Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Vol 2 Chapter 645: Hogsmeade's fourth anti-encirclement and suppression campaign (1)

While Brian Braddock and the others were attacked, more than half of the Auror headquarters on the entire British Island were attacked at almost the same time.

In the Auror Command Headquarters in Hogsmeade, the British map on the wall was almost red. Rows of staff sitting below are calling each branch through the communicator to learn about the situation. However, there are few places where the reply is safe and sound. More places are asking for help from the headquarters. A few places are no longer reachable, and some places are talking. Halfway through speaking, there was a sound of fighting.

Scrimgeour sat behind his desk, listening to the staff report with a calm face.

Now the situation is starting to become clear. This Voldemort's sneak attack targeted the Auror headquarters in various regions.

After the war began, the North Ministry of Magic began to rely on the national joint defense system to set up the headquarters—region—county—regional four-level Auror headquarters in the country according to the British administrative districts.

On this basis, these Auror Commands cooperated with the local police, military, and volunteers among wizard residents to carry out operations against scattered Death Eaters.

This deployment reduced the Auror's practice strength to the grassroots by sinking the Auror that was originally gathered in the Ministry of Magic, and concentrated the previous attention to the grassroots actions, and carried out the maintenance and management of public security from the grassroots.

In the six months of war, this unprecedented system of the British magic society has been well implemented and achieved remarkable results. The cumbersome alarms for the Ministry of Magic Auror and the slow response speed of the Auror have been realized. Great improvement.

In the previous few months, as long as the Death Eaters were found on the streets where the wizards lived, they would be reported by the local wizards as soon as possible, and then the Aurors who rushed over took the food with the help of local volunteers. The dead are repulsed or captured.

Although the scale of these battles all over the UK was very small, the effects received were significant. Law and order improved, the approval rate of the North Ministry of Magic began to rise, more and more volunteers joined the ranks of fighting against the Death Eaters, and the number of Aurors injured and sacrificed in the operation began to drastically decrease.

Especially after the nationwide battle in early January, the Death Eaters were caught in the vast ocean of the People's War of the British wizards.

Scrimgeour had long anticipated that the mysterious man would attack this Auror system. Earlier, the Ministry of Magic had also taken relevant precautions, and every Auror headquarters had been hidden by magic.

Just judging from the current situation, it seems that the mysterious people have a large amount of information about the location of the Auror Command.

At this moment Scrimgeour was thinking about the next step. The main goal of the mysterious man was to play the trick of adjusting the tiger away from the mountain again, or to destroy the entire Auror command system.

After a while, Scrimgeour began to give orders.

"After ordering the Auror of Northern Ireland to retain a minimum number of personnel, all personnel support England."

"Longbottom, you arrange some people to support Scotland and Wales."

"Temporarily abandon all regional Auror headquarters, and all Aurors will concentrate on county-level headquarters. The goal of the action is to preserve as much energy as possible."

"Contact the Muggle government and ask them to help protect the headquarters of each county."

"Cedric, mobilize volunteers in an all-round way and let them assist in the breakout of the resistance headquarters."

"Order all counties to collect information on Death Eaters in their subordinate areas through households, and then organize capable and reliable volunteers based on the actual situation to concentrate their forces to eliminate the small number of Death Eaters."

"Hogsmeade also organized volunteers to carry out security work together to prevent the Death Eaters from attacking."

"Notify Hogwarts to take precautions."

At the end, Scrimgeour's heart moved, and then he added the last command.

"Finally, Aurors and volunteers at all levels are ordered, if they lose contact with Hogsmeade, they can take any action on the premise of preserving vitality, but they cannot support Hogsmeade."

Orders were issued, and almost all the wizards in Britain began to take action.

In Chelmsford, Brian Braddock saw the Death Eaters and colleagues in a stalemate. Hidden in the shadows, he raised his wand and pointed it at the Death Eater who was giving orders to circumvent his men, "fainted!"

The Death Eater who looked like a commander was hit by a coma spell behind his back and fell down. The Death Eaters team fell into a brief chaos. Some of the Death Eaters who had just received the roundabout order wanted to continue the order just now. Some wanted to turn around and attack Braddock, and the other Death Eaters did the same, not knowing whether to continue attacking the enemy in front or behind.

In the Auror Headquarters, the captain in charge of this place, Joseph Chapman, saw the chaos of the Death Eaters, and immediately led his men to launch a counterattack.

However, the Aurors soon suffered from Braddock's immaturity. Braddock, who fought in a disadvantaged situation for the first time, still couldn't get rid of his bookish spirit, thinking that just like the last downwind, he could solve the opponent with a coma spell.

The Death Eater, who was stunned by the Stunning Curse, was quickly awakened by the companion on the side. When he woke up, he immediately ordered two people to deal with the enemies that appeared behind him, and the others joined him to block the Aurors back.

The Death Eaters here did not have an overwhelming advantage over the Auror. They only had a slight advantage. They could only suppress the Auror and prevent them from escaping, and then waited for reinforcements from the Death Eaters elsewhere.

A wall of fire passed by, and Braddock, who was hiding in the shadow, was forced out of his body.

A Death Eater shot a spell at Braddock, which was quickly blocked by him, but he couldn't stop the spell shot by another Death Eater.

Fortunately, when the curse flew 10 inches away from him, the armor curse vest played its role. After a burst of white light flashed, the curse was bounced onto a large tree beside a bypass, punching a large transparent hole in the trunk.

Braddock, facing a joint attack by two Death Eaters, was suddenly in crisis. After three evil spells in a hurry, the iron curse vest on his body would be invalid, if it weren't for his iron armor amulet , His grave will grow taller today next year.

At this time, a sound of footsteps came from a distance, and then Braddock heard two familiar sounds.

"Torn apart!"

"Thunderbolt exploded!"

Two spells flew towards the Death Eaters who were attacking Braddock~www.readwn.com~ The iron armor curse on the two Death Eaters blocked the two spells, but they were soon flown afterwards. Several curses came knocked to the ground.

Brian Braddock turned his head and found that his brother James Braddock and twin sister Elizabeth Braddock were the first to cast the spell. Behind them were his girlfriend Megan and Neighbors Kelsey Leigh, Adolph Costa, Giles Weir, Barry Bullock, Barton Burdock, Billy Lanson and others.

"Why are you here?" Brian asked his girlfriend next to him after blocking a spell.

"Armor!" Megan said after putting an iron armor curse on Brian. "We know you need help, so we are here."

The fighting power of the volunteers who came to the reinforcements exceeded the expectations of the Death Eaters. The Death Eaters tried to block the Auror in the headquarters and waited for the reinforcements to fail.

The Aurors took the opportunity to launch a counterattack again, and it was the Death Eaters' turn to fall in the wind.

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