Garp,Sage, and Luffy are currently walking up the mountain to meet Dandan and her family/bandits

Sage: \"Sooo Gramps who's this Ace that you talked about on the way up here.\" Garp: \"Huh oh he's just a kid that a old friend of mine entrusted to me to watch over him. He's the same age as you Sage.\" Luffy: \"Oh so that means he's tenbas well.\" Garp: \"Yes, but Sage is older by a few months. \" Sage: \"Oh okay but why isn't he with his dad shouldn't he have taken care of him himself.\"

Garp: (sigh) \"He can't.\" Luffy: \"Why, he doesn't love him or what gramps.\" Garp: \"he's dead.\" Sage and Luffy: (Silence fills the air) \"Oh\"

[Skip till they arrive]

Garp knocks on the door. Then hears a mixture of a deep, but feminine voice. Dandan: \"Who the hell is knocking on my door\" (opens the door)

Garp: (With a smile) \"Yo Dandan.\" Dandan: (Shocked with who she just yelled at) \"Garp what are you doing here.\" Garp: \"I came here to drop off some brats for you to take care of.\"

Dandan: \"What no way. The brat Ace already brings in enough problems for me as it is\"(Says while shaking her head left to right). Garp: \"Oh then maybe I should turn you in for the crimes you've committed.\"

Dandan: \"Oh where are these fantastic kids I'll gladly take care of them to the best of my abilities\" ( says with a smile).[Full 180] Garp: \"Here they are these are my grandsons go on introduce yourselves.\"

Sage and Luffy walk in and begin to look around to see a group of people and a big women. They also notice a boy in the background. Sage: \"Yo, my names Monkey D Sage nice to meet you.\" Luffy: \"Hi, my names Monkey D Luffy and am gonna be the pirate king.\"

[Lets go to Ace's point of view shall we[

'I notice the door opening to see gramps the one who brought me here and left me with Dandan and her group of bandits. This time tho he brought along two kids. One seems to be an idiot while from the other one gives a dangerous vibe. I don't know what it is but I'll try and find out later.'

'Right now their introducing themselves. The one that gives me a dangerous vibe, his names Sage while the dumb who just declared he's gonna be the pirate king while in front of Garp, is names Luffy.'

'Don't know why I did it, but I spat at both of them but to my surprise only one of them get hit the one with a dangerous vibe managed to somehow dodge it while the other I managed to hit straight in the face hehe'( Snickers a bit)

[Back to Sage] 'I guess that's Ace. He tried to hit me with his spit when I wasn't looking, but I managed to dodge it. Luffy on the other hand though got hit in the face. He definitely not happy about it.'

Luffy: \"Oi who spat that who did it was it you.\" Luffy started looking around trying to find who spat at him while I just see ace snicker a bit and Luffy notices him. When he was about to say something Gramps hits him in the head.

Luffy: \"Itai what was that for gramps didn't who see Ace spat at me.\" Garp: \"What did I tell you about saying your gonna be a pirate. I told you that you were gonna be a marine. Now introduce yourself to him.\" Luffy: \"What, but gramps did you see him he spat at me and Sage.\" (Sage walks up to him)

Sage: \"Oi what was that for.\" 'Not to my surprise he just walks off and leaves' Luffy: \"Oi comeback and apologize to me and my brother.\" Sage: \"Just Leave him who cares.\" Luffy: \"But he spat at you and me I can't forget it about it he insulted me.\"

'Luffy then runs off to chase after Ace. I look at gramps and he looks at. He gives me a nod and I walk after Luffy to make sure he doesn't end up hurting himself.'

'So far Luffy has gotten himself cuts and bruises all over his body. Ace is leading him through some dangerous spots to get him to stop, but he doesn't know that Luffy isn't gonna give up until he gets that apology and most likely until you become his friends.'

'He should be fine, I doubt there's really anything here that could kill him since I've only ever seen him get hurt from sharp objects, so as long as he avoids any dangerous beast he should be fine( I say with little confidence since knowing Luffy he's probably gonna get into trouble)'

[My point of view]

Sage stops following Luffy and sits down In meditation. He's done this ever since he discovered that for some reason whenever he does this he feels more connected to the world. He feels like his senses get enhanced by a bit to the point where he can feel the presence of things like trees or animals.

So far he can only do this when he's meditating, but he can tell that every time he finishes a session of mediation that his senses improve by a minuscule amount. He wouldn't have noticed this if he didn't dodge a hit from a wild that tried to but him while he was doing one of his sessions.

After that he noticed what was happening but he had no idea why. He didn't really care though. Usually he meditates for an hour and then he begins to work out his body. He does push ups, Sit-ups. Squats, using rocks to do weight training and runs.

So far he's only been doing this for a year, but his senses and strength have improved by a lot to the point that his strength can easily rival that of a strong beast in the forest.

[Time Skip 3 months]

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