
Chapter 109

The pack all started running towards 12 Street, with the monsters grouping up and following them close on their tails. It was way too far to just run the whole way towards the zoo. Sure, the canines could make it, but not her and Shannon. It was still five city blocks and a bridge away, and that was to say that the monsters did not just follow them into the zoo. As she ran down the embankment onto the street, she had a plan relayed mentally to her. At first, she outright refused it, as it was far too dangerous. But as they pleaded their case, Nat realized that it was their best shot out of this predicament. She gave her go ahead as long as caution and safety were prioritized. She already felt that was going to be ignored though.

Getting down on the street, she directed her group to all hide behind a house. On the opposite side of the road from them, an alley stretched off to the north-west. As no monsters had rounded the bend yet, this was the best chance they had at this plan working. Spirit led the other nine pups out of the Soulscape and in front of the alley. He had actually proposed the plan, and it relied on the fact that goblins and hobgoblins seemed to be inherently idiotic and daft. The pups would act as a diversion group, staying in sight long enough to lead the horde away from the slower group. Once they felt reasonably far, they would break sightlines and circle back, heading back into the Soulscape to recover from the run. It all hinged on whether or not their assumptions about the horde's mentality was correct.

Thankfully they did not need to wait long. Seconds after everyone was in position, a flood of monsters came down the embankment. Shrieks and shrills sounded off as they neared closer to the two groups. As they got close, Spirit started off a small howl, which was briefly joined by the other pups' howls. Then, as they made sure that most of the monsters had seen them, they bolted down the alleyway. Yips and barks came up from them as they ran off into the north, making sure the monsters knew where they were. They were using what they had learned in their group hunting, but right now all of them were the distraction. While they ran off, the six adults stayed motionless. Not a single one moved, fearful of the chance of making a sound and making the pups work count for nothing. However, their faces showed sheer determination. Not one blinked as they watched the pups run off to play their part, only for seconds later to have just a running crowd of monsters block their view.

Minutes passed before the swarm of gobs finally thinned out and disappeared northwards. Waiting a few extra seconds for stragglers, the group moved when it finally felt clear. Natalie popped around the corner first, bow drawn, looking back the way they had come. One shriek was all that was needed for the group from earlier to split up into two, and then none of them were safe. Seeing none, she released tension in the string and turned around. Seeing her lower her bow, the other five got into motion. Not trying to stay low, they started speed-walking down the street towards the zoo. Time was a valuable commodity right now, and there was no plan to squander what was earned for them through the efforts of the young. Within five minutes, they were coming up to the foot of the bridge, when they heard rustling coming from the bushes to their left. All turned and prepared that way, either showing fangs or pulling back their weapon to strike should a monster come out.

Spirit burst through the brush with a smile on his face. His tail was wagging, and he seemed to overall be having a good time. Everyone immediately eased up as they saw him come out, but then got confused. Their confusion only increased when the other nine pups came out of the bushes. Every other pup that had played distraction looked utterly exhausted. Slowly, each of them crept back into the Soulscape, each collapsing as soon as they got in due to exhaustion. All of their reactions seemed to be the norm, given how long a full-grown wolf could run for. Given they were barely past the year-old mark, their exhaustion made perfect sense. So why was Spirit perfectly fine and looking like he wanted to run some more?

Those questions had a time and place, and that was not right now. Once Sprit went back into the Soulscape, Scout led the way across the bridge. The river seemed to be sitting somewhat high, and was flowing rapidly below them. That had been Nat's final plan to avoid enemies, but it did not look like the safest of options. As a last resort, it would be better than being caught by the monsters, but she was not sure that any of them would have survived jumping off the bridge. However, thanks to the young canines, they did not have to resort to such drastic actions. Natalie resolved to give them all plenty of pampering later, as thanks for their hard work. While she made her plans on how to reward the heroes of the day, they finished crossing the bridge, and came up to the service entrance at the back of the zoo.

Having been on a work internship here while in university, Nat knew that this was the quickest way they could have gone to get to the gorilla enclosure. Thanks to that knowledge, they were going to able to easily maneuver their way through the park and make the most efficient time that they could. This meant that they would be able to save hopefully as many animals as possible. Knowing that the back lock was electronic, Nat did not even bother trying to open up the gate. Instead, she got the canines to hop into the Soulscape while passing out a ladder. Using it, both her and Shannon dropped into the zoo's service area. Once the canines came back out, they moved forward towards the TransAlta Rainforest building. It was prime time to save some apes.

Huge thanks to my Elder Wolves Selvaria, Viktor, Saganatsu, Eeleater, Lachlan, Adam, John, Nicholas, Jacob, Onean, Hades, Krimson, Jake, Neal, Sebastian, Ethan, Sir Hellington, and Kevin for supporting me and my writing! Remember that I keep Patreon ten chapters ahead at all times. Our next goal on Patreon will be getting up to 50 patrons, which I will then spend more time each month writing some side stories and shorts that show other perspectives throughout my stories!

Feel free to join us all on my Discord! https://discord.gg/b8gRkD4

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