Together, the five of them made their way straight down highway 519. it did not have much along their path, a couple farm houses, and two small towns. They were not that big, and one was not even directly on the road, instead sitting directly north of it. As they were walking, Natalie explained her plan to Shannon. That while it meant going through the middle of numerous small towns and even some that bordered on being cities themselves, they would get to what was most likely the source of the dreams she had been having.

"Why do you want to rush straight there though? It will probably be fine whenever we get there." Shannon asked, confused by her friends plan to move north towards Calgary as fast as possible.

Natalie sighed, "Because most of the dreams that I have had had been fairly time sensitive. The wargs were rescued after two dreams, but they had been suffering for far longer. Then there was the series of dreams with you. Given what has happened, I do not want anyone else to suffer more than they have to because we took these fucking prophetic dreams lightly. Fuck do I hate them though."

Shannon was quiet for a little bit, chewing on what Nat just said. After about five minutes, she finally spoke back up. "I understand why we should take them seriously. And I appreciate that they brought you to me to help me. What I am still not grasping is why you hate them so much."

Natalie let out a long exhale. "I hate them because it feels like we are being guided to do certain things. Like we don't have a choice in what we do. I hate it, because it feels as though we are being pushed down a path with no control ourselves." Natalie paused at the top of a hill, looking back towards Shannon who was trailing behind her. "I also hate them for that if I never had them, I would not have been able to save you. They make me feel powerless, just like back then."

"Fuck, you still feel hung up on back then? You don't need to worry about that at all. I just did what any other reasonable person would do."

"Sham, no normal person would go and fight off a dozen mafia members when they were dragging away one drugged unconscious person from a bar. You saved my life that night." An awkward silence followed after that. Neither had particularly enjoyed talking about the whole incident. Both women had to be hospitalized afterwards, and if it was not for almost a dozen witness testimonies, Shannon would have been charged with numerous charges, both for assault and assault with a deadly weapon among others. She was a registered martial artist who competed in world championships after all. Her body itself counted as a deadly weapon in the view of the law. While her knuckles were broken and she had a few cracked ribs, along with a minor concussion, Shannon had turned out of that whole scuffle looking in the second-best shape, with Natalie coming away with the fewest injuries or issues. Every single person of the mafia that was there that night had broken ribs, some of which were dangerously close to puncturing lungs, most of their limbs either broken or dislocated, and with at a minimum a minor concussion each. They were in the hospital for months after that. What set the nail in the coffin for them though, was when one of the younger members regained consciousness, he went full snitch. The day after, dozens of arrests were made and an entire human trafficking operation was uprooted from its core. If she hadn't gone after her friend that night, they would still probably be continuing to this day. "You are my hero Sham."

"That night was the start of our friendship." Shannon mused out loud. Then, whispering to herself, "If you knew the real reason why I did that, you probably wouldn't look at me the same."

However, she did not know how Natalie's body had been changing these past two weeks. With her enhanced hearing, Nat heard every mumbled word loud and clear. "Sham, no matter what reason you did it for, I appreciate what you did no less. And I would never think of you as lesser, no matter the reason. Unless you were the one who drugged me."

"Wait, you heard that?" Shannon asked meekly. At Natalie's nod, she sighed out. "I was not the one who drugged you. I did however pay for a number of your drinks. Mainly because I wanted to take you home myself. When I saw you fall unconscious at the bar, I got worried that I had gotten you too many. Then I saw those men scoop you up without saying anything to anyone and walked out. Honestly, I just did not want them taking who I found to be the most beautiful woman in the bar that night."

"So that is where all those drinks came from. Those assholes must have gotten one of them drugged. So, wait, you were wanting to sleep with me when you first met me?"

"Yea, I did." Shannon admitted, a heavy blush now covering most of her face. "But as time went on, and we became closer as friends, those feelings changed. We spent a lot of time together, and got to know each other really well. The more I got to know you, I fell more in love with you and who you are. The animal loving, freak of nature that had an addiction to the outdoors." Natalie stopped dead in the middle of the road, and stared wide-eyed directly at Shannon. This was not the direction she was expecting this conversation to go. Before Natalie had a chance to open her mouth, Shannon drove the whole conversation home as she stared back into Natalie's wide eyes. "So, there it is. I am deeply and hopelessly in love with you, my best friend in the whole world."

Huge thanks to my Elder Wolves Jake, Viktor, Nikolas, Saganatsu, Eeleater, Eric, Corgi, Lachlan, Adam, John, Nicholas, Jacob, Onean, Hades, Neal, Sebastian, Sir Hellington, and Kevin for supporting me and my writing! Remember that I keep Patreon ten chapters ahead at all times. Our next goal on Patreon will be getting up to 25 patrons, which I will then open up an official discord for everyone to come and discuss the story in and hang out!

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