Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 71: Another school year is over

   In the Hogwarts auditorium, there are hundreds of large bear skin carpets stitched with black bear skins, and seventy or eighty large bowls of wild lard oil lamps are floating in the air, shining with dazzling light.

  The tables on the professors' bench in the auditorium were all removed, and Harry Potter was sitting on a large rough chair in the middle with a tiger skin on it. On the wall behind him, there is a large mountain hanging on the mountain, and a lion representing Gryffindor is painted on the mountain, looking down down the mountain fiercely.

   On both sides of Harry Potter, four people on each side, sitting on eight large wooden piers.

They are Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Colin Crevey and Lu Bob Hagrid.

   This is the Eight King Kong entangled by Harry Potter.

   At this time, Dean Thomas ran in, stood still in front of Harry Potter and said, "My God, the army of the Dark Lord has come outside Hogwarts."

   Then, Zhang Xu woke up from his sleep.

   At the celebration banquet yesterday, Zhang Xu drank some fragments. I don’t know who carried it back to the dormitory. And also had a messy dream all night.

   After the celebration feast, there is the final exam.

   This year’s final exam has a different meaning than in previous years.

This year, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry cooperated with China’s Ministry of Education. A total of 140 students from the four colleges and seven grades of the final exam will be invited to China for a two-week exchange visit (Zhang Xu is not included in the ranking).

   This is a sensational event in the British magical world, and the "Daily Prophet" reported on it for a week.

   This is the first time that the British magic circles have reported on the Chinese magic circles since Zhang Xu came to study abroad.

   Many students are eager to try. They have been attracted by the books Zhang Xu has brought and Zhang Xu himself in the past two years. Many people want to visit China to see what it is like to train a little wizard like Zhang Xu.

   Just in the newspaper that reported the matter in the Daily Prophet the day before, another report about Boothbarton’s School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was also invited but not much British wizards paid attention.

   And since this year, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry can recommend students who graduate within three years to study at China University of Witchcraft and Wizardry for further study. There is no mention in the media about this matter. Only Hogwarts insiders know about it.

   Boothbatten School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is the same.

   The final exam of this school year ended with the enthusiasm of the students.

   After the results came out, the Harry trio all ranked in the top five. Of course, Hermione took first place, and Harry Potter, who had been trained for another year by Grandpa Gandalf in his glasses, rushed to second place. Ron, influenced by two schoolmaster friends, made great progress this year. The fourth place, and the fifth place is a dark horse that no one thought of-Neville Longbottom.

   Neville, who was taught and encouraged by his parents, was not active at all this year. He spent the whole school year making a fortune, but at the end of the semester, he stopped talking and was a blockbuster.

   At the Snake Yard, Draco Malfoy was also in the top five in his grade.

   At the final banquet, there was still a reward for meritorious deeds.

   All members of the "Hogwarts Defenders" team received the "Hogwarts Defenders" medal personally awarded by Dumbledore.

   Harry Potter, who pierced the basilisk with a sword, was the first to accept the award, followed by Zhang Xu, who captured Lockhart alive, and the third group was the five squad members.

   The style of this year’s "Hogwarts Defender" medal is different from last year. In the center is the Hogwarts school badge, surrounded by a circle of "Glory for the Hogwarts!".

   Finally, relying on Harry Potter's huge amount of college points for grabbing the snakehead, the Lion Academy won first place again.

   The semester is over, and the students take the train home one after another. The deans of the four colleges, as the leaders of the exchange visit to China, followed the train to London first to prepare. The students on the shortlist went home first, then gathered in London three days later, and then flew to China by plane.

   And Zhang Xu is taking the plane back tonight.

  On the train, Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, Professor Sprout and Professor Snape asked Zhang Xushang some details about China.

   In order to make this exchange visit, Zhang Xu also worked hard.

   The most important thing is the student's clothing problem.

   If Hogwarts students wear long gowns in China in June and July, they will definitely get a lot of heat stroke. And many students from the wizarding family have a miserable taste in dressing. So Zhang Xu simply found a good clothing store in London and bought a British school uniform for all the students. Anyway, Dumbledore can be reimbursed, so Zhang Xu ordered an expensive set.

   In addition to the four deans’ costumes, the point is that Snape dressed like a bat all day long. He must change.

On the day before the final banquet, Zhang Xu whispered to Dumbledore in Dumbledore’s office for a long time. The next day Dumbledore asked Snape to take Zhang Xu to London with the Apparition to buy student clothing. .

   After arriving in London, Zhang Xu took Snape to a high-end male image design center with a smirk on his face.

   Under Zhang Xu's command of Dumbledore, Snape let the staff in the image design center toss with a gloomy expression.

   After changing his hairstyle and changing clothes, Snape was like a different person.

Snape, who looks nine points similar to the famous British actor Alan Rickman, with a haughty and slightly cold expression, instantly attracted the attention of several girls in the image design center, including two girls. He even took the initiative to stuff a small note with his phone number into his hand.

  The enthusiastic behavior of the girls made Snape very embarrassed for Lily, who had been like a jade for more than ten years. And Snape's slightly shy expression in embarrassment made the girls shine even more.

   In the end Snape flees and leaves the image design center.

   Along the way, Snape's eyes looked at Zhang Xu, colder than when he looked at Harry.

   That night, a brand-new image of Snape made a stunning appearance at the final banquet. The expressions of the entire Hogwarts students were (⊙o⊙).

   The train arrived soon, and parents gathered outside the train station to welcome their children home.

   Harry Potter walked to Uncle Vernon’s car.

   Uncle Vernon glared at Harry with an angry look, because Harry's owl and cage were hanging in front of his luggage cart.

Behind Uncle Vernon stood Harry’s Aunt Petunia and Dudley’s cousin. They showed a panic and looked at the weird people who appeared from time to time around ~ www.readwn.com ~ Ha, who were putting their luggage in the trunk of the car. Lee, suddenly heard a scream of "Ah!" from Aunt Petunia.

   Harry turned his head and found Aunt Petunia looking forward in panic.

   Harry followed Aunt Petunia's gaze and found that Professor McGonagall and Snape and several other professors were walking out of the platform. At this time, Professor McGonagall and they also found Harry.

   In Harry's surprised gaze, Snape walked over to the Dursleys.

   Not far away, Zhang Xu entered a state of strong onlookers, and at the same time stopped Mr. Weasley who wanted to go up to say hello. And the Weasley brothers and sisters who were watching together, entered a state of bewilderment.

  As Snape approached, Uncle Vernon stopped in front of Aunt Petunia.

   Snape ignored Uncle Vernon and greeted Aunt Petunia blankly: "It's been a long time, Petunia."

   Then, Harry Potter, with a bewildered look, saw that his Aunt Petunia also greeted Snape.

"Hello, Severus. This is my husband Vernon Dursley, and my son Dudley." In front of Snape, Aunt Petunia felt a little scared, but still kept the most basic Courtesy.

Then, Aunt Petunia pulled Harry Potter down beside her in a bewildered state, "This is Harry Potter, Lily's son. He is like you and Lily, but also... witch ... Wizard, went to that school too."

   Snape nodded, expressing his understanding.

   "Harry," Aunt Petunia turned her head and said to Harry Potter, who was constantly bewildered. "This is Mr. Severus Snape, your mother's former good friend."

   Harry Potter: Σ(°△°|||)︴

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