Drunk House

Chapter 712: Three Royal Edicts (Second Update)

Chapter 712 Three Royal Decree (Second update)

Li He came forward with the imperial edict, his back straight and looking happy.

"By God's blessing, King Cheng said: Since I came to the throne, I have been careless and diligent, and I have failed to live up to the entrustment of the late king. Fortunately, my princess, Su Rong of the Chu family, is of Chenggu's lineage. I can handle great responsibilities and can be entrusted with heavy tasks. The princess has both political integrity and talent." , the civilized and martial arts, the best from heaven, a thousand times stronger than the lonely, so lonely heart. Today, the princess defeated the Wei Dynasty, causing the Wei Dynasty to lose its troops and generals, cut off the city and give way to the pond, and paid hundreds of thousands in compensation. In order to benefit the future, the book was changed. The history of Southern Chu, the founding of the Southern Chu Dynasty from the beginning to the present, I am very fortunate and honored to do so. Now we follow the ancient instructions and the first edict, carry out the ceremony, obey the public opinion, and sincerely inform the heaven and earth, the ancestral temple, the state, and grant this In the treasure book, she is appointed as the princess, and she is in charge of the East Palace. She is responsible for the administration of the government, the military and the supervision of the country. All the records of the hundred ministers can be reported to the princess. One year later, she will inherit the throne of the orphan to maintain the rule for thousands of years. The heart of the world."

 “Long live the king, a thousand live the queen!” After reading the royal edict, all the courtiers knelt on the ground and shouted, “Long live a thousand lives.”

The King of Southern Chu was also very happy and said, "Everyone loves you, I am safe", and then said to Li He: "Continue reading, the next chapter."

Li He responded and picked up the second imperial edict. After the courtiers stood up, he continued to read it, with the same happy face.

"I have been blessed by heaven and received the king's edict: The Duke's Palace of Daliang Protector has a great reputation. It is a famous family in the prosperous times of Zhongming and Dingshi. It is famous all over the world. It has a son named Zhou Gu and four brothers. He was born with a golden melon and a phoenix. He has been born since he was a child. She is talented and intelligent, with a keen mind and a lot of wisdom. When she was young, she stayed with the East Palace for more than ten years. She was carefully trained by Prince Daliang. She was originally intended to be an assistant to the government. She looked forward to the journey of success in the history books. She was so happy that she was a lonely princess. She forced herself on her in every possible way and went through all kinds of hardships. , with the permission of the Duke Protector of the State, he cut off his love from the East Palace of Daliang, not far away thousands of miles away, and came to Southern Chu together, accompanying the king, eliminating rebellion, killing traitors, being both civil and military, outstanding in virtue and talent, a rare and proud son of heaven, Helping the orphan out of danger, and getting married with the orphan's son-in-law, he is no different from his parent-child. The orphan is also very happy, and he loves and protects him. It is difficult to express in words. It is a blessing for the country to have such a talented person in Southern Chu. Now I give my daughter-in-law a husband, and I give it to my daughter-in-law. The daughter-in-law Baoyin and the princess share the same management of the government and form a good relationship to benefit Southern Chu, prosper the world, and revitalize the country."

 “Long live the king, a thousand live my daughter, a thousand years my husband!” The courtiers all knelt down again, and the mountains roared.

Zhou Gu was a little excited and tried his best to keep his face calm, but he couldn't hold back the smile at the corner of his mouth.

Su Rong was surprised. Looking at the royal edict, it could be seen that it was not drafted by someone else, but actually written by her own father. Every word, inside and out, praised Zhou Gu in every aspect, from his family background to his character, talents and other aspects. And to be able to boast so sincerely, you really have worked hard.

She turned her head and looked around, and saw that the young man was smiling like a spring peach in full bloom, glowing with grace, and she couldn't help but smile.

Just be happy.

Originally, only she, the Protector's Mansion, and the East Palace knew what he had given up when he left Daliang. Now that her father has told the world, it has really vindicated his name. What he gave up for her will not be drowned. Her father The king was so happy that he loved and protected him, and was willing to tell the world in this way, so that he would not be wronged, which was also what she wanted.

 She was equally happy.

"Everyone loves you so much." The King of Nanchu said happily: "There is also the last royal edict, Li He, please read it out together!"

Everyone stood up again, with some doubts in their hearts. Only Ye Xiang knew what the last royal decree was.

"By God's blessing, I accept the king's edict and say: This is Princess Zhenmin of Daliang, a noble daughter of the royal family, whose name is like Zhen. Seventeen years ago, she made a marriage agreement with an orphan. It was a match made in heaven. There is a treasure book of marriage books, exchange of national gifts, and permission letters. The jade certificate reflects the great ambitions of the Wei Dynasty, frequent scheming, bad marriages, and the loss of the love of this life. It is really full of hatred. For seventeen years, I have been sleepless day and night. I have been thinking about him many times, but I have not forgotten my heart. I hereby posthumously confer Wen Xiduan, Xinliang Ruihua Queen Mao Shuhui, who is virtuous, virtuous, graceful and Zhenmin, after being alone for a hundred years, she and she share the same coffin and enjoy the Ancestral Temple, sharing the love of this life and continuing the fate of the world. Regardless of the vastness of life and death, the world will be peaceful for a long time."

Su Rong: “…”

 Good guy, she really has a good father. The courtiers knelt down again and said, "Long live the king!"

The King of Nanchu once again asked everyone to stand up. Three royal edicts appeared, which seemed to cheer him up. "I am very happy today that you all love me. I have a book to start. I am alone with my daughter and husband. All our beloved ministers discuss the great cause of rejuvenating the country."

 “Long live the king.” The courtiers did not kneel again this time, but all held their hands in arms.

For a moment, the officials in the Jinluan Palace seemed to be infected, and their faces were filled with joy. This was the first time since the king came to power. Although there were still many vacancies in the civil and military affairs of the dynasty that had not been filled, it gave all the courtiers A sense of prosperity and prosperity.

Everyone thought that from today on, Nanchu would really prosper and revitalize the country.

Although Southern Chu has still not separated from the status of a vassal state of Daliang, it is no longer a small neutral country between Daliang and Dawei, but will become stronger.

If they think about it in the long run, they feel that one day, sooner or later, Nanchu will completely take off the title of Daliang vassal state, even if this title is in name only.

 One day, the princess and the Emperor of Liang will have the same status and sit on equal footing. In the future, they will swallow up the Wei Dynasty and divide the world into two parts to rule the country.

  Agitation arose in the hearts of the courtiers. This was the beginning of Su Rong, the queen of Southern Chu, and it was also a signal of the beginning of her flourishing reign in Southern Chu.

Naturally, the courtiers did not just listen to the three imperial edicts and finish their work. Naturally, they had to start the memorial. Several elderly courtiers had prepared a plan to retire in private. After three imperial edicts, after half a morning of court, they all Quietly holding on, I felt that it was better not to bring out the old age discount. They could still continue to fight for the country of Nanchu and the newly appointed princess for another year or two.

They can't just retire like this after spending sixteen or seventeen years with the king who was decadent and neglectful of government affairs. They still want to leave a mark in the history books where the princess started to govern, even if their achievements are not as good as those of the court. Rookie courtiers must have the energy to refuse to accept their old age and work hard to live up to the beginning of this prosperous era.

As a result, not only the young courtiers had their own plans, but also the older courtiers, including after the rebellion between the Nangong family and King Liu'an and after the war, to restore Nanchu's economy, politics, people's livelihood, medicine, spring farming, etc. Wait, these are all important matters of the country, and there are a lot of major things that need to be dealt with urgently.

Su Rong almost wanted to hold her forehead. Although she had been mentally prepared for the day after she returned to the royal capital, she had a day of rest yesterday and the court would start early today. She was afraid that she would be very busy in the next short period of time, but she did not expect that, There are so many things to do.

She stared at the King of Nanchu, thinking that her father had been back in the capital for so long, hadn't he done a lot of things? Why are there so many things going on?

The King of Nanchu avoided Su Rong's sight with a guilty conscience. He was worried about his daughter and son-in-law on the front line all day long, and he and the Prime Minister of the Night worked hard to secure food, military pay, medicinal materials, etc. Of course, other things had to be put aside first, but that's not all. Are there so many?

Happy holidays, babies!

In the last two days at the end of the month, don’t keep your monthly pass, okay?



 (End of this chapter)

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