Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1134: : Jindan 2nd floor

Qing Yang sent a message to the Alcoholic Queen Bee. The Alcoholic Bee Queen quickly recruited the entire group. Suddenly, the sky full of Alcoholic Bees flew over. There were a large slice of yellow orange, totaling nearly three thousand. only. There is only one wine bee queen on the green back and six wine bees on the blue back. However, the number of wine bees on the purple back has increased a lot, reaching more than 300, and several of them are on the verge of a breakthrough. , It is estimated that it will not take long to advance to the Blue Back Drunkard.

This is a very powerful force. Just one Alcoholic Bee Queen can trap the middle-term Jindan monks. If the entire Alcoholic Bee swarm goes together, I am afraid that even the latter-term Jindan monks can block them for a while, if they encounter danger in the future. , Will be able to fight for the first line of life for Qingyang.

Now that Qingyang's own strength is a little bit difficult when encountering the late Jindan monks, it is not a problem to deal with the Jindan middle monks. If you add the alcoholic bee colony and the same advanced iron-armed monkeys, Qing Yang will even encounter it once. Three or four golden core cultivators are not afraid.

  Iron-armed Monkey and Alcoholic Bee Queen have activated their wits, and the difference from monks is getting smaller and smaller, and they can no longer be treated as low-level monsters in the future, and they need to communicate more when encountering things.

In the process of communicating with the Alcoholic Queen Bee, Qingyang also got a message that the advanced Alcoholic Bee Queen can produce ordinary Alcohol Bees faster than before. That is to say, the alcoholic bee colony will grow stronger in the future. The speed will also be faster, and more resources will be needed for training.

  Also, the Alcoholic Bee Queen has the ability to directly produce high-level Alcoholic Bees. For example, after the pupae hatched, they are directly called Purple-backed Alcoholic Bees or Blue-backed Alcoholic Bees.

Although this ability is strong, it takes more time and energy to produce high-level alcoholic bees. Normally, the time and energy required to produce forty common alcoholic bees is only enough to produce one purple-backed alcoholic bee, which produces one The time and energy of a thousand ordinary alcoholic bees can produce a blue-backed alcoholic bee, the efficiency is too low, Qingyang did not use it, let them slowly advance.

   After straightening out the things inside, Qing Yang went to the lake again to take a look, and then came out from the drunk fairy gourd and began to meditate in the quiet room. The Venerable Blessed Venerable had just explained the matter of searching for the one-horned ghost king, there is no news in a short time, and Fallen Ghost Yuan is not easy to go out, Qing Yang can only temporarily stay on the Wuliang Mountain and wait for the news. Now that the crack problem in his golden core has been solved, and the seven escape lock has been broken, cultivation has become the most important task at present.

  The residence allocated by Qingyang is second only to the Venerable Wuliang Mountain. The environment is good, the location is good, and the aura is also sufficient. However, the aura is only an auxiliary for the cultivation of the Qingyang, and more depends on the elixir.

When he was the guest of King Qing Dan and the principal of the Dan Academy in the Wantong Pavilion in Zhongsha Region, Qingyang made the most Yuan Juyuan Pill for Wantong Pavilion. Later, his pill skills improved, and after completing the task, there was a little surplus, which has accumulated over the years. After a hundred, there is no shortage of pills for the time being.

   The time required for a golden core monk to refining and absorbing a Ju Yuan Dan is about six or seven days, and it takes more than 50 a year, and it takes ten years to upgrade to a level, that is, more than five hundred Ju Yuan Dan. Of course, Qingyang is not entirely dependent on pill, during which it will also absorb spiritual energy from the outside world to assist in cultivation.

After   , Qingyang temporarily settled down in Wuliang Mountain. He spends most of his time in cultivation, and occasionally takes a little time to find a place with lush flowers and trees on Wuliang Mountain to let the alcoholic bee and the iron-armed monkey come out and let the wind out. There were not many monks on Wuliang Mountain. After the unsuccessful sons left, they looked even more deserted, and they didn't notice that there were monsters and spirit insects in Qingyang.

However, it is impossible for Qingyang to practice in retreat all the time. Sometimes he has to come out to deal with other monks in Wuliang Mountain. Not only the Venerable Wuliang will come to him for advice on alchemy, but other monks often ask Qingyang for help. Wuliang Mountain finally came. A master of alchemy, definitely not to be missed.

Many people are prepared to have alchemy materials, and get the month before the water tower. At this time, it happened to ask Qingyang to help refine the pill. Since it is to help refine the alchemy, the reward must be no less. After a period of time, Qingyang has not only harvested the immeasurable mountain monks. He also got a lot of rewards for his goodwill.

   Unknowingly, Qing Yang lived on Wuliang Mountain for another year, and at the same time, his cultivation was also upgraded to the second level of Jindan. The reason for this fast was because of Yu Mengmiao. At the time of double cultivation, Yu Mengmiao took the marry clothes **** pill, and all his cultivation base was passed on to Qing Yang. Although there will be a lot of loss in the middle, there is still a lot of energy left. Just breaking through the golden pill realm can't be used up. Yes, so Qingyang's cultivation base at that time was pushed all the way to the top of the first Jin Dan.

   Now he calmed down to practice, and he was assisted by the Juyuan Pill. After only half a year, he successfully broke through to the second level of the Golden Pill, and even the two bunches of ripe grapes were useless.

Seeing that it has been two full years since he entered the Depraved Ghost Abyss, there is still no news from the Unicorn Ghost King. In desperation, Qing Yang can only go to the Immeasurable Venerable ~www.readwn.com~ The Imminent Venerable is still the same as before. I don't like to be here. Live in the main hall of the forbidden area, but live with his wife in that remote small courtyard.

Seeing Qing Yang came to look for him, the Immeasurable Sovereign knew what it was for. He grabbed Qing Yang and chatted for a few words before shook his head and said, "I spread the news about that ghost cultivation you said to the subordinates of ten immortal cities. All areas, even the hidden stakes and spies in the other six overlords’ sites have been used, and there is no news so far. Did your companion never fall at all? Or what happened in the past two years?"

Qing Yang had also considered this possibility, but now recalling the situation at that time, the possibility seems unlikely. Although the unicorn ghost king has many methods, after all, he is only equivalent to the golden core mid-term cultivation base, and he wants to resist the fallen ghost in a hurry. The huge suction power over Yuan is very difficult, not to mention the one-horned ghost king was slapped by True Monarch Stone Talisman at that time, how can he still have the energy to escape even if he is seriously injured?

   As for whether the one-horned ghost king is dead, Qing Yang thinks it is even more impossible. He will be fine if he falls from a height of ten thousand meters. How can a single-horned ghost king, a ghost with a body composed of ghosts, fall to death? With the methods and experience of the one-horned ghost king, there are not many that Fallen Guiyuan can hurt him. Qing Yang felt that even if he died, the one-horned ghost king would not have an accident.

  Since the one-horned ghost king is still alive, why has he not heard from him so far? The only explanation is that he deliberately hides his identity, or hides somewhere, not wanting others to know.

This Fallen Ghost Abyss belongs to the boundary between the Immortal Spirit Realm and the Nether Realm. It is not only full of ghost energy, but also all kinds of things for ghost cultivation. Very few monks outside can control it. It is a good place to hide from enemies. The Uncertain Unicorn Ghost King found a suitable Yin Vein retreat and went to practice.



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