Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1147: : Jin Ling re-emerged

Qing Yang had been prepared for this. Seeing the other side pressing harder and harder, with a movement of his mind, a golden giant sword appeared in the air, forming a three-dimensional sword formation with the two giant swords before, killing Gu Renhu.

This golden giant sword is the golden spirit sword that kills and kills. The three giant swords are combined together, and the sky is full of sword shadows. Almost the whole world has changed color. It was originally a martial arts competition that had gone through two battles without incident. Because of the radiating sword wind, he was nicked every time.

No one thought that Qing Yang would still have such a powerful attack. This strength has long been beyond the scope of the middle stage of the Golden Core, and it is not much better than the real Shi Tian next to him. The people present could not help but secretly frightened. If they did not use other means to resist, in the face of such a powerful attack, I am afraid that no one would be able to retreat. Others were so, and Gu Renhu who faced the attack secretly regretted it. I underestimated Qing Yang and shouldn't be separated from his younger brother.

But there is no regret medicine in the world. In the face of an attack of such an intensity, Gu Renhu dare not neglect the slightest, the bright silver spear is constantly rotating in the air, and the shadow of the spear blooming in front of him.

Although Gu Renhu's magic weapon is mainly attacking, it has certain defensive ability when used well. Of course, facing Qingyang's three-dimensional sword formation, especially among them are the Jinling Wanjian sword and the bright silver spear. That point of defense was not enough to see, even if Gu Renhu resorted to the method of pressing the bottom of the box, he would still be defeated when facing the Sanyuan Sword Formation, and he was instantly knocked out by dozens of feet.

However, the bright silver spear still has some effects. At least before it is knocked into the air, it consumes most of the power of the three-dimensional sword formation. The light and shadow in the sword formation are dimmed a lot. If it is other opponents, even if it is a small half of the three-dimensional sword formation The power of, is also enough to break people into pieces, and Gu Renhu is not other people, they are body refiners, and their physical defenses are comparable to the existence of monsters.

At the same time that the bright silver spear was shot into flight, Gu Renhu paused, and an aura flashed on his forehead, and then the whole body faintly glowed with golden luster, which was somewhat similar to the complexion of the golden armored corpse on the high platform next to it. , Like a copper wall and an iron wall.

At the same time, the Sanyuan Sword Array had also been over Gu Renhu's body, and only heard a slight sound of sneer, the power of the Sword Array was exhausted in an instant, and Gu Renhu's figure reappeared.

Gu Renhu's condition was not very good at this time, his face was pale, his clothes were long gone, and even his body armor was cut to pieces. There were even countless red marks on his body, but those marks There was no bloodshed, that is to say, Gu Renhu actually blocked Qing Yang's Sanyuan Sword Formation only with his flesh and blood, and his defense power was evident.

Since breaking through the Golden Core, Qingyang has only used the Three Yuan Sword Array twice. The last time he was blocked by Shi Ruyu, it was because Shi Ruyu was the only son of the Yuan Ying monk, and Zhenjun Shi Fu placed a large number of high-level passive defense functions on him. Spiritual talisman, it was not a concept at all to resist Gu Renhu's physical body this time. This defensive power was comparable to some demon beasts who were good at defensiveness.

After breaking through the second layer of the Golden Core, Qing Yang's true essence and spiritual consciousness have been greatly improved, and the use of the three-dimensional sword formation is no longer so difficult, but even so, he can't support the three-dimensional sword several times with his true essence. Formation, this is my strongest ultimate move. If the three-dimensional sword formation can't hurt Gu Renhu, wouldn't it be possible to release the Drunken Bee and Iron-armed Monkey to help?

It's not that Qingyang doesn't want to release the alcoholic bee and the iron-armed monkey to help, but now the situation is unknown, and he doesn't know what the unihorn ghost king is going to do? Qing Yang was worried about disrupting the opponent's steps, so he had to leave some hole cards for himself to deal with the unknown situation in the future.

While Qing Yang was secretly frightened, Gu Renhu was also horrified. He knew his own strength very well, and he was very confident in his defense. He can usually block a block even in the late Jindan cultivator. Unexpectedly, the second-tier cultivator of the Golden Core could hurt himself like this. The red mark on his body was a sign that the body-refining technique was about to be broken. As long as the attack power was slightly stronger, Gu Renhu felt himself I am afraid there is only a dead end.

This time he really regretted it. He shouldn’t have been so much to separate from his younger brother. Before, he felt that Qing Yang was a soft persimmon, so he separated from his younger brother. He is also the soft persimmon that was picked.

I thought this mission was simple. As long as the target was found, their brothers could easily complete the mission. Now they found out that this time, let alone completing the mission, I'm afraid it would be good to be able to save their lives. Even if you cooperate with your younger brother, the hope of winning is small. Some, but at least safe and secure.

Thinking of this, Gu Renhu straightened his body and headed toward the direction of his younger brother. Gu Renbao and his eldest brother had the same mind, knowing that Gu Renhu was in danger, and desperately gathered towards this side.

It’s a pity that they wake up a bit late~www.readwn.com~ Qingyang and others are just at this time. The Sanyuan Sword Array has just dispersed, and suddenly there is a sudden change. Dao's murderous aura was released at the same time, and Gu Renhu, who was close at hand, had no time to react, and was shot into a sieve amidst the screams, even the soul did not have time to escape.

The Jinling Wansha Sword's ten thousand killing aura power is amazing. At this time, let alone Gu Renhu's body-building exercises were almost broken by the Sanyuan Sword Formation, even if it is intact, it may not be able to stop it.

This incident immediately stunned countless people on the court, and even the seven overlords who had been sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai’s face were moved. If the trick just now was used on them, I am afraid that few people can stop it. This ultimate move was too sudden and too powerful.

Seeing Qing Yang's performance, many cultivators who had not been out of the Depraved Ghost Abyss couldn't help but wonder, is this still the second-tier cultivator of the Golden Core? Are the monks outside so powerful? If this is the case, everyone should stay in Fallen Ghost Abyss in the future so as not to be embarrassed.

Madam Si Tian next to him also reacquainted with Qing Yang. He had always thought that the other party had only won the favor of the Immeasurable Sovereign with his superb alchemy, and he was quite unconvinced with Qing Yang's status above him. Alchemy, the strength of this body alone is no less than that of himself. On the entire Wuliang Mountain, except for the Holy Venerable, I am afraid that no one is his opponent.

Of course, Gu Renbao had the biggest reaction. When he saw his eldest brother being killed in front of him, he broke his teeth for a while. The two were twin brothers. They grew up together and set foot on the road of cultivation together. After more than two hundred years of support, Shuang Shuang became the middle-term cultivator of the Golden Core.

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