Nangong Xiao was dressed in bright yellow dragon robes and looked at the two inside without expression.

Suddenly, he opened the prison door and went straight in.

Liu Zhixue was slightly stunned for a few seconds, plopped and knelt on the ground. She explained: "emperor, the people's daughter just wants to eliminate the harm for the south water country."

This thing happened so suddenly that Liu Zhixue was also very frightened. In this case, she only came up with this lame reason.

Nangong Xiao glanced at Liu Zhixue and repeated, "eliminate harm for the people?"

"Yes, doesn't the emperor know that Princess Lin is the traitor of Dongjing country?" Liu Zhixue continued to explain.

"Oh, traitor? Who told you?" Nangong Xiao frowned and asked coldly.

Liu Zhixue was surprised and didn't understand the meaning of Nangong Xiao's words.

Yan Xiaoxi is a traitor sent by dongjingguo. Isn't it well known?

"Well, doesn't the whole country know?" Liu Zhixue doesn't know why she has no confidence at all. Now the more she thinks about it, the more she thinks about it.

The whole thing seems quite simple, but the more it looks like a huge spider's web. Everything is laid out and only waiting for the target character to fall in.

This idea just flashed through Liu Zhixue's brain and was soon rejected by her.

She believes in her father's ability. He is much more cautious than himself. He will not let others seize the handle.

But even in cautious people, when victory is in hand, there will be times of negligence.

"Miss Liu knows the national law of the state-owned country in nanshaui. Do you want to pay for killing?" Nangong Xiao's seriousness is incomparable, and the cold makes people shudder.

Liu Zhixue trembled fiercely, and had never expected this scene. She pulled out a smile and replied, "the emperor misunderstood. The people's daughter is just joking with Princess Lin."

"Joke." obviously, this reason is not enough to convince Nangong Xiao.

However, Nangong Xiao is not ready to investigate this matter for the time being.

Because now is the critical moment, they don't want to cause more trouble.

"Somebody, take Miss Liu to Wuhua palace and lock her up. No one is allowed to come near without my order." someone came in at once.

No flower palace?

Liu Zhixue searched for the memory of the name in her brain. These three words were so familiar that she couldn't remember them for a moment.

Fortunately, the emperor did not kill her.

As long as her father returns triumphantly, she will be fine. Liu Zhixue comforts herself in her heart.

"Pull it down."

"Yes." two bodyguards firmly clasped Liu Zhixue's arm and took her away.

On the way to Wuhua palace, Liu Zhixue finally remembered where Wuhua palace was.

It was a cold palace. She was locked up in the cold palace.

It's said that all the concubines locked there are abandoned by the emperor and have made big mistakes. As long as you enter there, you can't think of it in your life.

"No, Emperor." Liu Zhixue struggled hard and refused to move forward.

The bodyguards with the emperor's order can't manage so much. Even if they know Liu Zhixue's identity, they still force her away.

The general's woman can't compare with the emperor's order.

In this way, Liu Zhixue was locked up in the cold palace.

On the other side, in the prison, Yan Xiaoxi, who was out of danger, finally put down his guard.

Nangong Xiao helped Yan Xiaoxi up, made her sit by the bed and asked, "Xi'er has something to do."

"Father emperor, Xi'er is all right, but she was drugged by Miss Liu and her body was weak." Yan Xiaoxi didn't stop the movement on her hand and kept looking for the medicine bottle on her body.

Finally, after tossing for a long time, Yan Xiaoxi finally found the antidote. She escaped the medicine bottle from her body, opened the bottle cap, handed it to the tip of her nose and sniffed.

Suddenly, a clear question entered her nasal cavity.

Nangong Xiao just looked at all this quietly and kept silent without any action.

After inhaling the antidote, Yan Xiaoxi soon moved. She tried to put her legs on the ground and was able to stand up successfully. She felt that her whole spirit was much better, and the drug must have been relieved.

"You are also a bold child. Don't send a jailer to inform me earlier." in Nangong Xiao's blaming words, silk didn't reveal the taste of concern.

Yan Xiaoxi intimately took Nangong Lin's arm and replied, "Xi'er thought Miss Liu wouldn't take me, but she actually took medicine."

This is something Yan Xiaoxi never thought of.

Otherwise, with Liu Zhixue's ability, where is her opponent, why disturb Nangong Xiao.

"If anything happens to you, how can I tell lin'er?"

"Father emperor, isn't Xi'er all right now? Just keep it a secret?" Yan Xiaoxi held his hands together, and Shuiling's eyes looked at Nangong Xiao with expectant eyes.

Nangong Xiao was stunned. She looked a little trance. She overlapped Yan Xiaoxi's face with the person in her heart again. She was so similar to her.

After that, he said to Yan Xiaoxi seriously, "this will not be an example."

"Father emperor is very kind. Xi'er loves you most except Xiao Lin." Yan Xiaoxi jumped up excitedly, and the smile on his face was so bright.

Nangong Xiao smiled and seemed to understand why his son liked Yan Xiaoxi and did so many abnormal things for her.

This woman is so different.

Naive, happy, but smart, it is simply a combination of the advantages of others. The longer you spend with her, the more attracted you are by her charm.

However, Nangong Xiao was always worried about one thing.

I hope she has nothing to do with Fairy Island.

"What's the matter with Xiao Lin?" she left Nangong Lin for a while. Yan Xiaoxi missed her very much. Now, she finally understood that it was like three autumn days to disappear for a day.

Nangong Xiao saw the missing in Yan Xiaoxi's eyes at a glance and replied, "everything is going well as planned."

"Great." as long as she finishes this, she will be able to meet Xiao Lin soon.

"Father emperor, Xi'er can be here by himself. You go first so as not to arouse suspicion." Yan Xiaoxi didn't want everything they carefully arranged to fall short because of her.

Nangong Xiao nodded happily, pointed to the food on the table and said, "it's all hot. Eat while it's hot."

"Wow, my father is so kind to Xi'er." Yan Xiaoxi ate it as soon as he heard it, and his eyes seemed to stare out of his eyes.

Nangong Xiao smiled. She had already seen Yan Xiaoxi's nature of eating goods, and was not surprised by her behavior.

This food is Nangong Lin's advice. Under no circumstances can Yan Xiaoxi be hungry, otherwise the consequences can't be imagined.

Therefore, in the tense situation just now, Nangong Xiao also ordered people to prepare food for Yan Xiaoxi.

Yan Xiaoxi quickly sat at the table, opened the lunch box, put the food in front of her one by one, picked up the chopsticks and ate it. As for when Nangong Xiao left the prison, she had no time to take into account. She only knew that this meal, she ate very full and slept well.

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