
Chapter 193

While processing the events that had just happened in the doorway of his office, Matis moved about automatically. In the 10 minutes following the bears entering his Core, he cleaned off the knife and left it in the drying rack, sweeping and mopping up the tracks that went all across the hardwood floor, and reorganize the furniture that had been thrown to the side due to being in the path of the bears. He wasn't even fully conscious of what he was doing until he finally came to terms with what had happened in that room. It just so happened to be as he was attempting to right the desk that had been knocked on its side, though he stopped trying as soon as he was clear headed once more. After all, the desk had two broken legs, which made standing it up nigh impossible. Looking around, all the furniture he had tried to right while in a daze had fallen back over, broken in some way or form.

With his clarity returning, he remembered the state that one of the cubs was in. Remembering that, he threw on his shoes and went out to their separated garage. They had turned the building into a workspace, for any animals that were either brought to them by the public to look at, or the wild animals that required more extensive work that could not be done without a sanitized work area. It also doubled as the most well lit area available, save the outdoors. Years prior, they had replaced the roof to make it a massive window, allowing sun to come in and their patients the ability to look outside. Due to that, thy had both saved immensely on electricity bills while also having their patients become far calmer. The benefits of saving on electricity were secondary to the family, as comfort of their patients made the entire process easier. Especially if it was an animal that was not used to or fearful of humankind. Getting those ones to calm down during an examination was worth any price to them. It wouldn't be good for the animal to hurt itself further while they were trying to help it and treat the original issue after all.

With the help of the mother bear, he went about duplicating everything he could on his way. From the dirt and grass that was around, all the way to each and every piece of medical gear that they had. Well, almost every piece. He left anything that required electricity alone, not believing that any of it would be of use. After all, what good was a light that would never turn on? Or a drill that would never rotate on its own. Thankfully there were hand tool counterparts to most of the things he needed, though some of them less precise or very liable to being broken. Though with his Core now accessible and having a bonded animal partner to help duplicate items, that worry became null and void. Once he was satisfied that everything he would feel he could need from the workshop was duplicated, he asked the bear cub with a broken leg to come out.

As he did, both the bear cub as well as its mother came out of his Core, with the cub coming out onto the table and the mother beside him. It seemed that while they were bonded, she did not fully trust him around her young quite yet. He felt it was fairly understandable, given that they had just met. They hadn't had the time to build up that rapport like Sheera had with his wife, but that was something that would take time. His actions would speak to both her and her cubs on whether or not he could be trusted, and so he verbally explained everything that he was doing as he conducted his examination. He wasn't sure if the mother bear was able to understand what he was saying, but she seemed to at least understand the intent of his words. Slowly, he checked all over the cub to make sure nothing else was wrong, before starting on the leg. He kept a steady eye on both the cub's reaction as well as its mothers when he started feeling about the injured limb. He felt glad when she did not just lash out at him when her cub started whimpering when pressure was applied at certain spots. She did however, have a nervous twitch that seemed like she had at least thought about it, which had Matis maintain his caution as well as continue describing things in general. Then he finally came to the spot that caused the cub to squeal.

The mother bear rose on her hind legs, looking down upon Matis, wondering what he had done to her cub. "Woah, I did not do anything yet. I have only located the problem, and am now thinking about what I may need to do to resolve it." he explained, holding his hands up in an attempt to appease the large grizzly. Slowly she lowered back down to the ground, before moving herself closer to get a look. Seeing this, Matis went back and pointed it out to her, "See this thing sticking out of their leg? It's a large piece of shale that seemed to have went into the leg as it was broken. Which makes me guess that he broke it at the same time, from tumbling down onto a rock. The best thing I could do right now would be to remove it, which would require me to carve it out as the skin around it has already started to heal around it. I will put them under, though they will be a bit loopy afterwards, as they try to regain the sense of time that was lost. If it is left there, it could cause complications down the road."

He explained as best as he could, not knowing how the mother would respond. Hell, he didn't even know if she would understand any of what he had just said. However, the intent of what he was saying seemed to shine through. She slowly walked around to the other side of the table, before lightly setting one of her paws overtop her cub to hold them in place. Taking that as a sign to go ahead, he quickly got the sedative ready. Moving slowly, he injected the cub with it, and started counting down from ten. By the time he hit four, light snores could be heard from the cub. As the mother took her paw off her now sleeping cub, Matis got to work extracting the rock that was embedded inside the limb. All the while under constant scrutiny from the large bear beside him.

Huge thanks to my Elder Wolves Viktor, Saganatsu, Eeleater, Hades, Sir Hellington, Onean, Sebastian, Adam, and Kevin for supporting me and my writing! Remember that I keep Patreon ten chapters ahead at all times. Our next goal on Patreon will be getting up to 50 patrons, which I will then spend more time each month writing some side stories and shorts that show other perspectives throughout my stories!

Feel free to join us all on my Discord! https://discord.gg/b8gRkD4

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