Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Vol 2 Chapter 614: The final battle of Gringotts

   A huge shock wave like a tsunami swept across the hall of Gringotts. This sudden change caught the fairies behind the door preparing to resist the wizard's attack. They were photographed on the wall like boats on the shore.


The gate of the Gringa is made of bronze. A metal storm composed of countless bronze shards swept across every inch of the entire hall with a wave of air. The magic of the goblin was in vain under the bronze shards that contained chaotic magic. The ceiling, walls and goblins Our bodies are filled with countless pieces of broken copper.


   A lucky fairy was not hit by the debris under the cover of the body of the companion in front of him, but was thrown up by the shock wave and hit Qiang, and then fainted.


   When the black-robed wizards were about to come to the second silver gate, the goblin staggered up from the ground. When he saw the enemy approaching him, he touched a silver long sword beside him, and then slashed at the black-robed wizard running in the front.


   Fairy magic is a unique magic used by fairies. It forms a system in addition to the magic of wizards, and this kind of magic has the potential to be guided by a wand. Because the wizard has always refused to let the goblin have the right to use the magic wand, the angry goblin has embarked on the road of forging artifacts. The items made by the fairies using pure silver forging and using fairies magic have characteristics that a wizard can't imitate. For example, the Great Sword of Gryffindor can absorb the venom of the basilisk for strengthening. Dumbledore once gave Hagrid a helmet known as "indestructible" as a gift to befriend giants, as well as exquisite armor that is resistant to magic. The weapons made by these fairies themselves are one of their confidence in resisting wizards.


   A silver light flashed, and the silver sword in the fairy hand drew towards the opponent's knee.


   Seeing that the silver sword was about to hit the opponent, there was a trace of joy in the goblin's bloodshot eyes because of anger and fear.


   If the opponent is struck by this sword, even Saint Mungo's Hospital will not be able to stop the bleeding from his wound.


   Just because of the height, the fairy didn't see the jokes in the sky above him looking at him.


   There was a "boom", followed by a crisp "click". The goblin was firmly embedded in the ceiling like a slapped mosquito, and the long sword in his hand fell.


   Under the cover of the hood, the wizard next to him did not see that the wizard who almost hit a sword in the knee was admiring the corpse of the fairy squashed on the ceiling with his eyes of art.


   Gringe's first line of defense broke through, and all the fairies who planned to delay time were killed in battle, and none of the black-robed wizards suffered casualties. At this time, the Dark Lord outside the door was bewitching the onlookers to come forward.


   Several black-clothed wizards stepped forward and began to crack the protective magic on the second silver gate in Gringotts.


   At the same time, in Buckingham Palace, about four kilometers west of Gringotts, Zhang started to attack the West Coast halibut fillet with lobster mousse on the plate in front of him.


   He just took his first bite and was feeling the fresh but not greasy taste of West Coast Halibut, a sound rang in his ear.


   Professor McGonagall sitting next to Zhang Xu keenly noticed that Zhang and Scrimgeour sitting on both sides of him nodded almost at the same time, and the big guys seemed to be communicating something.


   Seeing that Professor McGonagall was looking at him with doubts, Zhang Xu smiled and shook his head, and then continued to wipe out the appetizers in front of him.


   Just as Zhang finished eating the appetizer, the silver gate in the Gringa suddenly collapsed.


As the magic on the gate was too difficult to crack, the black-robed wizard outside the gate and the wizards who followed behind simply exploded the stone at the junction of the wall and the door frame with various magic, and in a short period of time, it was abrupt. A door was chiseled out of the wall.


   Several black figures flew into the business hall behind the gate. Almost the moment they entered the business hall, these figures were immediately covered by an explosion.


   Although the Ministry of Magic has statutory regulations for hundreds of years not to allow fairies to hold magic wands, it is not difficult for the wealthy Gringotts to secretly obtain some magic wands.


   A head flew to the feet of the goblin hiding behind the counter. The goblin thought it was the head of an intruder, but after seeing it clearly, he was so frightened that the wand in his hand almost fell to the ground.


   While the wizard outside the door opened the door, he connected head and toe with the corpse of the fairy on the ground, put on the clothes transformed by the transformation technique, and threw it into the business hall as bait.


   The fairies who lost their first hand were quickly attacked by magic from outside the doorway.


Unlike the fairies who have not experienced battles for hundreds of years, the black-robed wizards at the beginning have all experienced the baptism of siege and suppression of Hogsmeade and Hogwarts, the ambush of Mrs. Weasley, and the battle for taxes. Experienced and technically better than the fairies.


   While the wizards cracked the silver gate, the fairies were ready to meet the enemy.


   Originally, the fairies wishfully thought (for them) that the tall counter would become an existence that obstructed the wizard's sight.


   Most of them are hidden behind the counters on both sides of the business hall. Only a few goblins with magic wands attract the wizard's attention by the door. When the wizards are attracted by them, they ran to the depths of the business hall.


   When the wizards were lured into the enemy's depth, they appeared from their hiding places and attacked the wizards from the side and back.


   However, the wizards who are also familiar with the environment here did not give the fairies a chance to ambush.


   If the ambush is seen through and counter-encircled, not only will it fail to achieve the desired goal, but it will pay a heavier price.


   The wizards first gave a "curse preparation" to the "bunkers" in the business hall. From the Lihuo Curse to the enhanced version of Shenfeng Shadowless Power, the curse swept across the counters on both sides like a storm. The sturdy counters could not last long under the curse rain, they were quickly beaten to pieces, and then blown to pieces.


  The goblins hiding behind the counter near the door didn't expect that their ambush not only didn't work~www.readwn.com~, they threw themselves under the enemy's wand instead.


   is different from the unlucky ghost who was selected as cannon fodder to delay the wizard's actions by drawing lots at first, the main goblin equipment here is obviously more sophisticated. Unlike the cannon fodder of the fairies who only held a long sword, they put on armor and helmets that fit their body.


   When Voldemort still had a nose, his boss wanted to use 500 gallons to buy a pair of armor made by a goblin, but the other side ignored him and instead picked up the young and handsome Voldemort.


   Judging from the current situation of the fairies, the armor they made is worthy of such a high price. Under the protection of the armor, many goblins were only slightly injured in the first round of the spell rain, but they still survived.


   The elves saw that their ambush attempts had failed, so they ran out from behind the counter and started a frontal confrontation with the wizards.


   At this time, Zhang, who was four kilometers away, was cutting off a piece of Balmoral roast venison with a knife in his hands. He was full of praise for the tender venison. On the table, there are also Madeira soft cakes, truffle sauce, braised red cabbage, roasted potatoes, roasted walnuts, lemon dark chocolate and fruit desserts waiting for him.

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