DROPPED:Juvenile Entertainer

52 Chapter 51 First Real Step

Coming out of the last shop, Theo sighed with immense relief at the thought of his trip coming to an end. But his relief quickly changed to that fear and shock.


A loud scream of women sounded from their left. Theo and the girls turned towards the scream to see a man in tattered clothes running at them with a handbag in hand.

The man was pushing and tumbling his way through the crowd as the look of panic appears on his face. Theo noticed that the man was not just holding a handbag but also a knife.

Another shout was heard coming from the back of man "Stop that man!!"

No one was willing to stop him after seeing the knife clasped tightly in his right hand. Theo saw the desperation in the man's eyes and felt a threat was about to befall on them.

Theo moved in front of the girls, then he threw one of the bags of clothes at the man. The man hadn't expected it and had been blinded by the sudden emergence of clothes catapulted at him.

Theo saw his disorganised movement and gave a kick to the man's gut. The man fell back with clothes still covering his sight and was left winded on the floor.

Everyone was shocked by his decisive and swift actions to deal with the man. The girls came back to reality and ran up to Theo checking if he was at all injured.

Sophia: "Are you okay?"

Rose: "Honestly that was cool"

Megan: "You idiot he had a knife, you could have just moved out of the way"

Theo: "I wasn't sure if you guys would react fast enough so I had to step in"

The crowd parted as a well-dressed man and women walked up to Theo.

"Thank you for for your help," said the man while breathing heavily from him chasing the man.

"Thank you, Sir, " said the women with equally heavy breathing.

Theo: "your welcome but I think someone should call the police"

Theo waited for the police to turn up and made a statement station of what had happened as did the other girls, although it was a little difficult to explain why he wearing a disguise.

After their statement, they briefly talked with the couple about the situation before leaving Theo a business card.

. . . . . . .

At 3:00 pm Rose and Sophia left to pick up Chloe and Emily from kindergarten. Megan had joined them out of curiosity.

Theo now just sat at the couch, just chilling. He checked both of his YouTube channels and noticed that every video was on the trending list even the montage of how he made Frozen.

He checked the comments next and was happy to see the encouragement from his old and new fans. He then checked his Emails and found an email from a company called Vague.

Clicking on the email he found that it seemed to be explicitly asked for his reply and that was it. Theo checked what the company focuses on and found out that it was a fairly well-known clothing brand.

Theo thought that it wouldn't hurt to reply and simply sent an email saying "Hello, I've received your email and I am replying as the email said"

Theo was about to close down his emails because he expects this big company to be busy.

But he was instantly greeted by a reply "Hello Mr Smith, Vague is happy to see your reply and would like to take some time of yours to invite you to be the face of Vague"

Theo was excited and quickly typed "I would like to see the contract before I accept anything if its possible"

Vague: "Of course, come to Vague $%&$$#&% tomorrow, at say 2:30 pm for details and see what the contract entitles and also help you get to know the company better"

Theo said his thanks and agreed to the meetup time.

. . . . . . .

Pov Theo

Next Day Tuesday 2:20 pm

After accepting the invite, I did a bit more digging on to the company Vague. After my little research, I found that the brand is supposedly going into bankruptcy which made no sense after finding that the clothes are affordable and stylish.

I could actually see myself wearing most of their suits and casual clothes. I then learnt that the owner and CEO of the company was a mystical existence.

She had the body physic of an anime women, big tits and a bubble butt with a slim waist, she was a killer for my virgin self.

And now I'm standing outside the overhanging skyscraper that is Vague headquarters, I came ten minutes early to give a good impression.

For my attire, I'm wearing a new suit that I bought yesterday. It's a dark navy blue, double-breasted suit with an amber colour tie and an amber handkerchief standing tall in the left chest pocket to match.

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On my feet were a pair of tan leather long toe oxford shoes. My wallet and phone sat in the inside of the jacket pocket and on my wrist was a dark green leather watch.

Of cause I had to wear sunglasses when walking around and looking for the designated location for his meet up. Looking at the automatic doors that separate me and my first step into the entertainment industry.

I wasn't expecting my first proper step to be a model of some sort but this is a form of entertainment and this should help to spread my name within the industry. Taking a deep breath, I step forward and let the doors open.

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