Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 105: : Spiritual Mind Controlling Dharma Weapon

   Seeing that the blue-eyed vermillion clam was getting closer and closer, he was about to come to the shore. The lame Taoist finally lost his breath, jumped out of the bush with a loud shout, and rushed towards the monster.

Although the casual cultivators present were all superior cultivators, they were a mob that was temporarily assembled, and their cooperation was extremely incomprehensible. Before the monster beast was completely landed, nor was it waiting for someone to give orders, the lame Taoist was the first. After that, the others did not want to be left behind and jumped out of the bushes one after another.

   This sudden movement shocked the blue-eyed clams, and he stopped his figure immediately. If the situation is not good, he will definitely turn around and slip away. At that time, it would be difficult to attract the blue-eyed vermillion clams, and he could only find his lair and rush into it.

   When I saw that the people who jumped out were just opening the veins, the courage of the blue-eyed clams suddenly became stronger. A group of small ants dared to offend his dignified first-order monsters, really knowing how to live and die. The blue-eyed clam was so angry that he no longer had the idea of ​​turning around and fleeing. Instead, he kicked his legs and swam aggressively towards the shore.

   When the blue-eyed vermillion clam jumped to the shore, the distance was a little closer, and everyone could see his whole picture clearly. This monster beast had bulging eyes, a big mouth, and a white belly. Only the skin on the back was vermilion red. On his back, there are countless tumors, large and small, which looks very scary. Although the blue-eyed clam is squatting on the ground, his body is nearly a foot tall.

   Such a big toad, I don't know how many years of cultivation, activated a trace of the blood of the blue-eyed clam in the body, and evolved into a Tier 1 monster.

   The blue-eyed clam jumped onto the shore, stared at the crowd with wide eyes, and murmured a few times, then opened his mouth and several water arrows shot at the crowd.

No one thought that this blue-eyed clam would attack when he said that he attacked. There was no sign. The lame Taoist took the brunt. He had no time to avoid the vital parts of his body, and two water arrows shot at his shallow. On the blue robes, the robes swung back to relieve the power of the attack, and then the water arrows turned into a pool of lake water and fell on the ground.

   Two of the water arrows were aimed at Liang Chongtian. He stunned with his left foot, and his body rose from the ground, leaping straight into the air six or seven feet high, easily avoiding the two water arrows. Then he took the long baggage on his back, flicked his hand to reveal the long sword inside, and raised the sword towards the blue-eyed vermillion clam.

   The last remaining water arrow was shot at Pan Po. He had no time to escape, so he had to block in front with a small shield in his hand. Although her small shield was shot through by Wuhou crossbow yesterday, it was barely able to be used. As a result, she was shot by a water arrow today, and it was almost a waste product.

   But with a small shield like this, the power of the water arrow was completely exhausted and turned into a pool of lake water, without causing any harm to them. Although it was a false alarm, Ding Ding was also terrified. The couple took a few steps forward at the same time, one with a gun and the other with a sword, and they also launched an attack.

The three attacked at the same time, and the blue-eyed clam seemed to feel the threat. He did not dare to resist with his own body. Instead, with the force of his legs, his body leaped forward quickly. Quickly, Qing Yang could only see an afterimage.

   When Qing Yang reacted, the blue-eyed clam had already jumped in front of him, and he could even smell the stench from the monster's body.

   Qingyang screamed badly, his figure flickered, instinctively raised the seven-star sword in front of him. Just now, the blue-eyed clam just let out a few water arrows casually, making the lame Taoist, Pan Po and other three people tired to deal with it, and there is no chance of winning on their own.

   Fortunately, this time, the blue-eyed clams did not attack with water arrows. Instead, they slid up and jumped up to four or five feet high. When they approached Qingyang's chest height, they patted his neck with his forelimbs.

Qing Yang's instinctive action just now saved him. Just as the Seven-Star Sword was raised, the forelimbs of the blue-eyed vermillion clam were just slapped, only to hear a crisp fragrance, the Seven-Star Sword was broken in two, but the attack of the monster beast was also resolved, Qing Yang He took a few steps back and stood firm, but the monster fell to the other side.

This is extremely thrilling. If it weren't for Qingyang's instinct, this time I'm afraid it would be dead. The blue-eyed clams can even slap off the seven-star sword. If he slaps the chest with a claw, maybe even Qingyang's heart can Shattered.

   This time, it was a surprise, Qing Yang was only frightened, his chest was cut by a broken sword, a small cut appeared on his clothes, and there was no injury on his body. I really underestimated the power of the first-order monsters. The weapons became half at the beginning. What about the rest of the battle? Qing Yang looked at the half of the sword in his hand, and smiled bitterly in his heart.

   The blue-eyed clams didn't seem to have a fixed goal. After the body fell, he moved forward ~www.readwn.com~ and rushed towards the lame Taoist closest to him. The same method used when attacking Qing Yang just now was used. When the body was close to the neck of the lame old man, he raised his palm and patted it.

   The lame Taoist's cultivation is much higher than Qing Yang's, and his reaction was fairly timely, and he flung out his whisk and wrapped it towards the forelimbs of the blue-eyed clam. The crippled Taoist's whisk is not a magic weapon, but his strength is high enough, this time the true energy is contained, although Fuchen was caught and made a bald, but the forelimbs of the blue-eyed clams were also counter-shocked back.

   At this moment, Hong Mantian, who had been preparing for a long time next to him, flashed aside suddenly, and then a slender silver needle shot out of his hand, towards the eyes of the blue-eyed clam. The blue-eyed clam was in the air, so it was difficult to avoid it, so he could only tilt his head aside.

   Although the eyes can hide, the huge body of the blue-eyed clam is like a living target, and it is impossible to avoid it in a hurry. The silver needle directly pierced his head.

The silver needle is not penetrated very deeply, and the head is not a vital part. It is not very big for the blue-eyed clam, but the silver needle is also a magic weapon after all. There are certain traumas, and the blue-eyed clam pain is unbearable. , Patted the head fiercely with the forelimbs, shaking the silver needle down.

   At this time, Hong Mantian had already hid aside, his head raised slightly, and the silver needle that fell on the ground actually flew from the ground, and then returned to his hand.

  This...this seems to be using divine mind, Hong Mantian was able to use divine mind to control the magic weapon. This scene stunned many people present, even Liang Chongtian couldn't help but look at it twice.

The monks generally rely on divine consciousness and divine consciousness to control the magical and spiritual tools, but the divine consciousness of the monks in the open pulse realm is too weak, and they are not pure enough to use them, let alone driving a flying sword, even holding up a chopstick. It's very difficult, so low-level monks use magical artifacts directly with their hands.

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