Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1136: : Borrow the ladder

Although the Jade-faced Bodhisattva said it cryptically, the Blessed Venerable Wuliang could hear that the so-called subordinates should be the hidden piles she planted on Mount Qingman, and the Mount Wuliang also has them, but the Venerable Venerable Blessed doesn’t like doing this. The status of the hidden stake is very low. I guess I can’t find any useful news, and I don’t know what happened on Qingman Mountain, which made this jade-faced Bodhisattva so solemn. Since the other party took the initiative to inform, the Venerable Sovereign asked directly: “What’s wrong? Law?"

The Jade-faced Bodhisattva wanted to speak, but he hesitated. As soon as he turned his head, he saw Qingyang next to him. He hadn't noticed before, but now he discovered that the place where Qingyang sits on the flying spirit weapon seems to be on the seventh floor of the Golden Core. Above the real person Si Tian, ​​but his cultivation is only the second level of Jin Dan, not even as good as the two flying spirit weapons, and they look quite young. Haven't I heard that the immeasurable Holy Venerable has illegitimate children? The Jade Faced Bodhisattva was puzzled and hesitated: "This is..."

Seeing the other person’s question, Holy Venerable Wuliang introduced: "This is Daoist Qingyang, my distinguished guest from Wuliang Mountain. When I mention him, I just have something to ask you for help. Daoist Qingyang is a monk from outside, and I will need it in the future. If you get out of the Depraved Ghost Abyss, you may have to borrow the ladder from you."

   Now the Jade Faced Bodhisattva is even more puzzled, a local overlord, a foreign monk, how could the Immeasurable Lord value him so much? However, seeing that he has such a cultivation level at a young age, could it be that the super power that came from outside, even the Immeasurable Holy Venerable has to slap his horse?

However, the Jade-faced Bodhisattva did not ask, but turned his head and smiled at Qing Yang, saying: "Since the Immeasurable Holy Venerable has helped to speak, the ladder can definitely be borrowed, but the reward I want is not low, I just don't know it. Can a fellow Qingyang Taoist be able to pay."

Without Qing Yang’s words, the Venerable Immeasurable said: "Your ladder was excavated by the predecessors that day, and you didn’t spend any energy. Isn’t it just a matter of your sentence whether or not you need compensation? Do you know why I treat fellow Qingyang like this? Do you value it? He is a senior pill king from outside, and no one can match the entire Fallen Ghost Abyss with a pill technique. Asking him for a reward is not worth the gain."

   This young man turned out to be a senior Dan King? The Jade Faced Bodhisattva looked at Qing Yang suspiciously, and looked unbelievable. The highest level of alchemy in Fallen Ghost Abyss was the King of Quasi-Pills, and he was barely able to refine the Golden Pill-level pills, but all of them were all. The old monk who has broken through the golden core for many years has not seen anyone as young as Qing Yang yet. Could it be that the people outside are so powerful?

Sovereign Immeasurable said: "You don’t have to doubt his alchemy. I have personally seen it. It is precisely because of Daoist Qingyang’s teaching, my alchemy has advanced by leaps and bounds in the past year, and now almost all foundation-building level alchemy have been developed. Medicine can't help me, don't you still believe my vision?"

Although the seven overlords of the Fallen Ghost Yuan don’t meet often, everyone’s temperament is still somewhat understood. The Jade Faced Bodhisattva knows the immeasurable deity as a person, and this time he made a special trip to talk to him. Since the immeasurable deity is With this guarantee, there seems to be nothing wrong.

   In other words, the young man’s identity as the King of Pill will not be false. If it is true, then you have to find a way to get along. This kind of character can be met, but it is hard to meet, how can you extrapolate it? Not to mention others, the Jade Face Bodhisattva has its own pill to be refined, and originally wanted to ask other senior pill kings to help, but those people have limited pill skills and have little grasp of it, and the materials of the pill are relatively rare. If the number of failures is too high Too much material is wasted, but there is no place to replenish it.

Jade-faced Bodhisattva didn’t know if he should take a risk. He didn’t expect that a master of alchemy would come, and he would have to win over anything he said. Thinking of this, Jade-faced Bodhisattva smiled slightly and said: "It turns out that this fellow Qingyang Daoist really It's a distinguished guest. I blamed me for having eyes but not knowing gold inlaid with jade. The Venerable Immeasurable was right. That day the ladder was just a dead thing excavated by the predecessors. Daoists can come and use it at any time, and the reward will be avoided."

Qing Yang didn't expect that the matter of borrowing the ladder could be solved so easily, but it was a worry, and also, although his cultivation level is not high, but his pill technique is extraordinary, his status and status greatly increased, even if he was in the late Jindan period. There is nothing to be inferior to the monks, so Qingyang said: "Then thank you fellow daoist, I will find you when I need it in the future."

The Jade Faced Bodhisattva nodded, and then looked up and down Qing Yang, and said: "Although the ladder can make it easier for the monks to leave the Fallen Ghost Abyss that day, the danger is still great for the low-level monks, especially For the last part of the distance from the top of Fallen Ghost Yuan, if the cultivation base is low, it cannot stop the huge suction power below. Fellow Daoist Qingyang should wait until the cultivation base reaches the middle stage of the golden core before leaving. If you can wait until the second phase of the golden core, then go, That's almost foolproof."

Although the Jade-faced Bodhisattva is kind, but Qing Yang can't wait that long. Qing Yang is now the second-tier cultivation base of the Golden Pill. Even if there is no shortage of pills, there is no bottleneck when the cultivation base is improved. It will take twenty years to reach the middle Jindan~www.readwn.com~ As for the latter period, I am afraid it will take at least 50 or 60 years. How can there be time to find a way to cure Yu Mengmiao?

Qing Yang is still relatively confident in his own strength. The Five Elements Forging Immortal Technique has a solid foundation and has both five elements. The overall strength is much stronger than that of the cultivators of the same level. Besides, he still has many methods to suppress the bottom of the box. Qing Yang feels that he is even There is no mid-term Jindan cultivation base, I should be able to try it, but I am not in a hurry, wait until I find the one-horned ghost king.

   The Blessed Sovereign waited for Qing Yang to finish talking about borrowing the ladder, and then he said to the Jade Faced Bodhisattva: "You just said that the atmosphere of Qingmeng Mountain is not right. What is going on?"

Knowing the origin of Qingyang, the Jade-faced Bodhisattva completely relieved his heart and said: "I arrived only two hours earlier than you. My former subordinate stopped me when I first arrived here, saying it was the Qingman Mountain of this year. The golden armored corpse, the imperial soul, the ghost of the chasing ghost, and the ghost of death came early. It is normal for the seven of us to come earlier and later, and it is impossible for the seven to arrive at the same time, but listen to the subordinates. To say that these four people seems to be divided into two factions, which means something tit-for-tat."

Immeasurable Sovereign said in doubt: "Ghost Chaser and Ghost Sovereign are both ghost cultivators. The two have always had a good relationship with each other. There is nothing unusual about forming a faction, but the Golden Armored Corpse Sovereign and Royal Soul Underworld Sovereign have never dealt with each other. , But now abandoning the previous suspicions and forming a faction, it is indeed a bit strange."

The Jade-faced Bodhisattva nodded and said, "I think so too. Either the two people have reached some kind of alliance, or the two ghosts are pressing too tightly and they have to unite. No matter what the situation is, for us. People are unfavorable, so I'm waiting here, wanting to discuss a solution with the Blessed Venerable."



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