Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1128: : Better plan

Hearing what Qing Yang said, the Venerable Blessed Venerable also realized that his performance was a bit outrageous. He smiled awkwardly, and said, "Friend Qingyang laughed. I was too shocked to hear your age. Asking your question really has something to do with my conditions. Since you want to know, I'll just say it straight. I hope Daoist Qingyang can stay in the future."

stay? Thinking about the eyes of the Venerable Blessed Venerable, Qing Yang was a bit chilly, not to mention that he had a lot of things to do, and he really couldn’t stay, so he said: "The Venerable Lord, forgive me, I said it last time, there are still many things left. To do it, it is impossible to stay in Wuliang Mountain. If the Lord really likes alchemy, we can communicate more during this time, but I will leave sooner or later."

   The Blessed Venerable shook his head, and said: "You have misunderstood, what I said this time is not about the alchemy, but about the selection of the Son of the Blessed Mountain this time."

   is related to Wuliangshan Xuanzi? I confessed to him a long time ago. I didn't intend to pretend to be. I didn't meet the qualifications of Mount Wuliang at all, and I wouldn't be a saint here. What did the Venerable Immeasu mention this matter for? Qing Yang didn't speak, but looked at each other suspiciously.

The Venerable Immeasurable saw Qing Yang’s doubts and said: "I’m afraid Daoist Qingyang can also see that my remaining lifespan is decades, although I still have the possibility of breaking through the Nascent Infant in this life. This hope is too slim. It has been so many years since Fallen Ghost Yuan, and I haven't seen a Nascent Soul monk, so how to choose a suitable successor is the most important thing for me at the moment."

Qing Yang said: "It seems that the Lord is only considering successors now, it seems a bit late? I think the Lord and his wife are in love and harmony, why didn't they have some children? And after so many years, don't the Lord have a few trusted apprentices? Or subordinates?"

Venerable Wuliang smiled and said: "I am not afraid of Daoist Qingyang's jokes when I was young. When I was young, I practiced with all my heart. I have never been distracted by foreign objects. I was thinking about other things. My wife met at that time. Although the two love each other, it is a pity that her qualifications are too bad. When she was young, she suffered serious injuries and damaged her foundation. Fortunately, I don’t have a long life. They cannot be born in the same year and month and day, but they may die in the same year and month and day."

Speaking of this, the Venerable Blessed Venerable paused for a while and then said: "I have spent most of my energy on my wife and alchemy over the years, and I have not been distracted to teach any apprentices. As for the subordinates of Mount Wuliang, they are all The dull people are embarrassed to use them, and more importantly, they are people from Wuliangshan. No matter who I choose, it is difficult to convince the crowd. On the contrary, it is easy to arouse infighting and tumult each other. Only when they choose from the outside, these people can restrain each other. It is possible to assist me with all my heart."

After hearing the words of the Venerable Wuliang, Qing Yang could not help but nodded, and said: "So, the Holy Venerable is planning to find some outstanding disciples from outside to train. Only if the minds of the subordinates of Wuliang Mountain are eliminated, they can help them with all their hearts. With this Saint Son runoff, it’s only now that it’s a little bit late. I’m afraid these people will not be able to provoke the mainstay in a few decades."

The immeasurable holy priest said: "That's right. Although I have been in a hurry for decades, if there are really outstanding disciples, I can still break through the golden core realm. As long as I can become a golden core monk, I will not be there anymore at that time. It can also deter other people. After all, My Boundless Mountain is still a few loyal people, enough to contain those who have bad intentions."

This is also true. The monks are also humans. There are those who are unruly and ambitious, and there are those who are loyal or incompetent. There are decades of deterrence from the immeasurable deity, and the help of loyal subordinates is enough to make the future Mount Wuliangshan. The young master has a firm foothold and smoothly transitions the rights of Wuliangshan.

   Speaking of this, the Venerable Immeasurable Sovereign suddenly turned and looked at Qing Yang and said, "But now I have a better plan. It is Daoist Qingyang you."

   "Me?" Qing Yang asked puzzledly.

The Venerable Immeasurable smiled and said: "Yes, your lifespan is less than ninety years old. You are more than two hundred years younger than me, but you already have the strength no less than the middle Jindan cultivator, and it will be enough to surpass the big one in a few decades. Some late Jindan cultivators do not even need other people’s help to smoothly transition the rights of Wuliangshan. Handing Wuliangshan into your hands, it can be said that there is no risk at all. More importantly, your elixir skills are outstanding. Both of us. Together, they complement each other."

Qing Yang finally understood the meaning of the Venerable Wuliang, this is to make himself his successor, Wuliang Mountain has deep roots, a sphere of influence of 100,000 miles, and it also controls ten fairy cities and countless people underneath. A large share of the foundation, if it were the usual, Qingyang would definitely be unable to ask for it, but now Yu Mengmiao is still waiting for him to rescue him, how could he stay here to be a rich man?

Qing Yang barely thought about it, shook his head and said: "I can't stay in Wuliang Mountain~www.readwn.com~ The Venerable Wuliang originally thought that as long as he said the conditions, Qing Yang would definitely pay his respects, such a large foundation. Who didn't jealous when he saw it? How could he know that Qing Yang refused casually, as if this huge Boundless Mountain was as unattractive as a weed on the side of the road in his eyes.

   The Immeasurable Lord was dumbfounded, and the things he was proud of were looked down upon by others, so how could he keep people? The Venerable Wuliang thought that Qingyang didn’t understand the value of Wuliang Mountain, so he inspired him: "Friend Qingyang, do you know what my Wuliang Mountain represents? You don’t have to do anything every year, and there are plenty of resources for you to use. It can be said that with Wuliang Mountain, your cultivation speed can be increased by at least 50%, and you may be able to try this breakthrough in the Nascent Soul Stage in this life."

Without reminding the Venerable Blessed Venerable, Qing Yang also knows the vastness of Mount Blessed, and he also knows what he is rejecting. It’s just that he doesn’t refuse. There is no way to cure Yu Mengmiao. He can’t feel at ease. It was the Niyuan Divine Art of Ghost Valley, or the Long-Browed Ghost King of the Ten Kings Palace, neither of which he could easily approach. , Who will remember him?

   Qingyang shook his head and said: "The Lord’s kindness is appreciated by my heart. Forgive me for this matter."

This is the case for himself, and the other party still disagrees. The Venerable Blessed One is very depressed, but such a talent is hard to come by for a thousand years. It is a pity to miss it. He can only say: "It's not that Daoist Qingyang is unwilling to surrender and do this. Young Master Wuliang Mountain? We can discuss this matter, and you and me can be equal to your brothers. In this way, the gap will not be big. Although my cultivation base is much higher than yours, you can be me in terms of alchemy. Master."

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