Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Vol 2 Chapter 659: Talking and laughing Zhang

"Mr. Zhang, what is your daily life like?"

In the talk show, Catherine was a guest host. As there was no time to prepare the interview draft, she and Zhang Xu started chatting from the wizard's normal life at the beginning.

Taking advantage of this time, the BBC staff were preparing nervously in the background.

"Our life is actually not much different from ordinary people." Zhang Xu said, "We also have three meals, afternoon tea time, and a drink in the bar at night when we have the opportunity."

Then, in the host's exclamation, Zhang Xu took out a thick and big photo album.

Then he pulled out a photo, and Catherine, who saw the gif photo for the first time, was stunned again.

"This is my fiancee Fleur Delacour making croissants." Zhang Xu said.

At this time, the photographer gave a close-up of the photo, and the hibiscus, who was using a magic wand to roll the dough into a horn shape, appeared in front of countless TV viewers. Thousands of miles away, Furong, who was watching TV with her classmates, was teased by friends.

"You have a very beautiful fiancee." Catherine exclaimed.

"Thank you." Zhang Xu said with a smile, and then he took out a few more pictures of him and Furong.

"This is a photo of us cooking together."

"This is us riding a flying broom together."

"This is a photo of us playing with Furong's sister on a slide made of snow in the garden."

"This is a feast of local reindeer meat when we are traveling in Finland."

"This is when we were eating seafood while traveling in the South China Sea."

"This is a photo of us with a local girl during our trip to Okinawa."

Zhang Xu unscrupulously introduced in front of countless TV viewers his food, clothing, housing, food and entertainment when he and Furong were together.

These topics that are close to reality, close to life, and close to the masses are more attractive to ordinary audiences than the dry analysis and comments of experts and scholars on other TV stations.

"Our daily life is not much different in many places except that sometimes we can use magic to be a little more convenient than ordinary people." Zhang Xu said. "And some things can be done with magic, and so can technology."

At this moment, Zhang Xu suddenly had a thought, and at the same time, a strange arc of the corner of his mouth bends.

The audience just thought he laughed like this, but at Hogwarts, many students who saw this scene suddenly got shocked.

I saw a close-up of the new photo taken by Zhang Xu by the photographer. There was a young girl washing dishes in the kitchen with magic.

"The dishwasher is not behind the curse of washing dishes." Zhang Xu said, "At least the dishwasher only needs to be able to press the switch, so there is no need to learn too much."

Not to mention Petunia, who cried after seeing the photo from thousands of miles away, the students in Hogwarts watched in surprise at Ron and Neville suddenly pressing Harry on the chair.

Also in America, Mullie noticed that Draco's face sitting next to her suddenly turned black.

"Another beautiful lady, who is she?" Catherine asked.

"She is a friend from the United States. She came to Britain to attend a relative's wedding last summer and served as a bridesmaid." Zhang Xu replied.

"How's your wedding like?" Catherine asked excitedly. If this question can be posed, it would be a big news.

At this time, Zhang Xu wanted to hit someone. What do you mean by "you" as a group of wizards.

However, Zhang Xu did not have the video of the Weasley wedding in his hand, so he could only spread his hands. "Sorry, this international wedding must be approved by the parties before it can be shown to everyone. I can contact you later."

In the directing room, the boss of bbc jumped up from his chair and said, "In ten minutes, the commercial will be interrupted and Mr. Zhang will contact his friends. Tell them that we are willing to pay any price!"

Facts have proved that the boss of BBC is very visionary and Zhang is also very cooperative. After a phone call, Bill and Charlie both agreed to BBC's request.

Bill also sent video crystals of the wedding through Apparition. When the boss of BBC invited him to attend the talk show, he refused, but he left his contact information, indicating that he could work together in the future.

Before long, a 3D projection of the wedding attended by wizards from many countries appeared in the studio.

At this point, one of the bridesmaids in Hogwarts had given up struggling, and he began to take out his wand and take care of it carefully.

In an hour, the wizard’s daily life was over, and the next highlight has just begun.

The experts invited by bbc rushed to the bbc headquarters one after another, so BBC asked the experts to come to the stage according to the time when they were present to start a dialogue with Zhang Xu.

The political expert was originally in London, if it weren't for the traffic jam, he would have arrived long ago. And this expert is no one else, but Bernard Woolley, the former secretary of the prime minister who met with Zhang Xu.

"Mr. Zhang, how do you think the British Zhèng Fǔ and the wizard's Zhèng Fǔ should coexist? Should the wizard's Ministry of Magic obey the management of the cabinet?"

As soon as Woolley came up, he raised a question that pointed to the core. This question was also what many people were worried about after listening to Percy's speech and learning about the existence of the Ministry of Magic.

But this can't be troublesome to Zhang Xu, he himself is a politically qualified guy, and Scrimgeour has consulted him on this issue before.

Zhang Xu didn’t say other empty words. He said: “Different countries have different political systems. I don’t think there is much discussion on this point. When facing the new situation, I think everyone might as well be conservative at the beginning. After the two sides have further exchanges and communication, they can carry out effective and mutually beneficial reforms. Therefore, my personal suggestion is to proceed on the basis of'one country, two systems, wizards governing witches, a high degree of autonomy, and unchanged for 50 years' reform."

Woolley's face was unsightly. When Margaret Thatcher went to negotiate, he was still working at No.10 Downing Street, so he naturally knew where Zhang Xu's words came from.

Then Zhang Xu explained the content of this policy carefully to him. //See Chapter 636 for details

Woolley thought about it roughly, and found that there was nothing wrong with what Zhang Xu had said. Many political creatures in the world are also watching Zhang Xu in front of the TV. At first, they thought Zhang Xu was taking the opportunity to take the British face. However, after Zhang Xu explained, they also found that this is indeed a safe one. Candidates.

Then Woolley asked again: "Then do you think wizards and ordinary people can get along friendly?"

Zhang Xu smiled, your granddaughter Margaret is a little wizard, you know this problem yourself.

"In the UK alone, many wizards and ordinary people have become couples." Zhang Xu said, "Of course, there are also some families who have a series of misunderstandings that have caused tension between the two because of the poor communication between the two parties. , And then completed the family tragedy. However, I believe that as long as everyone stands in the sun and speaks openly and clearly, everyone will find that it is a wonderful thing for wizards to get along with ordinary people."

"On the social level, wizards and ordinary people are actually dependent on each other."

Then Zhang Xu introduced to Woolley and the audience in front of the TV the concept of a "community with a shared future for mankind" formed by wizards and ordinary people. //See chapters 422 and 423 for details.

After chatting with Woolley for almost an hour, the expert on the BBC side changed, and the next one was a senior doctor Tom Knight.

"The pharmacy in the magical world and the treatment in the scientific world are not in conflict." Zhang Xu introduced to Knight. "My family itself started out by planting medicinal materials and making medicaments, but we do not reject modern technology and pharmaceutical equipment. Method. We at Umbrella have always been committed to using science and magic to protect your family at the same time."

"Is it Umbrella who produced the blue pill that can turn't' into't'?" Knight asked cautiously. As a doctor, he naturally knew this dark horse in the pharmaceutical industry.

"That's right." Zhang Xu took the opportunity to advertise his family.'t pill' is a purely scientific product. The combination of science and magic'g pill' works better. It's just because of some laws and regulations, there is no one in the UK. Available in general pharmacies. "

"Then what are the advantages of the potions in the wizarding world?" Knight ignored Zhang's advertising behavior, "Can ordinary people take these potions? How safe are they?"

"Of course ordinary people can use it." Zhang Xu replied, "In the field of trauma, magic potions are effective."

Then Zhang Xu learned how to do street art. In front of the TV audience and the exclamation of Catherine and Knight beside him, he made a **** cut on the back of his hand with an unpoisoned knife. Then he took out a bottle of hemostatic and healing medicine and poured it on. Soon, the hole in the back of his hand healed completely.

After seeing this scene, Knight's eyes brightened, and he naturally knew the value of this medicine.

He picked up the knife Zhang Xu used just now, gritted his teeth and slashed on the back of his hand, then took the half bottle of potion and poured it on top.

The effect was unexpectedly good.

Zhang Xu smiled, and after pointing the Umbrella logo on the medicine bottle at the camera, he used a spell to clean up the blood and the dripping potion. Then he laid out several commonly used medicines and gave them all to Knight after introducing them.

It can be expected that Umbrella's stock price will meet its daily limit for several days after the stock market opens next Monday.

After taking a break and freeing up the memory during the half-hour advertising time, Zhang Xu ushered in a rather heavy topic~www.readwn.com~On Wednesday, the content of the Conservative Party's question to Prime Minister Blair was true. "Zhang Xu said in a low voice, "In the past few years, there has been a war in the magical world of Britain. "

"A Hitler-like figure appeared in the dark wizards of Britain. He preached extreme racism in an attempt to accomplish Hitler's unfinished business."

"For more than 20 years, countless wizards have fought arduously with him and his party members."

"Last summer, Albus Dumbledore unfortunately fell into this war."

"Is that Dumbledore?" Catherine asked in surprise.

Zhang Xu nodded silently, and then he continued: "However, under the leadership of Her Majesty the Queen, former Prime Minister Huck and current Prime Minister Blair, there are countless Royal Navy, Royal Air Force fighters, Royal Jǐngcha and Aurors of the Ministry of Magic. With the joint efforts of these wizards, the terrorists among these wizards have been hit hard."

"Although Hogsmeade suffered a huge blow not long ago, causing heavy casualties. But I believe that under the leadership of Her Majesty the Queen, the iron fist of Great Britain will eventually crush all evil into dust."

In the next few hours, experts in other fields who came successively fought with Zhang Xu. In the questions and answers of various issues that the masses and the people are concerned about, the world of wizards opened up to ordinary people. A corner.

At this time, there were other TV station bosses in front of the TV. What they thought at this time was that BBC was really gone.

It is not difficult to find a wizard on TV. The problem is that it is very difficult to find a wizard who can talk and laugh with a group of experts on the show.

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