Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

: "Hogwarts Ravenclaw student Zhang Xu, acting professor Zhang...

This reporter asked: The London Ministry of Magic announced that Zhang Xu, the acting professor of the Hogwarts Muggle Studies Course, was shot dead in the Peak District National Park this morning. What is your comment on this?

Zhang Xu said, I have taken note of the above announcement and believe that this is an important event and positive development in the international fight against terrorism.

Zhang Xu said that terrorism is the public enemy of the international community. He himself is also a victim of terrorism. He has always opposed all forms of terrorism and has actively participated in the international fight against terrorism. He advocated that the international community should further strengthen cooperation to jointly combat terrorism. He believes that counter-terrorism should address both symptoms and root causes, and strive to eliminate the breeding ground for terrorism.

Zhang Xu said that the UK is at the forefront of the international fight against terrorism. The British government's determination to fight terrorism is firm, and its anti-terrorism actions are strong. The United Kingdom has made important contributions to the fight against terrorism.

Zhang Xu said that he will continue to firmly support the British side in formulating and implementing counter-terrorism strategies based on its own national conditions and is willing to work with all countries in the world, including the United Kingdom, to jointly maintain global peace and tranquility.


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