Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

: Volume 74, see me 72 changes

   When the little wizards from Europe were visiting schools in the capital and revisiting the Three Views, Zhang Xu followed Mr. Zhao to Rongcheng.

   After Zhao Lao asked Zhang Xu to have a meal, the two came to the Giant Panda Breeding Research Base.

   The Giant Panda Breeding Research Base is lined with trees, and I don’t feel the heat at noon this summer.

   Two people, one old and one young, came along a quiet path to a lawn deep in the research base.

   There is a pavilion in the middle of the lawn. This is a place for the staff of the research base to rest.

  As a research base for the breeding of giant pandas, in the place with the highest density of pandas in the world, one or two giant pandas are not in the panda house. It should be normal to run outside and sit in the pavilion.

   But the style of the giant panda in the pavilion is obviously different from other giant pandas.

   I saw this giant panda holding a cigarette in his left paw and holding a "Weapon Knowledge" magazine in his right paw. He read it with gusto, and took a puff of smoke from time to time. There is also a tea set on the stone table of the pavilion, and a tea cup is also placed on the table in front of the panda.

   Zhao Lao took Zhang Xu into the pavilion and greeted the giant panda in the pavilion: "Xiao Li, have you had lunch?"

   "Oh, Mr. Zhao, rare guests, please sit down quickly, please sit down." The giant panda hurriedly stood up and said hello when he saw Mr. Zhao.

   This giant panda's voice is a bit high, but the action of pushing the cigarette **** into the ashtray and putting down the magazine to stand up does not have the naive and charming appearance of other giant pandas. On the contrary, it has a military-like skill.

   The three of them sat down, the giant panda poured tea for Lao Zhao and Zhang Xu, and then they kept staring at Zhang Xu.

   "This little brother, looks a little familiar." The giant panda said to Zhang Xu.

   "His name is Zhang Xu. It was him who went to the magic school in the UK two years ago." Old Zhao introduced Zhang Xu to the giant panda.

"It turned out to be the son of a group of Lao Zhang. Two years ago, when commemorating the tenth anniversary of the Battle of Wakayama, your father and a group of old comrades in arms bragged that his son had gone abroad to study, and his nose would be up to the sky." The giant panda side Said, while patting Zhang Xu's little shoulder with his huge panda palm.

When the giant pandas were filmed, Mr. Zhao introduced the giant pandas in front of them to Zhang Xu, “This is Li Shenzhou. Now he is the leader of the reintroduction team at the Giant Panda Breeding Research Base. In the first five, you will definitely not suffer by following him to learn the transformation technique."

   After listening to Mr. Zhao's introduction, Zhang Xu was relieved. He still remembered that in his previous life, he saw the staff of the Giant Panda Breeding Research Base wearing clothing and headgear that imitated the giant panda on the Internet. Now he has directly turned into a giant panda by magic.

   I just don’t know if there will be real giant pandas looking at the staff.

   "Xiao Li, Xiao Zhang has a good aptitude. During this time, you will teach him the transformation technique." Zhao Lao said to Li Shenzhou.

"It's on me. It's what our seniors should do to support the younger generation. If it wasn't for Mr. Zhao you to support and introduce me to my master, I wouldn't have the kung fu as I am now. Xiao Zhang's father used to be a comrade-in-arms who had been on the front line together, and based on this, I would not fool him." Li Shenzhou, who is still in the state of a giant panda, said to Lao Zhao while patted Zhang Xu's little shoulder with the panda's palm.

After talking to Mr. Zhao, Li Shenzhou said to Zhang Xu again: "You will live in the base during this time. Please go with me to go through a volunteer procedure so that you can help us during work hours during the day and get off work at night. I teach you how to transform. How?"

   "Okay, thank you Teacher Li." Zhang Xu nodded and agreed.

   In this way, Zhang Xu became a volunteer at the Giant Panda Breeding Research Base.

   Taking care of pandas is a technical job, and not everyone can do it. Think about the profits made by giant pandas abroad. If anyone accidentally feeds a giant panda to death, the leader of the base will turn that person into a giant panda and send it to the zoo.

   So just like Zhang Xu in the second grade of junior high school, don't expect to get in touch with giant pandas.

   From the very beginning, Zhang Xu’s job was to input the giant panda data into the computer in the base’s data center.

   At this time, it is not easy for China to find someone who is proficient in computers. Many people who are new to computers are still in a two-finger Zen state. When going through the volunteer procedures, he filled in "computer" in the special field. In the distrustful eyes of the staff, Zhang Xu, who tried on the machine, showed the ability to beat ten. An hour later, Zhang Xu said, "There is no one who can fight", and no one will refute it.

   After dinner, Zhang Xu brought a can of tea to Li Shenzhou’s dormitory.

   In the afternoon, Zhang Xu took the time to call his father and learned that his father was the squad leader of the reconnaissance company, and Li Shenzhou was the second platoon leader. The two had a lot of experience fighting side by side. In 1982, Li Shenzhou retired from the army and went to college.

   Li Shenzhou’s lover and children live in Rongcheng, and Li Shenzhou is the only one in the dormitory.

   After the greeting, Li Shenzhou, who had turned back into a human form, entered the teaching mode.

   Li Shenzhou took out a cloisonne teapot and placed it on the table, then pointed to a glass on the tabletop, and asked Zhang Xu to turn the glass into a cloisonne teapot.

   Zhang Xu took out his magic wand and turned the glass into a teapot according to Li Shenzhou's request.

   Li Shenzhou carefully checked the teapot transformed by Zhang Xu, and nodded.

"You can simply talk about the magic principle of Transfiguration." Li Shenzhou said to Zhang Xu, "Transfiguration is the basis of Transfiguration, and Transfiguration can be regarded as the use of Transfiguration on one's body. Just talk about the principle of the technique. Needless to say, the scientific principles. In order to figure out the scientific principles of spells at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, several academicians almost went crazy."

"The principle of deformation art is that mana flows in a specific path in a deformed object. Under the action of mana, the deformed object begins to change. The result of the change depends on the path of mana flow. When the mana in the object is consumed When it's exhausted, the Transfiguration will be lifted." Zhang Xu said.

Li Shenzhou: "Well, for your age, knowing so much is enough. The principle of the relationship between the paths of mana flowing in objects and the results of changes is a very complicated subject. For you , Remember the relationship between path and change, you can use the transformation technique. If you are interested in the principle, you can go to university and study again. Just like a person riding a bicycle, a bicycle can be run by an individual, but the bicycle is balanced Few people can understand the scientific principles of the science. I have read the transfiguration textbook you brought back, and it did not cover the content of the principle. The above only talked about how to do it, but did not explain why it should be done. This Planting only gives you a salted fish, and does not teach you how to catch fish. It deserves the slow development of spells over there."

   Zhang Xu kept nodding to Li Shenzhou's words. He also noticed this. In class, the professor only talked about what to do when casting spells, how to pronounce the spell, how to swing the wand, but why do you want to do this, why the floating spell will make a head after you make a wrong sound Niu, these are not mentioned. As for discovering the magical principles of the curse, it must be discovered and summarized by talent and mind, or it is the inheritance of the family learning of each family.

   In Zhang Xu's view, Hogwarts and Busbarton schools are more like cultivating skilled workers than researchers. Just like the workers on the assembly line can assemble a smartphone, but don't expect the workers to design a mobile phone by themselves.

   Li Shenzhou then said solemnly: "Transfiguration surgery, also known as human body transformation surgery, is very dangerous because it works on the human body. If it makes a mistake, it will cause serious or even fatal injuries."

   Zhang Xu continued nodding solemnly. When he was a child, he heard that there was an alchemist in his community who wanted to become a dog. In the end, he became a dog with a human head, which provided some new basis for the study of the Sphinx.

   Li Shenzhou continued: "The mana in the alchemist's body flows by itself according to a certain path. If it is not deliberately guided, the flow of mana in the human body will be different in details.

   If you follow the path of mana flow in your body to cast polymorphism, so that the path of your mana flow will match the polymorphism that turns into a certain animal, then this person will become this animal.

Because the mana flow of this transformation technique is very close to its original mana flow path, there are not many places that need to be changed, so the mana consumption of this transformation technique is very low, and the daily maintenance of this transformation technique consumes Mana is lower than its own mana recovery, so this transformation can last for almost a lifetime, and it won't be lifted until the old body declines.

   Because the original mana flow path in each human body is different, different people eventually become different animals. Some people will fail because of the large difference between the mana flow path and the transformation technique.

   The ancients said that the blood and energy have been harmonized, the Rongwei has been connected, and the five internal organs have been completed. The soul is full of soul and soul, which is to become a human being. It means that after the birth is formed, the primordial spirit enters the heart to produce life, and the primordial spirit is the origin of life~www.readwn.com~ The ancients regarded this transformation as a change of returning to the origin, so this transformation technique we The name passed down in ancient times is Yuanshen Beast. In Europe, this transformation is called Animagus. "

   Then Li Shenzhou began to shrink and change, and soon became a fox.

Then, Li Shenzhou, who became a fox, spoke: "My Yuanshen beast is such a fox. When you have a certain level of polymorphism, you can partially change body parts, such as the vocal organs. , So that I can talk when I become a primordial beast. It is estimated that the'Da Chuxing, King Chen Sheng' back then came from the same way. The same is true for talking when I became a giant panda during the day."

"Of course, it is not only the vocal organs that can be partially deformed." Then, the fox that was originally standing on the chair jumped down and turned into a standing on both feet, extending its two front paws and turning it into a human hand. I turned on the lighter and cigarettes and started smoking, and at the same time the tails behind him became nine.

   "I'm like this, if I go back to ancient times, I guess I will have no worries about eating and drinking." said the nine-tailed fox with a cigarette in his mouth.

   "There are many uses for learning transformation." A nine-tailed fox snorted and said, "If you become a panda and go to the zoo to work, your salary will be at least tens of thousands of yuan a month."

   The nine-tailed fox who had finished smoking stretched out a paw and patted Zhang Xu on the shoulder and whispered, "Another benefit of learning the transformation technique. You will understand when you have a girlfriend in the future."

Regardless of Zhang Xu, who was dumbfounded, Li Shenzhou transformed back into a human form and said to Zhang Xu: “To learn the transformation technique, you start to learn from becoming a metaphysical beast. When you become familiar with the transformation of your body, learn to become other animals, even Turning into pots and pans will have to rely on water milling."

   Zhang Xu nodded and began to listen carefully to Li Shenzhou's explanation of the main points of the transformation technique.

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