It took almost an hour for Shannon to calm down. The memory of what had happened for the past week had all seemed like one long nightmare, but the pain her body felt and where she felt it kept as a constant reminder of what had happened. After about ten minutes the pillow had become uncomfortably wet from the tears, but was quickly filled in for by Scout. The whole time, Nat sat patiently and quietly on the bed. She did not really have anywhere else to be, nor did she feel a need to say anything. She just let her friend process the feelings that were overwhelming her. She would have been more worried when Scout was grabbed to be used as a body pillow to cry into had his tail not been wagging emphatically. He had apparently felt unhelpful these last few days, having watched everyone hunt and fight to take out the monsters, and wanted to help in anyway he could. In his current state however, he was quite limited to what he could actually accomplish. During the hour, Edwin and Lucille had finally felt the affect of the morning sun, and turned back into the Soulscape to get some sleep. To replace them at the door, the three wargs came out. Nat was quite surprised to see Seeka boop Scout on the nose before heading over to the door. His tail sped up for a little after she did, showing that he shared the feelings she had seemed to have for him.

When Shannon finally separated herself from the comfort of the shepherd, she rubbed her eyes to clear away the tears before turning to Nat. "Sorry you had to see that Lie, it just been.... Hard." she seemed to be exhausted from crying so much, as well as still sore from the fuckers 'ministrations'.

"All good Sham, I'm just glad that you are still with us." Natalie paused, unsure of what to say. She wanted to be careful to not bring back up the events while they were still so raw. Plus, Shannon would talk about it if she wanted to. Trying to change the subject, "So, what are you wanting to do from now on?"

Shannon just looked at her friend confused, then her eyes lit up as she finally understood what Nat was actually asking about, before going back to a confused look. A few minutes of silence, only filled with the scratches of the pencil that the nurse was using to fill out some paperwork. The whole time throwing glances towards Nat. Probably wanting answers about where that pillow or the clothes she was wearing now came from. Finally after almost five minutes, did Shannon turn her focus towards Nat, and responded without meeting her friends eyes. "I don't know, I just know that I do not want to be here anymore."

Nodding, Nat got up and got Maia to pass out some of her clothes. While they were a different size, especially in the chest region, having something to cover up would be far better than nothing. Once she had set the clothe down on the bed, Nat turned around and got the nurse to turn around as well. All though they had all already seen her naked, this not being the first time for Nat, this was one way that Nat had thought of to help Shannon recover. It was all her friends choice on who got to see her that freely, and this was one of the ways that she could think to help emphasize this with actions. The sounds of sheets moving and clothes rustling tempted her to look back, but that would do only harm at the moment.

As Shannon was getting changed, Nat noticed that the other two were getting up themselves. While at least one of them had family in the area, neither had been delivered any clothes. Feeling sorry for them, having gone through the same hell that Shannon had, Nat got two more sets of clothes to come out of her Soulscape. All three of the outfits were different, but still all definitely her style. All natural materials, bland colour palette, and no graphics on anything. Fashion had never been something she had cared overly about. As Nat was thanked for the gift to the two, she heard Shannon say she was ready. Turning around to have a look at her, the view was both stunning and unsurprising. Shannon had always looked good no matter what she wore, at least in Nat's opinion. Moving towards the door, they almost left the infirmary before the nurse ran up to them. "How did you make those things out of thin air? Could the same be done with food? Medicine? Building supplies."

As much as she wanted to highlight everything the previous administration had done wrong, Natalie's only goal was to get Shannon out of this location and towards somewhere better. Turning back, she quickly filled in the nurse, "It works with everything except other people. The only requirement is to bond with an animal of any kind. They are the only ones that can enter or leave that area. With or without any supplies." Thanking the nurse one last time for her help, the pack plus Shannon moved out towards the main atrium of the university.

As they came up to the main atrium, they heard many people shouting and arguing. All of them quieted down however when three wargs and four wolves escorted two women and a German shepherd through there. Without a word or glance from any of the group, they walked straight through the crowd and towards the front doors. Not one soul said a peep or made a move towards them the entire time they were there. Together they all went through the doors and out into the sunlight, not caring one bit about whatever they had been arguing about. They had not done any checks or investigations to make sure that their 'leaders' were up to par, and so Nat did not care about what any of them thought. Together, side by side, Nat walked with her now safe best friend, northwards out of the campus.

Huge thanks to my Elder Wolves Jake, Viktor, Nikolas, Saganatsu, Eeleater, Eric, Corgi, Lachlan, Coen, Adam, John, Nicholas, Ty, Jacob, Sir Hellington, and Kevin for supporting me and my writing! Remember that I keep Patreon ten chapters ahead at all times. Our next goal on Patreon will be getting up to 25 patrons, which I will then open up an official discord for everyone to come and discuss the story in and hang out!

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