Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 101: : Silver Lightsaber

   Liang Chongtian didn't elaborate on what kind of material the blue flame stone is used to refine. Since this blue flame stone is not common in the realm of cultivation, the level of the magic artifact should not be low.

The value of magical artifacts is much higher than that of talisman and pill of the same level, but the refining of magical artifacts requires many kinds of materials, and also requires a sophisticated refiner, so the value of a single material is not high, Liang Chongtian is willing It's quite sincere to exchange five Qi Yang Pills.

   The lame Taoist thought about it for a while and agreed. This blue flame stone has been in his hands for nearly ten years, and it hasn't played any role. It might as well be used to exchange the elixir for improving cultivation.

If you save the use of the five Qi nourishing pills, you can at least raise your cultivation to the eighth level of the open vein realm. I am only about 40 years old now. It will take another ten or eight years to break through to the 9th level of the open vein realm. Difficulty, there will be 30 to 40 years of life after that, and the refining period does not seem to be far away.

Seeing that everyone else had exchanged what he needed, Na Ding became eager in his heart. He winked at Pan Po, who nodded, and then took out a wooden box nearly a foot long from his arms and handed it to Pan Po. Ding Gong.

Ding Ding opened the wooden box carefully, brought it to Liang Chongtian, and said, “My husband and I live in an unfixed place and often walk in the wild. This is a blood ginseng we collected some time ago. The year is now, I wonder if Fellow Liang Daoyou needs it?"

Liang Chongtian picked up the elixir from the box. The blood ginseng looked like ginseng, but it was covered with red spots, like a human arm being bitten by many mosquitoes. The older the year, the red spots on it are also The more, until it turns completely red in the end.

Liang Chongtian held the blood ginseng for a long time and said, "Yes, this is a blood ginseng more than sixty years old. It is one of the main materials for refining Qi Gathering Pill. The only flaw is the improper preservation method. Fortunately, the time to dig it out is not long, and the loss of medicinal properties is not serious. You should be worth a piece of spirit stone when you get the Jade Spirit City. Do you also need to change the Qi Pill?"

Na Dinggong hesitated, then looked at Pan Po, and said, "Daoyou Liang, I wonder if you have any defensive magical weapons. We both use ordinary weapons. We suffer a lot from fighting against others. Madam is here today. The Tiger Gang was almost shot by Wuhou Crossbow. For my husband and wife, cultivation can be slowed down, and it is imminent to get a self-defense magic weapon."

Liang Chongtian groaned a little, and said: "I have one defensive magic weapon, but I still have to keep it for use. I definitely can't give it to you. But here I have an offensive magic weapon that was eliminated before. I know if you want it."

Then Liang Chongtian untied the long strip of baggage on his back. After opening it, the two swords inside were exposed. He pointed to one of the silver-white long swords and said, "This sword is called the silver light sword. It is a low-grade magic weapon. I have been using it until the middle period of the open pulse realm. If I want to, I can exchange it for you, and I will use the Qi Yang Pill to make up for the price difference."

  Since this silver lightsaber was eliminated, the remaining sword must be Liang Chongtian in use, and at least it is of medium grade. Ding Gong Panpo and his wife didn't even have a single magical instrument. Liang Chongtian took out two of them casually.

The price of low-grade magical artifacts is very low, but it is much higher than the medicine pill and talisman. However, the defensive magical weapons are more expensive than the offensive ones. , The exchange-attack low-grade magic weapon is more than enough, you need to use Yangqi Pill to make up the difference.

   Ding Gong Panpo discussed for a long time, and finally agreed to Liang Chongtian's proposal. The strength of their husband and wife is relatively low, if there is no magic weapon for self-defense, the gap between them and other monks will be too big. Although the silver lightsaber that Liang Chongtian took out was not very convenient for Pan Po, it was better than nothing, not to mention that there was a Yangqi Pill that could be taken.

Liang Chongtian did not deliberately lower the price. It was completely based on the privately traded price by the casual practitioners in Yuling City. After conversion, Dinggong Panpo’s blood ginseng exchanged for the couple a low-grade magic weapon silver lightsaber and three nourishing qi. Dan.

   Duke Ding had already decided in his heart, he took one Qi Yang Pill, and gave the remaining two pills to Pan Po to help her break through to the sixth level of the Open Pulse Realm. The wife's strength is slightly lower, and the silver light sword is also handed over to her to defend herself. In this case, the strength of the husband and wife will be more equal, and the husband and wife can even play a strength that surpasses other open pulse realm seven-layer casual cultivation.

Everyone else had finished trading, and in the end there was only one Qingyang left. In fact, he had considered this issue on the way there. He had only practiced for more than a month in total. The time he had been in contact with Xiuxian was too short, and there was no high value in him. There are even fewer things that can be traded.

The drunk fairy gourd must not be taken out~www.readwn.com~ casually leaking a little wind is to cause trouble for yourself; the alcoholic bee is a living creature, and cannot be their master by themselves, nor can they be used for trading; that rain wine Qingyang There are two or three bottles left. If you really take it out, someone will definitely want it, but Yujiu can improve your cultivation. How good is it to keep it, so why bother to exchange it with others?

After thinking about it, only the three herbs he picked in the dense forest could be traded, so Qingyang picked the three herbs in advance, wrapped them in a piece of rags, and put them in his arms. I know if this half-spirit grass can be used.

Qing Yang hesitated for a long time, finally took out the rag with three herbs and handed it to Liang Chongtian, "Daoist Liang, I have been practicing for too short a time, so I only have something on my body. See if you can change it. To Yangqi Pill."

Liang Chongtian took a look at the three herbs from Qingyang, then smiled at Qingyang, and said, "This one is a bamboo joint grass commonly used for refining Yangqi Dan, but its growth year is too short, and it's only more than ten years in total. , The other two are just ordinary medicinal materials in the world, but they have absorbed aura from the outside world for a long time, and they have a slight variation. They can be mixed to refine the medicinal medicinal pill. The value of the three medicinal materials is not too great. But because you came out at a young age, I made a good relationship and gave you two Qi-Nourishing Pills."

   Two Yangqi Pills? It’s a lot. I’ve only opened the fourth level of the vein realm now. Qi Yang Pill is the most suitable medicine for improving cultivation. Able to break through to the fifth level of the open pulse realm.

   "Thank you Daoist Liang, then." After thanking him, Qing Yang took the two Qi-Yang Pills, pulled out a porcelain bottle from his bag, and put it in carefully. And Liang Chongtian also packed the few elixir he had just received in a special jade box, and then wrapped it up and tied it on his back.

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