Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1100: : By-election

Qingteng's words are not unreasonable. The Shengzi primary election is about to begin. Where can I find someone now? There were quite a few guards who followed them to escape here, but one of them was older than the other. The older were in their 70s or 80s, and the younger were in their 50s or 60s. They simply didn't meet the requirements.

It is said that clever women can hardly cook without rice, and it is no good to find no one. It is hard to get the quota for Tongcoen County, is it just abandoning it? After a long time, Bai Qing tentatively said: "Qingteng Sanren, I have a guard underneath, the cultivation base of the fourth layer of Qi refining, but his age is a bit over the standard, forty-three years old this year, I don't know if it can be counted as one?"

Qingteng Sanren groaned for a moment, and said: "The candidate for the Shengzi Primary Election in Tongguan County was injured. Although he was attacked by someone, I also blamed me for being inadequate. Forty-one is not too old, since he is over age. Not much, I will make an exception once, and he can count as one."

The training conditions of the guards are much worse than those of the young masters of the big family. There are very few people who can cultivate to the middle stage of Qi refining at about the age of forty, plus the previous night attack, which caused more than 70% of the deaths and injuries of 80 or 90 guards. , There is almost no one that just meets the conditions. Moreover, the cultivation base of the fourth layer of Qi refining is not at all dominant. When the Saint Child primaries in the Kuzuo City, he will be eliminated in all likelihood. It is just a favor, and Qingteng Sanren agreed without much consideration.

At this time, another candidate said: "I also have a guard over there. He has just passed 40 years old this year, but his cultivation base is a little too low. There is only the third level of Qi refining. It is also the fate of being eliminated. I am afraid that this place will be wasted for him."

Bai Qing said: "In our current situation, there is no suitable candidate at all. It is better for someone to participate than no one, so let him count as one. I heard that this time, in order to encourage the following to participate in the Shengzi primary election, After the preliminaries of the sons of the sons decide on the ranking, not only will there be personal rewards for the top candidates, but also tax reductions and exemptions for the regions where the winners are located. The quota must not be wasted, as long as there is a chance, we must fight for it. Besides, isn’t Junior Brother Ma also at the third level of qi refining? No one can guarantee that miracles will occur."

Qingteng Sanren nodded, and said: "Yes, Lord Lord of Kuzuo City has indeed given an order before. This time, in the primary election of the Son of God, Kuzuo City has to select a total of twelve quasi-holy children. For a prospective son, within three years, the tax in the area can be reduced by 10%, if there are two, it will be reduced by 20%, if there are three, it will be 30%, and so on. So the candidate is not only desperate for his personal future. It is also for the welfare of the old folks and elders. It is a pity that the quota was wasted in vain. Although you said that the cultivation base of the third tier of Qi refining is lower, no one can say about the game. Maybe he played at a super level? It can be counted as one."

After speaking, Qingteng Sanren looked at the crowd, and said: "There are three people short of it. Now there are two. Do others have recommendations?"

Although it can delay senescence after cultivating immortals, the cultivators below the foundation only have a life span of one hundred years, which is not very different from ordinary people. The age of most people can be judged by face alone. This matter cannot be faked. There are not many age differences, Qingteng scattered people can still be accommodating, anyway, the possibility of selection is not great, if the age is much worse, the difference can be seen from the face, no one is blind, who is recognized for There is no benefit.

There are only about 20 guards who have escaped back. Those who have a cultivation base in the late stage of Qi refining are almost all old men over the age of 70 or 80. Those in the middle stage of Qi refining are all in their 50s and 60s. Fewer than a few, let alone those under forty.

The two mentioned just now are the youngest among the nearly twenty guards who have escaped before, and the rest are at least fifty years old. It is probably impossible to find another one.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Shangguanyan said, "I know a person, and his strength is not bad. I don't know his age, but according to his face, he should be no more than forty years old."

"Senior Sister Shangguan said it wasn't my guard Qingyang?" Ma Xingchen said.

"Yes, this is the person." Shangguan Yan nodded.

Bai Qing frowned, and said, "That person seems to be a monk in the Open Vein Realm? I remember that Junior Brother Ma took him to participate in the preliminary selection of the Saint Child in Tongguan County. With such a low cultivation level, he can participate in the preliminary selection of the Saint Child. What's the matter? Isn't this just a joke?"

If Qingyang has a cultivation base during the Qi refining period, even if his strength is poor, he can still report it to make up the number. Everyone does not expect him to achieve any good results, so that such a person who only has the cultivation base of the Open Vessel can represent Tongco County. Going to participate in the Shengzi primary election, wouldn't it make people laugh at Tongguan County without anyone?

Shangguan Yan said: "The Qingyang cultivation base is indeed not high, but the overall strength is not worse than ours, especially the super defensive power, even the cultivator in the late stage of Qi refining is difficult to hurt. At the beginning, Junior Brother Ma relied on him. In order to advance in the Saint Son qualifier. Besides, we don’t have a better choice now. Instead of wasting a spot, it’s better to let him try."

Ma Xingchen echoed: "Yes, I was able to win mainly because of his credit ~www.readwn.com~ and in the night attack the night before, it was because of him that broke out at a critical moment in order to survive, and the strength should not be achieved. The question, as for his age, I think he is only thirty years old at most."

A monk who didn’t break through a great realm would make his face younger due to the increase in life span. When he was separated from Yu Mengmiao, Qing Yang did feel a lot more haggard for a while, but after breaking through the Golden Core realm, his face recovered. After coming over, he was only about thirty years old. As for the problems of the Qi Dunsuo and the cracks in the golden core, they only limited their abilities, but did not affect their appearance.

After hearing Shangguanyan and Ma Xingchen's words, Qingteng Sanren frowned and thought for a while. They all said, "This person you mentioned, I have just observed, the age should not exceed the limit of forty years old, unless he is stronger than me. High, and used clever secret techniques to hide, this possibility should not be there. As for other aspects, since Miss Shangguan said so, I can also accompany him and give him the last place. But these are our expedient measures. If there are surviving candidates who come back before the game in the dry hill city begins, this place can only be recovered."

I don't know how the brothers in the house and the other candidate are going, Sang Yuan is impossible to come back anyway. Others don't know, Shangguan Yan and Ma Xingchen are a little clearer. If Qingteng loses people, it's okay. If the two can really come back, the quota will definitely be returned to them.

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