As they approached the pool, most of the wargs looked upon them with caution. Sure, they may have dealt with the goblins that were harassing and harming them, but who was to say they themselves were going to be any better. It could have just been so that they would hold control over them instead. Seeing them remain cautious and backed against the far side of the pool made Natalie sad. It just went to show how much they had been hurt, that even the pups did their best to hide from anyone outside of their group. Seeing this, Nat steeled her resolve and walked up to the gate in the fence. It had been secured roughly with a large amount of rusty chain, that was easy enough to take care of by either undoing or breaking with another metal tool. Before opening up the pen, she first wanted to speak to the giant wolves.

"Hello everyone. I know that you have not had the best of times and that many of you are injured. All that I wish to do is help. I have been trained to help animals in pain and wish to help take care of yours. All that I ask is that when i open this up, you all come out one at a time so that I can make sure each of you are okay." While their was no movement from the wargs, there was a little bit of light returning to their previously listless eyes. While watching this, she silently thought to the pack surrounding her, 'If any ask questions or have concerns, can you please explain and talk to them calmly? I want to help them move on, and being hostile right now will not achieve that goal.' After getting confirmations from each of them, Nat lifted up the axe she had used to brain the bigger goblin.

Those fucks were bigger, tougher, and probably stronger than the smaller ones. Deciding to label them as hobgoblins, Nat took a step forward and brought the axe down on the chain. A loud snapping sound rung out from the gate as the chain broke in the first couple places. While she could have just undid the chain, that might have shown an intent to use it again to the wargs. Being rescued by someone who wanted to use the same item that imprisoned them would not send the right message. It took another three swings of the axe before the chain was completely broken and the door slowly swung open. Glad to see that the work was done, Nat tossed the axe over to the side and took a few steps back from the gate. Meanwhile, Maia and Bryden had directed the pack to spread out around the opening, as if to guide anyone who left towards Natalie. After she had moved a few steps back, Kali came out and sat beside her, to act as both translator and bodyguard.

Minutes passed, with the wolves sitting down in their spots and the wargs looking between the opening and the human who was waiting for them. The two sides watched each other, seeing who would make the first move. Eventually one of the larger wargs made the first few steps forward. It slowly made its way towards the opening, cautious and ready to run back in case this was all an elaborate ruse. Some whines came out from behind them as they left their group, but a single bark backwards caused them all to cease. Slowly and with great caution, they came up to the opening and poked their head out. Seeing no movement from the wolves or the human, it started to take measured steps forward.

No others made a move until it came to be in front of Nat. Slowly as to not scare the giant canine, she lifted her hand and held it in front of them. While she could have just started walking towards the warg to check its wounds, it would be far easier to do so should it give her trust. The beast inched forward, sniffing intently at her had to try and understand whether or not she was hostile. When she made no other moves despite his snout touching her palm, the warg visibly relaxed and took a step forward. Noticing that the warg was relaxed and willing to approach, she quickly got to work analysing the canine for any issues it may have been facing. She constantly asked how it felt, where things hurt, and how bad, but the warg gave extremely limited replies. Despite it putting on a proud face, it seemed to be in a great amount of pain. Nat had found that it had no less than three fractured ribs and numerous bruises covering its body. Finding out it was a he, she assumed that he was the Alpha of this group, who decided to check if everything was safe for its pack.

After finding everything out that she could about the warg's health, she explained how it would take a while but the pain should heal on its own. Fractured ribs took usually a month or two to heal on their own, and as long as you caused them no stress and kept up steady breathing to avoid pneumonia, one would be perfectly fine afterwards. Once she had finished explaining what the warg needed to know and confirming it understood it through Kali, she directed him past herself, out towards the park and city. His eyes and ears perked up, and immediately tested her words. He started running out into the field and when he turned around was surprised to see that the wolves and human that had surrounded the gate were not even looking at him. They were true to their word, only wanting to help and then not needing or wanting anything in return. Seeing how they just checked how he was and just told him how to get better, he let out a series of barks back to the pool.

Instantly, all of the wargs started getting up and lining up at the gate. Looking down at Kali for an explanation, she was surprised to hear what the warg had said. 'He said to trust you, as you truly only wish to help and want nothing in return. Rejoice, for we are free!' Looking at the Wargs that were lining up, Nat counted there to be at least thirty of them, maybe more. Imagine trying to get pups to line up and be patient when they are told to rejoice and be free. Shaking her head, Nat got to work as the next warg sauntered up to her with far less caution than the previous patient.

Huge thanks to my Elder Wolves Jake, Viktor, Nikolas, Saganatsu, Eeleater, Lachlan, Coen, Adam, John, Ty, and Kevin for supporting me and my writing! Remember that I keep Patreon ten chapters ahead at all times. Our next goal on Patreon will be getting up to 25 patrons, which I will then open up an official discord for everyone to come and discuss the story in and hang out!

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