Moving down the hallway back towards the direction of the main entrance, Nat took a quick look down each hallway they passed to see if anything stood out as being in use. None of the canines came out to help search, but that was mainly due to a safety in numbers mentality. They had no idea how many enemies there were, where they were, or how strong they could be. No sounds or movement came from any of the rooms they passed however, leaving her to continue moving forward. Arriving at the main stairs, she found nothing that indicated they had made use of this floor. Upon inspection of the stairs, there were marks were it seemed to have had feet that were soaked passing through here. Given by what she could tell, they had been there for maybe a day or two, and there were multiple sets of foot prints. Looking down at the lower floors quickly, it was easily seen that the tracks only led straight up the staircase with no deviations. With a clear signal of where to follow, she headed up the stairs following the trail of messy feet.

Natalie ended up reaching the top floor, as the tracks had not deviated in the slightest. Figures, if people want to feel big and self important, they would all be in the highest spot around. Her tracking however hit a roadblock of sorts. The stairway opened onto a carpeted area with a couple branching hallways. One of them clearly went to the top floor of the library that was next door, but that door looked like it was locked shut. The other 4 hallways were all fair game, but going by the footprints alone, there was no way to tell which was which. Sadly, she did not have to guess what direction to go in. Faintly down one of the hallways, she could hear some sounds coming from them. Getting all of the canines to be on the ready for when she gave them the signal, she moved into the hallway. While she could just start with canines, the possibility of them using people as meat shields from the large predators was a very real threat. Luring them in with a false sense of security had more likelihood to succeed in taking out all of the enemies.

As Nat moved down the hallway, there were two main things that intensified. First was the sounds, which could be now heard as muted screaming, the slapping of flesh, and laughter. In direct correlation, the other intensifying state was Natalie's hold of her axe. The sounds aggravated her ears, and caused her grip on the weapon stained with monster blood to heighten. At the end of the hall on the right, was the only open door she had come across in the entire building.  As she came up to the edge of the doorway, the sight in what happened to be a classroom disgusted her beyond measure. There were two women, who she did not recognize, strung up on tables. Their feet were tied to the legs near the floor, and their arms were tied to the other legs, making their asses barely hand off the edge of the desk. Their eyes were watery and their mouths gagged, they struggled what little they could. What must have been horribly painful and uncomfortable for them was all done to make it easier for the four men around each of them to continually assault them. The men all had thick black mist coming out of them, but they were just laughing and smacking her as they had their way with the poor souls. Peering further into the room, what she saw made her furious.

At the front of the room, trussed up on the teachers desk in a similar fashion, was Shannon. Three men appeared to be having a smoke break as one just went to town. Seeing this, Natalie was moving before she knew it. Before any man in the room could react, she slammed the head of the fire axe deep into the fucker's head, causing him to start to fall backwards with the weight of the handle. Nat did not bother with retrieving the axe as she moved over in front of her friend. "You mother fuckers. You all just signed your own death warrant."

The remaining men all gathered in front of her, looked at one another, before all of them started to laugh. It could sound like Shannon was trying to say something, but Nat could not take her focus off of the eleven men in front of her. One of them finally gained enough composure too finally address her. "Yeah right, what could you do? Don't worry, we will just make you one of our dolls as well, the same way we took the rest of them. Time to come out and play boys!" out of each and every man came an orc, as well as a couple hobs. Unsurprisingly none came out of the dead man, meaning that either the monsters that were in there could not leave, or they perished at the same time he did. Two orcs, who seemed incredibly sure of themselves strode up towards Nat. As she was trying to figure out what to do, Kali's voice was heard in her head, 'Feel our bond. Embrace my power.' With unparalleled trust, Natalie focused and drew on her link to the female wolf.

Time seemed to slow down for Natalie, as she felt herself change and grow. Her height rose to match that of the seven foot tall orcs, her mouth extended into a wolfen muzzle, and he could feel a tail sprout out from behind her. While the massive change in her size ripped all of her clothes, she was not embarrassed in the slightest. Sharp claws formed on either hand, and her muscles enlarged and strengthened, while her entire form was covered with a coat of fur, completely similar to Kali's colouring. With an unfamiliar speed, strength, and grace, she reached forward and grasped at the throats of the two dumbfounded orcs. Where as before she could not pierce their skin with the axe, a tool made to cut, her hands easily sank into the throats of the two monsters. With a sharp pull, she ripped both of their throats out simultaneously, then grabbing each by the head tossing them towards the group. While most managed to get away in time, six hobgoblins got hit by the two meaty orcs and had their necks snapped. Natalie looked at each and every man and monster opposing her, and snarled out to them, "Whos next?"

Huge thanks to my Elder Wolves Jake, Viktor, Nikolas, Saganatsu, Eeleater, Eric, Corgi, Lachlan, Coen, Adam, John, Nicholas, Ty, and Kevin for supporting me and my writing! Remember that I keep Patreon ten chapters ahead at all times. Our next goal on Patreon will be getting up to 25 patrons, which I will then open up an official discord for everyone to come and discuss the story in and hang out!

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