Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 107: : Venom Sac

   The blue-eyed clam was in the air, and just withdrew his attack, unable to avoid it, so he had to shoot at the long sword with his forelimb. However, Liang Chongtian didn't let him get what he wanted, and Jian Feng turned, and then cut to the forelimbs of the green clam.

   At this time, it was too late for the blue-eyed clam to change his trick, and the long sword was cut directly on his fore palm. Liang Chongtian's long sword is much more powerful than other casual cultivators. It cut half of the forefoot of the blue-eyed clam by just cutting it so gently.

   The blue-eyed clam screamed, his hind legs pressed hard, and he jumped back several steps in succession, before he looked at Liang Chongtian with complicated eyes. If there was only anger in his heart just now, there was already a trace of fear and a trace of anxiety. He found that the strength of these people in front of him was much stronger than he expected. If he continued to fight, he might be defeated.

At the same level of attack just now, his strength can be used at most twice, but there are so many people on the scene, but he can only kill one at a time, and when he is exhausted, wouldn’t it be necessary to be chaotic by the rest of the people? Sword hacked to death? Blue Eyed Clam definitely didn't think so concretely, but anyone could see that he had already retreated.

   There is no need for anyone to give orders. Hong Mantian, the lame Taoist, the beggar, and Qingyang have already begun to move towards the lake, blocking the retreat of the blue-eyed clam. Everyone's purpose this time is to hunt the beasts, and Ding Gong gave his life for this. How can he allow him to escape?

   There were chasing soldiers before and then blocking, the blue-eyed clam knew that he didn't have that swimsuit to escape, so he lay on the ground, bulging his stomach and preparing to repeat the old trick. Only a piercing croak was heard, and the blue-eyed vermillion clam kicked on its hind legs and rushed towards Hong Mantian.

   This time everyone was mentally prepared. Before they came to intercept the blue-eyed clams, they blocked their ears with something. This time the effect of the sonic attack was greatly reduced.

Na Hong Mantian was able to control the flying needle magic weapon, and his divine consciousness was much stronger than others. So this time, the blue-eyed clam was looking for the wrong target. Na Hong Mantian shook his head to disperse the fluctuations in divine consciousness, and then With a wave of his hand, the silver needle stabs towards the front.

  The tongue of the blue-eyed clams shot out quickly, and only a loud bang was heard. Hong Mantian's chest was recessed more than an inch, but the tongue of the blue-eyed clams bounced back.

   Hong Mantian dared to rush forward regardless, because he hid a half-inch thick iron plate in front of his chest. This time it finally came in handy. However, although the iron plate blocked the attack, it was also dented by the tongue of the blue-eyed clam, and Hong Mantian was slightly injured.

   Hong Mantian had expected this result a long time ago, so he dared to give up his defense, desperately stabbing the monster with a silver needle. The blue-eyed clam had just retracted his tongue, and before he could attack again, the silver needle was already close, and immediately inserted into his eyes.

If it was just an ordinary silver needle, the blue-eyed clam would not be too scared. Unfortunately, this silver needle is a magical artifact. After piercing the eye, the true energy will spread, and the eye that hit the silver needle will burst in an instant, and then it will be blue eyes. The clams roared in pain and went back several steps.

   After a few rounds, a Ding Ding died on the casual repair side, and a few others suffered minor injuries. Generally speaking, the impact was not great. The blue-eyed clam was stabbed in the back, half of his forefoot was cut off, and one eye was blinded. It was said that he was seriously injured.

   Seeing that this blue-eyed clam has a dead end, everyone's fighting spirit is more vigorous, even Pan Po. The death of her husband Dinggong made her sad, but everyone is dead, and grief is useless. The most important thing at present is to kill the monster in front of her and avenge her husband.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, the lame Taoist, Liang Chongtian, and Pan Po raised their weapons and shouted, rushing toward the blue-eyed clam in the middle, and the three of King Beggar, Hong Mantian, and Qingyang also No exception, each prepares and waits for the second round of attacks.

   The injuries on the body of the blue-eyed clams are already very serious. He can feel that his physical strength is passing a little bit, and even his life is endangered. If he does not hurry to find a place to heal his injuries, it will not take long for these people to be consumed to death. However, the surrounding area was surrounded by this group of casual repair groups, and there was no possibility of escaping at all. The attack was about to come, what should be done?

Blue-eyed Zhu Clam stared coldly at the three people rushing towards him. Finally, there was a trace of madness in his eyes. He lowered his head, his limbs fell on the ground, his belly was close to the ground, and his mouth and belly were widened. Drums and drums, it seems that some emotions are brewing.

   As the agitation of the blue-eyed clam belly became louder and louder, more than a dozen drum kits on top of his head suddenly protruded slowly. It was just a blink of an eye, and the monster beast seemed to have finished brewing. He opened his mouth and made a harsh croak~www.readwn.com~ At the same time that the croak made, the top of his head protruded. The dozen or so drum kits that came were all detached from their heads, and flew towards several people around.

   When they saw the blue-eyed clam whispering to the ground, many people felt a little bad, knowing that the monster is going to work hard, so they stopped the forward footsteps and responded individually.

The lame Taoist raised his hands and covered him with the sleeves of the light blue Taoist robe. Liang Chongtian hurriedly turned upside down and swiftly avoided behind. Panpo threw out his little shield that had almost been scrapped, and his body quickly Fell to the ground. As for the three people behind, they stepped back one after another, trying to avoid the attack range of the blue-eyed clam.

Everyone thought that this blue-eyed clam was going to repeat the same trick, but found that it was not the case. The monster was also pressed into a hurry. It was shot out by the poison sac on the head. The dozen bulges were like a dozen. The bullets in the chamber flew over the heads of many casual repairers with the whine of wind.

   Then only a series of bangs were heard. The drums were all exploded, and the venom smoke scattered all over the floor. Liang Chongtian dodged fast enough, but he inhaled a little bit of the poisonous smoke. He was a little dizzy and didn't suffer any injuries. Pan Po's small shield had long been corroded into black, and a lot of venom fell on her back, corroding a large area of ​​scars.

The condition of the lame Taoist is a little better. Most of the venom fell on his light blue robe, forming black spots on it, without hurting his body, but his head was also slightly affected, and his hair was tied up. The bun rope was corroded away, with loose hair.

   The power of the explosion is not great, but the venom and smoke exploded are a bit powerful. The venom falls on the ground and quickly corrodes a large area of ​​the vegetation on the ground. The poisonous smoke comes over, just smelling a little, it makes people dizzy.

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