Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1143: : For fear that the world will not be chaotic

Yuhun Mingzun was secretly resentful in his heart. Previously, Yin and Yang Buddha proposed to give Lay Qingman an elder position, and he happily agreed. Who knows that this guy doesn't know how to reciprocate. It might not be easy for Yin Yang Buddha to change his mouth now, Yuhun Mingzun can only put hope on other people.

Yuhun Mingzun was about to ask the opinions of others, but the layman Qingman next to him suddenly said: "Originally, there was no room for me to speak here, but since I was given a position as an elder of the alliance just now, I'll just show off. Just behave, the strength of Yin and Yang Buddha is second only to the two Golden Core Consummation monks, and his temperament is gentle and fair, and he has a good relationship with other people. More importantly, he is a fellow practitioner of Yin and Yang, and has both ghost monks and fairy monks. I understand that if he becomes the leader of the Fallen Ghost Yuan, he will definitely have a bowl of water smooth, so I choose Yin and Yang Buddha."

Lay Qingman’s words were beyond everyone’s expectations. He did not expect that he would support Yin-Yang Buddha, but from the previous Yin-Yang Buddha supporting him to be the elder of the alliance, it seems reasonable. The two people estimated that they had contacted in private. , Will sing and make peace at this Qingman Mountain Meeting.

In this way, the situation on the field was completely confused. Six people unexpectedly selected three strong competitors for the leader, and everyone had the same number of votes. If the final number of votes cannot be drawn, then it can only pass the end. It’s a test to decide the winner. Fortunately, there are still two people on the court who didn’t make a statement. If they support one of them at the same time, that person will have a huge advantage. Maybe they can decide the leader if they don’t pass the test, so everyone looks at it at the same time. The two remaining.

The Venerable Immeasurable did not expect that he would suddenly become so important. The other six people looked at him and the Jade Face Bodhisattva, hoping to get their last two votes.

The Immeasurable Lord is a little hard to choose for a while, who should I choose? Yuhun Mingzun is a good candidate, but he has promoted this matter from beginning to end. If he is just to be a nameless short-headed leader, he will definitely not work so hard. The real goal is definitely not simple. In his true colors, he has become a sinner of Fallen Ghost Yuan.

The ghost chasing ghost is also in line with the requirements of the leader of the fallen ghost abyss, but he is a ghost, and he must be closer to the ghost. A fairy monk has no weight in the opponent's mind, and the immeasurable holy and the ghost chasing ghost They don’t have much contact with each other, and they are not very familiar with each other. Even if they choose him now, the other party will not appreciate him too much, and they will certainly not get much light in the future.

As for the Yin and Yang Buddha, the former Immeasurable Lord still trusted him, but from this incident, this person is also a person of different words and deeds. Once he is elected, I don’t know what it will become. More important It is that this person's cultivation base is lower than that of Yuhun Mingzun and Soulchaser Guizun, and his influence is far less than that of the two. If he becomes the leader of the fallen ghost abyss, I am afraid that he will not be able to convince the crowd.

Just when the Blessed Venerable was hesitant, the Jade-faced Bodhisattva next to him said: "Since the Venerable is undecided, it is better to listen to my opinion first. Anyway, three people are already preparing to fight for the position of the leader. I think It’s okay to have one more, Immeasurable Sovereign, why don’t you run for the leader? With my support, your number of votes will be as good as the others."

As one of the seven overlords of the Fallen Ghost Abyss, the Boundless Lord must have thought about it this way, but this is not in line with his temperament. He also knows very well that with his own strength, he may not be able to compete with others, so he smiled bitterly: "Jade Mian Bodhisattva, you are afraid that the world will not be chaotic. I usually don't even bother to care about those things on Mount Wuliang. How can I be interested in being this leader?"

The Jade-faced Bodhisattva said, "Why should the Immeasurable Sages humble themselves? Although your strength is not as good as the Yuhun Mingzun three, you are much stronger than the rest of us. Others can run for the leader, why can't you? Besides, there are only three people competing now, and it is not easy to arrange the match. If you join in, it will happen to be eliminated one by one."

Jade-faced Bodhisattva, this is the truth. Three people compete. No matter who compares first, there is one person who will participate in two consecutive games. This is unfair to that person. If four people compete, they can be one to one. Eliminate, and in the end, the winners will have another match.

The Jade-faced Bodhisattva has said so, and the Immeasurable Holy Venerable is not good to refuse any more. Although he has a slightly indifferent temperament compared to other people, he is not indifferent to the position of the leader. It is not very reconciled to just give up on him. Don't accompany everyone in the next match. If it is better to win, even if you fail in the end, at least you have worked hard.

The Immeasurable Lord agreed to participate in the election, and the situation on the field could not help but become more subtle. There were eight people and four candidates, and each of them had only one support. No one had too many votes, and no one had a lot of votes. They were evenly matched. This result disappointed Yuhun Mingzun and Soulchaser Ghosts, but it was not the worst result. At least the Immeasurable Lord did not support his opponent~www.readwn.com~Everyone is still in the same .asxs., who It's up to the next game to be elected leader.

Yuhun Mingzun quickly adjusted his mentality, then stood up and looked at the other three candidates and said, "Since we have the same number of votes, we will follow the usual practice and determine the outcome through the final competition. Bit, who of you wants to be the first to end?"

Since Yuhun Mingzun has said so, he will definitely not be the first to end, and the ghost chaser only regards Yuhun Mingzun as his opponent, and disdain to challenge the Yin and Yang Buddha and the Immeasurable Lord, so he sits There was no opening for a long time, the Yin and Yang Buddha gave a wink at Lay Qingman, Lay Qingman waved to the back, and the two Jindan monks flew and jumped onto the martial arts field.

Seeing the other two people off the court at a time, the Immeasurable Sage frowned and said: "Late Qingman, what do you mean? Sending two people off the court at a time, is it to bully us from a long distance because of lack of manpower?"

Without the explanation of the layman Qingman, the Yin Yang Buddha directly said: "The Holy Venerable should not be angry. It is not our intention to do so, but because the two people have special techniques. They are always fighting side by side. If the Holy Venerable doesn’t think Yes, you can also send two people to the court. I have no objection."

The words of the Yin and Yang Buddha made the Blessed Venerable a little bit embarrassed. The two people off the field were all five-tier golden core monks. Ordinarily, he would send two golden core monks to his side, but he knew that the Yin and Yang Buddha was arranged in this way. The two are definitely not as simple as the average Golden Core five-layer cultivator.

The two of them have always fought side by side, which means that the two of them have a close understanding of each other and cooperate with each other. If this is the case, their strength will be multiplied, and their strength may even catch up with the late Jindan cultivators, the two Jindans on their side. The third-tier monk is definitely not an opponent.

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