In this way, in addition to Liu Zhixue, some of the Liu family were detained for trial, some were exiled, and some were exiled. A generation of famous families were defeated like a mountain, from prosperity to recession.

The central Minister of the court was once a member of Liu Zhitian's faction. He immediately got rid of his relationship with him, and each was trembling for fear that he would hurt the innocent and hurt himself.

Yan Xiaoxi, Nangong Lin and Nangong Zhen went out of the imperial study and walked side by side in the corridor.

"Brother Huang, this chess is really beautiful." Nangong zhenruo glanced at Nangong Lin with deep meaning.

The meaning of this is so thin that it can be broken by a layer of window paper. Nangong Lin, who is so smart, can understand it as soon as he hears it.

"Brother Huang, accept it." if Yan Xiaoxi hadn't overheard their conversation, he would have been on guard early in the morning. At this time, Liu Zhitian was not the one who lost the ground, but him.

Suddenly, Nangong Lin suddenly found that everything had developed so smoothly since he married Yan Xiaoxi.

She seems to be a lucky star, who can bring good luck to people around her.

Nangong Lin turned his head and saw Yan Xiaoxi silently lowering his head and walking without saying a word.

Immediately, he understood that this was what Yan Xiaoxi would do when he was angry.

Where did you annoy her?

At the same time, Nangong Zhen also glanced at Yan Xiaoxi. Isn't this woman usually chirping and talking constantly?

Why is it so quiet now? I'm not thinking of any tricks to fix him.

Nangong Zhen was tormented by the bees attracted by Yan Xiaoxi last time. None of the people who had a relationship with Nangong Lin was easy to deal with.

"Why are you all looking at me?" Yan Xiaoxi noticed their hot eyes and asked with blinking eyes.

Nangong Zhen shook his head and withdrew his sight from Yan Xiaoxi.

"Xi'er, look at the road." Nangong Lin pulled Yan Xiaoxi into his arms.

Yan Xiaoxi calmed down and found that there was a big column in front of him. As long as he took a step in front, he hit it.

Fortunately, Nangong Lin held her to avoid letting her head explode.

Yan Xiaoxi looked up and looked at Nangong Lin's handsome face, but his heart was not the taste in every way.

Somehow, she always cares about Liu Zhixue's existence. It's really unclear what position Liu Zhixue occupies for him in Nangong Lin's heart.

It will make Nangong Lin doubt himself at the prince's birthday banquet, let him visit her at the touch of a hair trigger, and make him plead for Liu Zhixue when Liu Zhitian is defeated.

Did so many things, if not because of love, what is it for?

In the world of love, there is no room for a grain of sand.

Yan Xiaoxi's heart has been looking forward to the love between his father and his mother all his life.

Nangong Lin couldn't give her such extravagant hopes, so she kept her heart closed and didn't want him to come in.

"I'm fine." Yan Xiaoxi pushed Nangong Lin's strong body.

Nangong Lin was stunned and looked at Yan Xiaoxi in surprise. He felt that there was something wrong with her now, but he couldn't say what the problem was.

The three continued to walk forward. Nangong Zhen had already collected everything from them.

He smiled jokingly, looked at Nangong Lin and said, "Xueer has just recovered from a serious illness. I don't know if she can hold it in Lenggong."

"My father promised to release Xueer," replied Nangong Lin.

"Yes, brother Huang, I really care about her. Now Xueer is alone. It's really pathetic." Nangong Zhen sighed, and the sentence was full of regret.

"Brother Huang seems to be more concerned about Xueer than Wang." Nangong Zhen's naughty heart can be understood by Nangong Lin as soon as he hears it. It seems too obvious to sow discord.

Yan Xiaoxi looks simple, but actually she is very smart. Nangong Lin feels that she will not be deceived by Nangong Zhen's words.

But Nangong Lin ignored that women are blind and fragile in the face of love, just like a fragile glass, which can't stand the impact of any heavy object, otherwise it will break.

Once the glass is broken, it can't heal, which is the really important point.

"The prince sees that Princess Lin is very generous. He should not mind the emperor's brother marrying Xueer as a side princess." Nangong Zhen continued.

He had already noticed that his words aroused Yan Xiaoxi's strong reaction.

Yan Xiaoxi clenched his fists and turned to inquire about Nangong Lin's reaction.

Seeing this, Nangong Lin didn't have too much emotion. His expression remained the same, which made people unable to understand his inner mind at all.

"This is the direction of the imperial brother's bedroom. If I don't go this way, I'll say goodbye." Nangong Lin finally looked at Nangong Zhen and left with Yan Xiaoxi.

The three separated at the fork of the road. Nangong Lin and Yan Xiaoxi were relatively speechless all the way.

In a twinkling of an eye, they arrived at the palace where they lived.

As like as two peas in the room, the door and door were in the same layout as they did last time.

The only change is their mood at this time.

"Xi'er, the king has something else to do. You have to rest first." then Nangong Lin left a determined figure for Yan Xiaoxi.

Yan Xiaoxi didn't know what to eat. He picked up the cake on the table and ate it. His eyes stayed on the closed door.

Suddenly, Yan Xiaoxi put down the cake and followed nangonglin.

She was very curious. Where was Nangong Lin going to leave her?

After some twists and turns, Nangong Lin finally stopped at the gate of a palace. It was dilapidated and there were spider webs hanging in the corner of the wall. It seemed that he had not lived for a long time.

Nangong Lin stopped for a few seconds and went in.

Yan Xiaoxi immediately followed up carefully. When she stepped into the door, her brain flashed and remembered that Liu Zhixue was locked in the cold palace.

Is it true that Nangong Lin came here to find her?

"Zhi" Nangong Lin walked into a dilapidated room.

Yan Xiaoxi tiptoed behind him, poked a hole in the paper window, and the whole person lay down and looked at everything inside.

At this time, Liu Zhixue was sitting by the bed with a pitiful appearance. When she saw Nangong Lin, her bright eyes were full of shock.

"Brother Lin." Liu Zhixue suddenly fell into Nangong Lin's arms.

Nangong Lin did not push her away, but gently stroked her back.

Outside the door, Yan Xiaoxi stamped her feet when she saw this scene. In order not to be found by Nangong Lin, she managed to restrain her anger.

"Brother Lin, Xueer hurts." unconsciously, Liu Zhixue has cried into tears and covered her lower abdomen. She is paralyzed on Nangong Lin.

"What's the matter with Xueer?" Nangong Lin asked in a slow tone.

"Here." Liu Zhixue grabbed Nangong Lin's palm and covered his hand with his wound.

Nangong Lin took a low look and immediately knew that the seat Liu Zhixue pointed to was the place where the maid in waiting stabbed with a dagger last time.

In the cold palace, the environment is not good, not to mention the diet. Liu Zhixue has never suffered. In addition, she is not good, and recurrence is inevitable.

"The king will take you out later." Nangong Lin looked at Liu Zhixue thoughtfully.

Yan Xiaoxi looked at the two bodies close together, you and me. She felt that she was about to vomit and had no desire to continue looking. She was afraid that she would see something she shouldn't see next.

In this way, he left the cold palace without looking back. His resolute attitude seemed to put Nangong Lin in the cold palace.

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