DROPPED:Juvenile Entertainer

82 Chapter 81 A Gamer Rise's

Still Theo Pov

Getting up from the grass I drag my exhausted body into the house and up the stairs for a shower. I currently mentally and physically exhausted.

The reason for my mental exhaustion is because during my martial arts practice I had been grinding all my "life skills" and "Language Skills" by searching up some online books on the masks integrated computer display.

I focused especially on maths and computer science as I want my games to be perfect without any glitches. I also have a plan to open up a game company.

At the moment I don't have the money but I have a quick fix for that. I'm gonna make some merchandise and have it sell through Vague, I'll be using 2% from my 5% shares for myself to help as well.

'Shit, I almost forgot I was asked to make a dress for the brand, just another thing to put my name on I guess. System can you add a physical enhancement slot for status'

A.I System [Yes]

'Hmm, no back talk or name calling hey are you okay?'

A.I System [Nothing is wrong you've just gained my respect. But as soon as you start doing some dumb shit I'll start talking shit about you. So keep it up with your current plans, we will be watching host]

'Well thanks mate, okay let take a look at the status'



+Physical: Healthy

+Mental: Healthy



Stamina: 25

Agility: 20

Appearance: 14

Social: 45

(Note Regular human stats: Strength is 15, appearance is 8, Social is 5 and the rest is 10.)


[Life Skills]

Math: Advanced 657/800

Science: Advanced 570/800

History Advanced 500/800

Computer Science: Advanced 657/800

Law: Advanced 435/800

Cooking: Advanced 733/800

Graphic Arts: Advanced 745/800

Driving: Advanced 400/800 UNUSED

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[Languages Skills]

English: Advanced 500/800

Spanish: Advanced 300/800

French: Advanced 300/800

Italian: Advanced 300/800

Korean: Advanced 300/800

Chinese: Advanced 300/800

Japanese: Advanced 300/800

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[Entertainment Skills]

Piano: Advanced 455/800

Guitar: Advanced 234/800

Orchestra: Advanced 500/800

Drawing: Advanced: 668/800

Singing: Advanced 568/800

Song Writing: Advanced 235/800

Acting: Advanced 200/800

Photography: Advanced 342/800

Voice Manipulation: Advanced 669/800

Modeling: Advanced 600/800 New

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[Other skills]

Sewing: Advanced: 450/800

Traps: Advanced: 00/800 UNUSED

Tailor: Advanced: 235/800

Swimming: Advanced: 256/800

Calligraphy: Advanced: 123/800

Coffee Making: Advanced: 20/800

Wilderness Survival: Advance 500/800 UNUSED

Hairdresser: Advance 500/800

Make-Up: Advance 300/800

Divided Thinking: Advanced 445/800

Mix Martial Arts: Intermediate 210/225

Embroidery: Advanced 400/800

Childcare: Advanced 0/800 UNUSED

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Hot Weapons: Advanced 200/800 New

Modeling: Advanced 600/800 New


TALENT: Piano, Languages, Computer Science, Law, Drawing, Sewing, Traps, Swimming, Hot weapons(Guns)


Physical Enhancements:

•Strong Bones

•Supple Iron Skin

•Eyes Of A Eagle

• ×2 hand speed



[Achieve the impossible dream, by marrying multiple women at once: Time Limit: None]

{Reward: A Happy Family That Loves You}

{Failure: Regret and an Invitation to go to their weddings}


Unlock Tokens: 5

System Points: 740



[Wallet 1/20] [Empty 0/20]

[Empty 0/20] [Energy Bar 5/20]


'I need to get my self a drivers licence, I think I'll get a motorbike and a vintage car. If my thinking is right the only physical enhancements left would be my "hearing" but there also might be an enhancement for my internal organs then I would be a bonafide cultivator or at least a super soldier like Captain America. Right, I should do an outdoor stream of me surviving wild, it would also be a good time to put my trap skill to use'

With my thoughts in line, I got changed into something comfortable. Then I sat at my desk with my laptop and drawing tablet. And began drawing some merch designs.

One of the merch would be a T-shirt with the words "Because I can" in bold across the chest that came in black and white. Then a navy blue shirt with a cartoon version of myself wearing my old mask with a white shirt. (Something similar to H20 Delirious's merch)

I then thought about the fact that I hold the rights for all my cartoons, meaning no one is able to make merchandise that remotely represents them. I went through some of the episodes and screenshot it for a few T-shirts. With the designs done I pull out my phone and call Liz.

*Ring, Ring, Ring*

"Hi Theo" Said Liz

"Hi Liz sorry to bother you, but do you think you could sell and make my merch," I asked

"Of course, don't forget you hold 5% so it shouldn't be too much trouble and that would help us gain more attention. Just send the design to me and I'll get someone to meet your requirements" Said Liz

"Could you make sure its material is high quality, nothing that fades easily as some of them will have pictures?" I said

"Come on, my brand prides its self on high-quality material. So if that's it, then don't worry" Said Liz

"Thanks, Liz, have a good one," I said

"Yeah, you too," Liz said before hanging up.

'Okay now that's done, on to doing some research on the current gaming industry' I thought excitedly

About three hours later of going through some forums and YouTube videos of games being broken down to new people like my self. From my detailed research, I had gathered that this world gaming industry sucks ass.

As a gamer myself I was so shocked at my finding and continued looking through some foreign games and still nothing this world creativity is stuck on just copying C.O.D format and some old casual games.

(Call Of Duty)

The FPS games are all copies of C.O.D with zero originality, luckily RPG has some good games but it gets drowned in hackers basically ruining it. The fighting game is kinder basic as it's pretty hard to mess up but the movement doesn't flow naturally as it looked like they jump from one move to the other without showing how.

It doesn't help that the big companies take a shit on their customer with their abusive micro-transactions. Really just upsetting to see this worlds games. Even though I hadn't played any games since being transmigrated I still have some great memories playing games.

With the disappointing discovery, I make a promise to my self 'As a gamer I can't let this world suffer from such low tier bullshit, Yes I shall open up a new door to my fellow gamers. My company will be for the players'

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