Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Vol 2 Chapter 612: Debut




When the sun's rays completely disappeared from the sky, flakes of snow flew down from the clouds.

Gringotts was closed for get off work, but there were still wizards gathered in front of its gate.

The wizards who were supposed to be reunited with their families to spend this white Christmas in front of the warm fireplace at home are now angrily throwing stones and casting magic at the Gringotts building.

After refusing the two Ministers of Magic's request to supervise Gringott's business in the afternoon, the senior officials of Gringotts can be sure that a huge conspiracy is attacking them. Therefore, Grancher ordered the goblin guards of Gringotts to strengthen the security work of Gringotts, and at the same time, they did some small actions.

After negotiating with the two Ministers of Magic in the afternoon, Grancher and other high-level goblins believed that the incident was caused by the two Ministry of Magic, who had gone crazy because of the war, under the temptation of money. Hundreds of years after the establishment of Gringotts, the Ministry of Magic has never stopped its efforts to control Gringotts. The way the fairies have always dealt with is to set off the table if they don't agree. The fairies' rebellion that has appeared from time to time for hundreds of years is that they are putting pressure on the Ministry of Magic.

Grancher stood behind the office window, looking at the angry wizards in Diagon Alley through the glass window. Because Gringotts has installed a large amount of protection magic, he is not afraid that a wizard's stone or spell can harm him.

"In this case, let's prepare a new goblin rebellion." Granchel said to other senior leaders in Gringotts. "Those wizards have forgotten how the goblin's status in Gringotts came from. That's it."

His decision was quickly supported by other fairies.

The fairies are not afraid that the Ministry of Magic will take action on themselves. The fairies who are messing around will put tremendous pressure on the Ministry. If Gringotts' requirements are not met, the chaotic fairies will amplify the chaos. In order to maintain stability, the Ministry of Magic had to repeatedly compromise with the goblin, and finally admitted the goblin's complete leadership over Gringotts.

Now Grancher regretted it. He had known that he would eventually come to this point, so those assets should not be sold in the morning. Since the Ministry of Magic and them came to Yin, they didn't need to talk about morals and justice, and maintained their credibility on the surface. When the fairy rebellion won, Gringotts said that he had credibility, that is, he really had credibility.

It was because of this kind of confidence that, when the evening was approaching, Grancher gave Gringotts an order to leave work half an hour earlier.

The wizards who were lining up inside and outside Gringotts waiting to withdraw money suddenly became angry. Especially when they were "invited" out of Gringotts by the fairies with a strong attitude, the wizards picked up the wands in their hands and issued a curse of protest to Gringotts.

Grancher was eating dinner behind the desk, and at the same time asked a goblin who was also eating dinner on the side: "Jalou, how is the preparation of the action team sent to burn Knockdown Alley tomorrow morning? ?"

As soon as his voice fell, a curse flew from Diagon Alley and hit the window not far behind him. Under the protection of magic, the window just made a "bang", and after shaking it, there was no response anymore.

"They are all here, and they are resting downstairs." The fairy named Jialu looked gloomy, and his eyes leaked fiercely, which was different from the style of other fairy in Gringotts.

"Very good." Grancher said to Jialu after swallowing the steak in his mouth. "Tomorrow morning, I will burn the Knockout Alley first. If the Ministry of Magic does not compromise, I will burn it again after receiving my order. Corner Alley. At the same time let the wind go. If the Ministry of Magic still does not compromise, you will burn the Saint Mungo Hospital in the afternoon. We need to give the Ministry a little bit of color."

Jialu nodded while cutting the steak and said, "No problem."

In Diagon Alley, Vivian Woodward and Bobby Charlton were sitting at the door of the Madame Morkin gown specialty store not far from Gringotts, eating cold dry food in the cold wind.

After graduating from Hogwarts in 1992, they were fooled by Zhang to work in their own pharmaceutical factory, responsible for participating in the research and development of skin care products. Later, as the exchanges between the magical world of the two countries deepened, several of them, who had just started working a few days ago, were appointed by Professor McGonagall to become the first batch of British wizards to attend university in China. One year of preparatory course and four years of undergraduate degree. After graduating from undergraduate this year, they lived the life of working for Zhang's pharmaceutical factory. But this time their wages have risen a lot, and the part they get after paying off their student loans is still considerable.

This time Zhang’s family pharmaceutical company participated in the Hogsmeade’s New Year’s goods market, so naturally they would not forget to bring them as labor.

On the occasion of Christmas, they also got a holiday home to reunite with their families.

It's just that their news is not well-informed. When they rushed to Gringotts to help the family withdraw the hard money that they had just deposited yesterday, Diagon Alley was already full of wizards who were ready to withdraw money.

Only then did they know that the large-scale run had already started in the morning, and Gringotts’ business hall in Hogsmeade had only insisted on closing for less than an hour early in the morning. Almost all British families sent people. Come to the headquarters to withdraw money.

The two who knew the seriousness of the problem, like many wizards, decided to give up the opportunity to reunite with their families tonight and to withdraw money as soon as they were scheduled. If they were not scheduled, they would occupy the front row and wait for Gringotts to open early in the morning.

However, Gringotts' early departure from get off work completely angered the wizards waiting outside in the wind and snow.

The angry Bobby Charlton picked up a leather shoe on the ground that was not only stepped on by someone else, and threw it at the gate that Gringotts was closing.

This leather shoe that traverses an arc and flies towards Gringotts is like a starting gun. The wizard outside Gringotts picks up everything that can be smashed around and smashes it towards Gringotts. If nothing is smashed, pull out the wand. Smash with a spell.

Tired of hitting, tired of scolding, and now the two of them squeezed out a little bit, and found a place to sit down and eat the dry food they had just bought from a house elf who peddled food everywhere.

Suddenly, a piece of light suddenly appeared above the wizards' heads. The buildings on both sides of Diagon Alley appeared on a movie screen, and the backs of two goblins sitting in chairs and eating appeared on the "screens" on both sides of Diagon Alley.

In the "movie", a well-dressed goblin is talking to the goblin beside him with his back to the audience. He said: "Jia Lu, first burn Knockout Alley tomorrow morning, and then burn Diagon Alley. In the afternoon, you will Go and burn St Mungo's Hospital. We need to give the wizard a little bit of color to see."

Another goblin with his back to the audience nodded and replied: "No problem. They are all here, they are resting downstairs."

Although both fairies turned their backs to the audience when they were speaking, the audience could not see their mouths.

However, the sound in the "movie" and the movements of the two goblins have a very high synchronization rate, and there is no trace of editing and splicing at all.

"Something is going to happen." Bobby, who was the first to calm down, said to Vivian, who was watching the looped video next to him, "Let’s leave now, maybe someone else will fire Gringotts. Burned."

"I think it's too late to leave now." Vivian turned his head and looked in the direction of the Broken Cauldron Bar. "The protagonist tonight is here."

Suddenly, from the two ends of Diagon Alley and in the direction of Turnover Alley, there was a chill that could make the heart stop beating. This chill had nothing to do with the snowflakes flying in the air, because it pointed directly at the human soul.

"It's a halo of fear." Vivian whispered in Bobby's ear.

As the footsteps approached, Bobby nodded. One summer vacation, they were so frightened that they were almost incontinent when they were suddenly attacked by the evil son-in-law with this magic.

In an instant, the entire Diagon Alley fell silent, and in addition to the sound of the cold wind whizzing by, there was also a neat and uniform sound of footsteps in the air.


Where the footsteps sounded, the wizards silently separated to the two sides.

Soon, a group of wizards who were holding magic wands, wearing black robes and black hoods, hiding their faces in the dark, passed in front of them.

In the end, three wizards dressed as if they wanted to blend themselves with the darkness stopped in front of the gate of Gringotts~www.readwn.com~ These wizards who exuded a frightening atmosphere stood neatly and quietly. Go down the steps in front of the gate of Gringa.

They all raised their heads and looked at the gate of Gringa, as if they were waiting for something.

This answer did not make the curious onlookers look forward to it for too long.

A hazy green light suddenly appeared in the air in front of the gate. At first it was just a faint green light and dust. Then they continued to converge and increase, and soon became a light spot like fireflies flying in the night sky, and continued The distance between the ground is getting bigger and bigger and clearer. At the next moment, a green skull logo appeared in the nightmare of countless British wizards appeared in front of the gate.

The surrounding wizards were frightened by the sudden changes and kept backing away, and many timid wizards fled Gringotts directly.

A strong green light flashed, and the Black Demon logo suddenly exploded.

After the dazzling light, Voldemort, wearing a black "The Matrix" Neo-style windbreaker, appeared in front of everyone.

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