Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Vol 2 Chapter 605: Azkaban is over

? "Yo, Harry, Ron, Hermione are you out?"

On the way to Percy and their residence Zhangjialou, Harry and his party met Percy and their landlord.

The Harry trio wanted to retaliate against Zhang Xu, but was suppressed by Mrs. Weasley.

"Why are you here?" Harry asked.

"I'll go to Percy and them to collect the rent." Zhang Xu replied, "Isn't it just the time to collect the rent?"

"Mr. Landlord, do you have a habit of spraying four perfumes on your body and then collecting rent?" Percy's teammate James suddenly shouted in surprise after passing by Zhang Xu, "Or you just met at least four people. The lady has been physically entangled?"

Zhang Xu ignored his sorrows, but said indifferently: "Your rent will be doubled starting next year."

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After Percy and the other four had a solid and loving internal education for James, Zhang Xu decided to maintain the original price for next year's rent.

Because now a large number of wizards have come to take refuge in Hogsmeade, the rent here has soared in a short period of time. When Percy first discussed the price with Zhang Xu, the rent here hadn't risen yet, so they picked up a big bargain.

This is one of the reasons why in the summer when Zhang Xu made a big explosion on the roof of the building and harmed his house, Percy and the others would repair the house by themselves without knowing it.

Although their rent was initially offered at a friendly price lower than the market price, even if it doubled twice, it would be a bit lower than the current market price. But helpless Percy took this as a merit to the leadership from the beginning, and their budget for next year has also been approved. If the rent rises like this at this time, people like them can only make up for the shortfall by saving food expenses and other means in the next time.

So, no one can offend the landlord if you offend at this time.

"Then why do you smell so much perfume?" Percy was curious and cautiously asked, "Could it be that you tried it when you went to buy perfume just now?"

(??_??): "I was framed! They actually sprayed magic perfume on me after leaving Gabriel. The smell of these perfumes can't be easily cleaned out. Both washing and cleaning spells are used. They can't help it. It's just that they didn't tell them about Gringotts in advance."

"What happened to Gringotts?" Harry grasped the point wittily.

"You can ask Bill." Zhang Xu didn't say much about it after reminding Harry.

"Why do they spray perfume on you?" At this moment Ron grasped another important point very uninterestingly.

Zhang Xu twitched the corner of his mouth, smiled and patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Ten years from now, you'll know if you try it yourself."

"Ahem, Mr. Landlord, in fact, as long as you rush home now, you won't worry about this." James came over and tried to make some remedies for his impression of the landlord. "Just divide the total time by four. The average time you get is far less than your average time in the past, you know, then their attempt to frame you has failed. If you try to spend too much time waiting for the perfume to dissipate, then they His trickery succeeded."



"What you said makes sense." Zhang Xu clenched his right hand and smashed his left palm. "Just do what you said, and wipe out the fraction of your three-month rent."

Looking at the back of the landlord leaving, James appealed to Percy: "Look, didn't I save a few gold coins for our rent."

Percy squinted at him and said: "The fraction he said, unless otherwise specified, generally refers to copper coins."


Just as the people of Hogsmeade were happily preparing for Christmas, the senior leaders of the Death Eaters fell into a dead silence.

Because they only went to Azkaban to deliver food to the prisoners every few days, they only got news today that Azkaban was captured, the remaining dementors had been destroyed, and all the prisoners in custody had been rescued.

Since the dementors took refuge in Voldemort, the dark wizards in Azkaban have basically come out to follow Voldemort, and the dementors have also started to go to the UK for "hunting."

In the beginning, Scrimgeour sent the Auror to Azkaban to investigate the situation, but there were no other people or dementors except a few prisoners who died of starvation. In addition, the dementors have been served once in a pot, and the scattered ones are still missing. So the North Ministry of Magic believes that Azkaban has been abandoned.

What Scrimgeour and the others did not expect was that after they captured the Ministry of Magic, the Death Eaters reactivated Azkaban. The surviving dementors all returned to Azkaban to accumulate power, and the Death Eaters kept the wizards, Aurors, and even Muggles they had captured there, even after Draco Malfoy made a mistake. Was locked in.

A few months ago, after Voldemort personally arranged the kidnapping of Mrs. Weasley, he took Mrs. Weasley to Azkaban without his knowledge.

In the next operation, a large number of Death Eaters' strongholds were attacked, but Scrimgeour and the others had forgotten the existence of Azkaban, and none of them sent over.

Until the last two days, Azkaban was captured, and prisoners including Mrs. Weasley were sent to St. Mungo’s Hospital.

But Voldemort and the Death Eaters couldn't figure out that, whether it was Azkaban or St. Mungo's Hospital, the rescuers left no clues, as if they didn't exist at all.

The first thing Voldemort and Death Eaters thought was the work of the Ministry of Magic in the north, but this idea was immediately rejected.

Because the best thing for the Death Eaters now is to attack Gringotts tomorrow Christmas Eve, and the North Ministry of Magic's current attention is all on the security and order maintenance of the Hogsmeade Shopping Carnival. One does not want the opponent to block himself when he attacks Gringotts, and the other does not want the opponent to hinder him from making a fortune. So Malfoy and Scrimgeour reached an agreement secretly, and the two sides temporarily truce in a short period of time.

Moreover, the two Ministers of Magic both made an unbreakable oath curse, unless Scrimgeour did not want to live Christmas, then he would just send someone to attack Azkaban~www.readwn.com~ But now Scrimgeour Jie is still alive and well, which shows that there are a lot of people sent by him.

Excluding the possibility of Scrimgeour, then the biggest possibility among the remaining options is Zhang and the others.

The problem is that Zhang and the others have no reason to attack Azkaban while running all the way to the sea at this time. When Ma and Scrimgeour took the oath, they had considered the situation of the other party sending mercenaries and agents. If If Scrimgeour asked them to be mercenaries, he would die.

At this moment, among the Death Eaters who had been silent, one of them spoke.

∫ ̄0 ̄??: "Azkaban is destroyed. The most likely thing is that someone wants to rescue Mrs. Weasley who is being held there."

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