Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 111: : Escape

Therefore, it is impossible for a low-level monk to rely on a few high-level talisman gods to block and kill the gods and Buddhas. There is no such opportunistic thing in the world. It is very likely that you have not had time to inspire the high-level talisman. It was sucked dry by Fu Lu.

   Obviously, the level of this talisman in the hands of Shen Jian Li is relatively high, and it is likely to be a top-grade or top-grade talisman, or even a higher-level talisman. The cultivation level of the open pulse realm is relatively low, and the amount of true energy in the body is very small, which is why he hesitated to use it at first.

Now that King Beggar is seriously injured, if he does not defeat Liang Chongtian as soon as possible, he is likely to become a situation where he is one enemy and two. In order to avoid falling into passiveness, he has to risk a great loss of true energy to inspire this long-cherished talisman. NS.

   Liang Chongtian has been paying attention to Shenjian Li, and seeing him take out a different talisman, he feels that the situation is not good, if the level of this talisman is not high enough, the other party will definitely not be so serious. In the case of defensiveness, the low-grade magic talisman can't hurt him, but the middle-grade magic talisman is hard to say. If you encounter the high-grade magic talisman, you can only escape.

   Now just to inspire the talisman, the Divine Arrow Li of the Nine-layer Cultivation of the Open Vein Realm needs to mobilize the whole body's qi, at least it is the best talisman, and it may even be the legendary talisman. Not to mention that he is a small ninth level of the open pulse realm. Even if the qi training cultivator encounters a magic talisman, he has to kneel. If he is hit by this talisman, he will not be bombarded to the dregs?

   Liang Chongtian did not dare to hesitate anymore, and quickly smashed the life-saving jade charm in his hand, a white light appeared, covering his whole body. Then the light flashed, and his body had disappeared in place.

   "Escape, this surname Liang has Escape!" King Beggar exclaimed.

The magical arrow Li did not expect that Liang Chongtian would have the legendary escape amulet, and said bitterly: "The disciples of the Jade City family, the background must be deeper than we thought. It is not surprising that there is escape amulet. This time he fortune tells Great, let him spare this time first."

The escape talisman is also a kind of talisman. Of course, there are low-level and high-level talisman. Not to mention the high-level escape talisman. Liang Chongtian can't have such good things. The low-level talisman escape distance is generally very short, usually only a few. A hundred feet or even dozens of feet away.

   But no matter how short the distance is, it is also a distance. When you chase it, people must have run far away, and the direction of the talisman is random, and it is difficult for you to judge which direction to chase from. Even if it catches up, Shen Jian Li is not sure to leave Liang Chongtian behind. Besides, there are still three people who have not solved it, so they can only let Liang Chongtian go.

If a high-level monk uses a magic talisman, it can be directly stimulated, and Liang Chongtian will not be given a chance to use the escape talisman calmly. The magic arrow Li Zhenqi is insufficient, and he needs to mobilize his whole body to activate the magic talisman. This speed is slowed down and then given. Liang Chongtian had a chance to escape.

   The lame Taoist did not expect that victory was already in sight, and the situation became like this when Shenjian Li took out a talisman. Then Liang Chongtian said that he would escape, and he didn't even say hello. Isn't this cheating? How can someone else's opponent be the only one left? At this time, it was useless to say more, let's run away, the lame Taoist turned and ran to the dense forest next to him.

Qing Yang had already chosen the direction to escape. He thought that even if his side was defeated, he could at least hold on for a while, giving him a chance to escape calmly. How could he think that things changed so quickly and he would not give him time to react at all. . What a miscalculation, I knew I had to take a step earlier, and now it's useless to regret it, I can only run in the direction I just chose.

   Even the Pan Po on the ground didn't dare to pretend to be injured anymore, she also got up from the ground and fled in the other direction.

The magical talisman excitation is an irreversible process. Once it starts, it must be used. At this time Liang Chongtian has already escaped. Naturally, the talisman can't be wasted. A sword light flashes by, and the lame Taoist running in the front has no time to make a sound, his head Just fall down.

   Then the magic arrow Li picked up Ding Gong’s spear from the ground and threw it at the Pan Po. Pan Po's body has not recovered yet, and her cultivation base is much lower than that of Shen Jian Li. At this time, she panicked and fled forward. She had to take care of other things, but she was stabbed in the back by a spear and nailed to the ground. Pan Po was struggling again. After a few strokes, he stopped breathing completely.

Two people died in an instant, and only Qing Yang was left alive in the entire team. Because of his lowest cultivation base, he temporarily escaped, but because of his low cultivation base, his escape speed was also the slowest. , Definitely can't escape the opponent's chase, it seems that this time is dead.

Qingyang's souls are all risking, knowing that the realm of comprehension is dangerous, but never thought it would be so dangerous. In the blink of an eye, there are traps and conspiracies everywhere. It took a long time for most of them to die, which is really scary~www.readwn.com~ What should I do? I have just embarked on the path of cultivation for more than a month. I am still a newcomer who doesn't understand anything. I haven't cultivated any famous ones. Is it just such a death? I would not have come to join in this excitement if I knew it long ago.

Regardless of how regretful Qing Yang's heart is, let’s not say for the time being, that King Beggar watched the enemy flee to death. This time the murderer and treasurer were about to succeed. He was overjoyed and shouted: "Friend Li Dao, hurry up, don’t Let the Qingyang boy escape, and when everything is done, we can divide the spoils, haha...uh..."

King Beggar's words stopped abruptly before he finished speaking, and then his head crooked and died. As the **** arrow Li walked past him, he said faintly: "If you are okay, it’s for the sake of everyone’s friendship. , It doesn’t matter if you divide you. Now that you are seriously injured, you have lost half of your life, and you want me to divide the spoils for you? It’s beautiful!”

With such a big gain and so many good people, one person is much better than two people. It is himself who scared Liang Chongtian away with a talisman, and it was himself who killed Hong Mantian and the lame Taoist. Almost all the credit is my own. , Why should we share a part with others?

King Beggar used tactics to calculate others, cheating the team that was fighting for the hunting of monsters, but did not know that the wealth was moving. Others would also use tactics to deal with himself. In the end, not only did he not get the benefits he deserved, but he also took his own life. NS.

   After finishing talking about the magical arrow Li, without even looking at the dead King Beggar, he drew out a long arrow directly from behind, and then calmly put it on the bow, aiming at Qing Yang's back and shot it out.

  Shen Jian Li's bow and arrows are also a low-grade magic weapon, extremely powerful, and the cultivation base of Shen Jian Li is so high that Qing Yang simply cannot escape it. The long arrow hit his back in an instant, exploding a mass of flesh and blood on his back, and Qing Yang fell to the ground, not knowing his life or death.

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