tell you that it must be turned in after the holiday."

Hermione stopped in her hand holding the newspaper, and then trembled.

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