Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 113: : Got rich

   At the beginning, a group of seven of them came to hunt and kill the monsters, and then there was a magic arrow Li, a total of eight casual cultivators, and in the end, except for Liang Chongtian ran away, Qing Yang survived, and the other six died. When burying the six casual cultivators, Qing Yang searched them all. A few casual cultivators are poorer than the other, and it is impossible to have a talisman for holding things. The things are all placed on them and they are easy to collect.

Thinking of yesterday’s harvest, Qing Yang couldn’t help but be pleased. The harvest this time was not only the corpses of the blue-eyed vermillion clams, but also the relics of a few casual cultivators. All add up to a lot, and now I'm making a fortune.

King Beggar was almost the poorest, he didn’t even have any magical artifacts. Only a low-grade flame talisman was found on him, and the two Qi Yang Pills that he had exchanged from Liang Chongtian two days ago. Fortunately, he was a lame Taoist. The shot was quicker, and he directly hit King Beggar with a Wuhou crossbow. If he procrastinated for a while, he might have used the flame talisman.

The lame Taoist doesn’t have many things on his body. One is the five qi-nourishing pills he bought with the blue flame stone a few days ago, and the other is the defensive low-grade magic weapon he wore on his body, light blue. Dao gown. After several battles, this robe of the lame Taoist is more severely damaged, but it is better than nothing. It can be worn after cleaning up, and it can save lives at critical moments.

The situation of the two couples of Ding Gong Panpo is similar to them. Qing Yang has seen something worthwhile about them, that is, the silver lightsaber and three Qi nourishing pills that he exchanged with the blood ginseng Cong brother Liang Chongtian, except for these, Everything else is mundane and has no value.

   Hong Mantian is slightly better, a silver needle ritual device suitable for sneak attacks and a jade Buddha whose function is temporarily invisible. The jade Buddha Qingyang observed carefully, there was a faint soul fluctuation inside, but with his ability, he could not judge what the remnant soul inside was, and did not know what function it had. Set aside.

  The wealthiest one is the Magic Arrow Li. In addition to the bow and arrow that shot Qing Yang's low-grade magic weapon, he also found a small bag in his arms, which contained a lot of good things. Among them, the most valuable ones are a blue spirit stone, two low-grade diamond defensive charms, and an ancient book on the making of talisman called Dharma Talisman Initial Explanation.

Qingyang saw the Lingshi last time in the Midi, so he recognized it at a glance. This is a good thing, and its value is higher than that of Yangqi Pill and Lower Grade Talisman. According to Liang Chongtian, one Lingshi can be exchanged for nearly ten. I didn't think I could get a piece of Yangqi Pill.

The two Talismans are nothing unusual. Qing Yang is more interested in the ancient book made by Talismans. He simply flipped through it and found that it recorded more than a dozen common methods for making middle-to-low grade talisman, from the use of spells. The making of Fulu has been recorded in great detail. It is a very practical book about making Fulu.

   Except for these three relatively high-value items, the others are all miscellaneous items. There is also a rune pen with no value, but it is just a common item in the world, and it is easy to buy. It can be seen from this that this sacred arrow Li can also make talisman, and the talisman used by King Beggar and his body are likely to be his masterpieces.

The actual situation is exactly the same. Shen Jian Li was originally a hunter in the mountains, and he unintentionally came to some cultivating inheritance, including the talisman that scared Liang Chongtian away and killed the lame Taoist, and Qing Yang's hand. This book is the first explanation of the law.

After that, Shen Jian Li practiced while learning the refining method of Dharma Talisman. In the last two years, he finally achieved something. He could barely refine the low-grade Flame Talisman and the Diamond Defensive Talisman. He only got a little looser on hand. As a result, it’s all today. Qingyang is cheaper.

   In short, the value of what he got from Shenjian Li alone is almost as good as the sum of the other five casual repairmen. But it’s normal to think about it. This Sacred Arrow Li is a cultivator at the 9th level of the Open Vein Realm. He is only one step away from the Qi refining period. It has a long training time, high strength, and it can refine talisman. Curious.

After all, Shenjian Li is just a casual cultivator with no background. It is incomparable with the children of the Jade Spirit City family like Liang Chongtian. Most of the resources he obtained are used for his own cultivation. Liang Chongtian estimated that Qingyang's harvest would be even greater. But he was just thinking about it, and the immediate gains were amazing enough for him to be a loose cultivator at the fourth level of the Open Vein Realm, and sooner or later he would be unlucky if he was not greedy.

   After a lot of inventory, Qingyang obtained a total of ten Qi-Yang Pills, four low-grade artifacts, a jade Buddha, three talismans, a spiritual stone, and an ancient book about talisman making. The combined value almost caught up with the monster corpse, and now Qing Yang has made a fortune.

   No wonder so many people like to kill people to win treasures~www.readwn.com~ Behind the scenes, this is really the fastest way to accumulate wealth, Qing Yang feels that he likes this kind of shortcut.

   But he quickly cut off this terrible idea. Although he is not a gentleman, he doesn't bother to do this kind of thing. It doesn't matter if others take the initiative to provoke oneself, and it doesn't matter if you kill them. If you take killing and stealing treasures as a career, it is a way of no return, and it is estimated that those cultivating sects will not let them go.

   There are four magical weapons. There are long-range attacks, melee combat, self-defense, and secret attacks. The varieties are very complete. At least in the middle of the open vein realm, Qingyang does not have to worry about launching. If the three talismans were counted, Qing Yang felt that his actual combat ability could at least be doubled, and now he could fight even if he encountered the fifth or sixth level of the Open Vein Realm.

   Ten Qi-Nourishing Pills, plus two on his body, total twelve. Qi Yang Pill is the most suitable for Qing Yang's current Open Vessel Realm mid-term cultivation base. Since I have obtained this amount at one time, there is no need to save it for use when breaking through like other casual cultivation.

The most urgent thing for me now is to improve my cultivation level, so as not to be constrained in everything like this time. If you carefully plan and use the twelve qi nourishing pills, it should be enough to raise your cultivation base to open your veins. The sixth floor.

I don’t care about the jade Buddha for the time being, and the spirit stone is a good thing, so I should keep it first. The initial explanation of the law can be studied after practicing. If you can master the know-how, not to mention another way to make money, at least You can refine some for self-defense.

The last is the corpse of the blue-eyed vermillion clam. The body of the monster beast is full of treasures, including the blood, poison sac, tongue, etc. on his body, all of which are useful, and even their skin and flesh, after being processed, can treat him. The cultivation base has been improved to a certain extent.

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