
Chapter 155

"Everybody get down!" Natalie called out in a quiet yell. From where they set up camp, they had a decent view of the highway, but that also meant that it wouldn't be to hard too notice them should they look through the trees. While it was enough to make out shapes at this distance, Natalie and Shannon, as well as most of the older canines were able to see quite clearly by cycling energy through their eyes. As the canines and gorillas went to a prone position, Shannon and Natalie looked around camp to make sure they were as hidden as possible. With the fire having been put out hours ago, the only thing that stood out right now was the tent. Thankfully, Nat and Maia were right beside it, allowing them to store it quickly before getting down and watching the road carefully with the rest of the pack.

Minutes passed before the distinctive sound of a horse was heard, but what some of them saw walk past was downright horrific. Eugene had apparently gotten back on their trail, but he was changed. Black mist floated around him, and his horse. While he looked a bit gaunt, he was in a fair better shape than his partner that he was riding on. The horse had bits of flesh falling off it, with bones showing here and there. It had been zombified, but it was still seemingly bound to Eugene. This brought to light one of Natalie's worst fears with the Shaman monsters, how the black mist could affect the canines she was bound to.

She remembered how it felt as the black mist tore apart the insides of Mike, and how it felt like it was preparing to move to her next. How if she had let what was happening to him finish, that she would follow along with him and be changed. Now, that feeling was given form, as she saw no trace of the energy at all when looking at Eugene. It was a disgusting sight, and made her worry for the future. What would happen if she or Shannon were the one who was infected next? Would they be able to fight it off with their own regeneration? Or would they need help as Mike had, before they lose that part of themselves?

As the group watched and waited in both horror and anticipation of what meant to come, one moved closer and closer towards the road. He had seen the black mist coming off the traveler like the rest had, but he did not feel that it was a good idea to just let this man pass. Because if they did nothing, and he went on to hurt others, they would be at fault for not trying to stop him when they knew. For Mike knew what kind of pain and suffering that black mist could bring. Nobody noticed what he was doing till he was almost at the tree line, at that was only due to Stephanie noticing that he was no longer beside her. But by then, it was already to late too intervene with what he was planning on doing.

As Eugene and his zombie horse were riding past, Mike stormed out of the bushes and slammed his body into the side of the horse. It may have been taller than him, but in its current feeble state, the legs collapsed from the sheer force of the hit. As the pack started moving forward to assist him, Eugene hit the ground and rolled into the ditch on the opposite side. The horse seemed otherwise unfazed by the hit, swinging its legs at Mike while also trying to bite him. He could have gone around, but he was not about to leave a threat behind him. As it bit at him, he caught the muzzle of the zombie with both of his hands. Then, he started twisting, until the head popped clean off.

By this time, Eugene had already gotten to his feet, and saw what he was up against. Wide-eyed in terror, he started running away back into the woods heading west. As he scrambled over the roots and through the foliage, he heard the sounds of branches cracking behind him. Looking back as he ran, he screamed with terror as he noticed that the werewolf had finished with his mount and was now chasing after him. In clear desperation to try and keep the wolf from getting closer, he swung his arms backwards, as if to be threatening. This time though, mist ran down his arms as he did, and ended up throwing projectiles each time. In the form of knives, the black mist forms shot towards Mike. At the speed he was going, he was not able to dodge, nor was he able to block them with anything. Trying to stop so he was closer to the pack, he held up his arms in front of his face to protect him from the incoming projectiles.

However, he did not feel the sting of the black mist biting into his energy. Slowly, he lowered his arms and opened his eyes. Hovering in front of him was a giant hand, made entirely of energy. Bits were scattering off, but as he turned to follow the tendrils of energy that created the shape, he found that they led back to Stephanie. She had her hand out stretched, while being slack-jawed at what had happened. She had seen the mist projectiles flying towards him and reached out, hoping to stop them. Unconsciously, she ended up projecting a barrier in the shape of her hand forward, saving him from the desperate attack.

As the rest of the pack came up to them, Mike turned back to try and get a trace of the man he had been chasing. However, the scent that he had was obscured and dissipated. He had a feeling the mist had something do with it, but that was not the important side of things. He had gotten away, and would surely cause an issue later. Upset at himself for being so unprepared, he turned around and walked back towards the camp. His entire way back, Natalie and Steph lay into him on how much of an idiot he was, and how worried they were for him when he ran off ahead.

Huge thanks to my Elder Wolves Viktor, Saganatsu, Eeleater, John, Hades, Onean, Neal, Sebastian, Ethan, Sir Hellington, Adam, and Kevin for supporting me and my writing! Remember that I keep Patreon ten chapters ahead at all times. Our next goal on Patreon will be getting up to 50 patrons, which I will then spend more time each month writing some side stories and shorts that show other perspectives throughout my stories!

Feel free to join us all on my Discord! https://discord.gg/b8gRkD4

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