Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 103: : Blue Eyed Clam

The stronger the monster beast, the more valuable the things on it. As long as this Tier 1 monster beast is killed, the things on his body can sell for at least four or five spiritual stones, and they can be evenly distributed. Each person can divide it into at least half and half. A piece of spirit stone doesn't seem to be many, but it is a lot of wealth for them who are casual cultivators, because half a piece of spirit stone can be exchanged for four or five Qi nourishing pills.

This kind of gain is already a great wealth for the few casual practitioners present. Although Liang Chongtian is in better condition than other casual practitioners, he is the most powerful and bold in art. No one is afraid of him. What's terrible, if you really encounter danger, with your own ability, it will definitely be easier to escape than others.

   Qingyang is the lowest in strength, so it should be based on security, but after a long time of consideration, he decided to go and take a look with everyone. Cultivating immortals is to act against the sky. The road of immortal cultivation in the future will be dangerous everywhere. If you encounter danger, you will shrink back, and what future can you have in the future. What's more, I already knew about this, and other people wouldn't let them go easily. If they seemed too out-of-group, they might cause unnecessary trouble for themselves.

   Everyone soon unified one, and decided to hunt the monster beast together. The harvest of hunting monsters is very attractive, but everyone has not forgotten the danger of monsters. Hong Mantian asked: "King Beggar, what kind of monster is that? Can we people deal with it?"

King Beggar said: "The last time I went, I just observed it from a distance. I didn't dare to go closer. I only knew that it was a toad the size of a tub. Its skin was red and it jumped very fast. I don't know."

   Other people didn’t know much about monsters, so everyone had to look at Liang Chongtian. Liang Chongtian thought a little, and then said: "Are the toad's eyes green?"

   "It seems so, Daoyou Liang knows what monster this is?" King Beggar asked.

Liang Chongtian nodded, and said: "The size of the basin, red skin and blue eyes. This should be a first-order monster beast with blue eyes and red clam. This monster beast is extremely fast, but its attack power is not very strong. It should be easy to deal with. Blue eyes Clam's attack methods are mainly sound waves, tongues and poison sacs on the back. You can make targeted preparations."

   Someone knows that the situation is great, so that they will not be rushed when they are in danger. You can make some preparations in advance and your chances of winning will be greater. There was nothing to prepare for Sonic Waves and tongues. There was nothing to prepare for. Sanxiu was all poor ghosts, and even the magical weapons were not available, not to mention the treasures to guard against Sonic attacks, but psychological preparation was also considered preparation, and it didn't cost money.

   It’s nothing but detoxification pills. Everyone has prepared a few. Of course, they are not the kind of detoxification pills taken by the monks, but the kind of detoxification pills sold in the pharmacies of the world. Whether it works or not, there is always a psychological comfort, isn’t it?

As for the distribution of the spoils in the future, Liang Chongtian will monopolize half of it, Hong Mantian, the lame Taoist, and Ding Gong Panpo will each account for one eighth. Qingyang can only be divided into 30% of this one-eighth.

   Qingyang's distribution ratio is too low, but there is no way, who can make him the lowest cultivation base. Qing Yang acted with everyone this time, not for gaining 30% of that one-eighth, but mainly for gaining insights.

   Everyone quickly made preparations, and the old servant of Hong Mantian sent everyone to the river, and then headed towards Qianhu County together. Qianhu County is a small county under Kaiyuan Prefecture. It is northeast of Kaiyuan Prefecture. Because there are many large and small lakes in the territory, there are thousands of lakes in total, so it is named Qianhu County.

   Qianhu County is about two hundred miles away from Kaiyuan Fucheng, and it’s a little closer from Hexin Island, which is more than one hundred miles. If they travel with all their strength, they don’t even need a day. The seven people set off at half a morning and arrived at the county seat of Qianhu County before it was dark.

  The location of the monster beast, blue-eyed clams, was relatively remote, and it would be impossible to make it before dark, so everyone randomly found a small inn in the county to rest for a night. The next morning, when everyone ate and drank enough, King Beggar led everyone to continue toward the place where the monsters were infested.

Along the way, this Qianhu County is indeed as the county name says, with many large and small lakes arranged in the territory, the small ones are only tens of meters in size, and the large ones cover hundreds of hectares, of which the largest are several. There is even a river directly leading to the Jinsha River.

   In Qianhu County, there are many lakes, water, and fertile fields. The whole land of fish and rice is much better than the barren Xiping Mansion where Qingyang and the others are located. After walking along the path for more than two hours, the surrounding people gradually reduced. Everyone walked more and more remotely, and finally passed through a dense forest and came to a medium-sized lake.

   There is nothing special about this lake~www.readwn.com~ The only feature is that there is a huge swamp on the edge of the lake. This lake is hidden deep in the dense forest. If it weren't for King Beggar to lead the way, it would be impossible for outsiders to find such a place.

When he arrived at the lake, King Beggar pointed to the marshland not far away and said: "The last time I found the blue-eyed clams here, he was hunting on the marshland at the time, perhaps because this marshland is suitable for predation. I chose this place as a habitat."

   When he didn't come, Qing Yang felt that it was not difficult to hunt the monster beast. If he encountered it, he could go straight up. After a wave of attacks, the monster beast would definitely die. When he really came to this place, he realized that things were not as easy as he thought.

First of all, everyone does not know where the blue-eyed clams are hidden. It takes a lot of energy to find them. If the monsters find them in advance and hide them secretly, then it will not be them hunting the monsters, but the monsters hunting them. They are.

Secondly, the location of the battle is also uncertain. If they are fighting on land, this is naturally the most beneficial for them. If the location is in a dense forest, although there will be interference from weeds and trees, it will have an impact on their strength. It's not too big, I'm afraid that the battle location chosen by the monster beast is in the lake or in the swamp.

   They are just low-level cultivators in the open pulse realm, not to mention flying in the air, they can't even control flying swords, and they don't have any useful escape techniques. Needless to say, the lake not only affects the performance of strength, but also blocks the line of sight. As for the swamp, it is hard to find a place to stay. Ten percent of the strength can be used to achieve good results.

  The question Qingyang thought of, other people also thought of, then Hong Mantian said: "King Beggar, do you know where this monster's lair is? This area is so large, you can't wait here, right?"

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