Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 115: : Something happened to Mr. Yu 3

   Just when Qing Yang was puzzled, suddenly a gray-haired old man on one of the boats gave him a wink secretly. Seeing that the gray-haired old man seemed to have something to say, Qing Yang came here calmly and boarded the gray-haired old man's boat.

   The gray-haired old man looked around with caution, and saw that no one noticed him, and then he let Qing Yang into the cabin. After that, he looked at Qing Yang carefully and asked, "What is your relationship with Laosan Yu? What do you want to do with him?"

Seeing the gray-haired old man being so careful, Qing Yang has confirmed that Yu Lao San may be in an accident, so he said: "I am a friend of Yu Lao San. He invited me to come as a guest some time ago, but he didn't find him when he got here. What's the matter?"

The gray-haired old man sighed and said, "Yes, yesterday afternoon, we suddenly came here with a group of people. Without a word, the Yu San family was taken away. We originally wanted to inquire about it. It turned out that several young people had their legs broken, and we were so scared that we didn’t dare to stand out anymore. Moreover, there were a few people outside at night and they kept sneaking around, so no one dared to talk about ourselves anymore. Know Yu San."

After listening to the gray-haired old man’s explanation, Qing Yang finally understood what happened. He was able to frighten so many fishermen. He must be a big force. Could it be that the people of the Sands Gang thought he was gone, right? Yu Lao San retaliates?

   Qingyang frowned, and said, "How can Yu Lao San's family be honest and duty-bound, so how can they offend such a powerful force? Who did this matter?"

The gray-haired old man sighed, "Who would say no? I and Yu San’s father are friends. Yu San has always called me Uncle Jiang. I grew up watching him. Their family is kind. I have never done anything wrong, and somehow caused such a big disaster."

   Qingyang's relationship with Yu Lao San's family is not too close, but it can be regarded as quite fate. Since we have met, we still have to help if we can. Of course, if you really can't help, there is no other way. It is impossible for you to fight your own life for the sake of others.

   Qingyang asked, "Did Uncle Jiang not find any clues?"

The gray-haired old man Uncle Jiang shook his head and said, "There is no clue, but those people have the same accent and everything as us. They should be locals in Kaiyuan Palace. Boy, although I am also worried about the Yusan family, I still want I would like to advise you that the leader wore silk and satin yesterday, and his aura is not ordinary people. They are rich and powerful and can't afford to offend them. If you have a normal relationship with Yu San, it is better not to get into trouble with your upper body."

   Qingyang knew that the other party was kind, he nodded and said, "Understood, I will first inquire, and if I can help, I will help. If I can't afford to offend, I won't provoke them casually."

Seeing Qingyang willing to listen to his persuasion, Uncle Jiang said again: "There are no other clues, but since last night until now, there have been a few people sneaking around and monitoring everyone. If you can find these people, maybe you can find them. I can find out some news."

   If you have a clue, what Qing Yang fears most is being clueless. He asked a few more questions about the situation yesterday afternoon, and then he said goodbye to Uncle Jiang. But he didn't go far. After walking for a while, he folded back, and then found a hidden place to hide, waiting for the several surveillance personnel mentioned by the gray-haired old man to appear.

   After waiting for a little half an hour, two people appeared nearby. They did not go to the fishermen by the lake. They were sneakily observing the fishermen on the periphery, and seemed to be monitoring those fishermen.

   This is probably the only clue to the whereabouts of Yu Lao San's family, and we can't let them run away. Qing Yang rushed straight up, subdued the two people in a few strokes, then took them to a secluded place, and forced them to ask: "Say, who are you? What are you doing here?"

The younger of the two seems to have not figured out the situation yet. Seeing Qing Yang's young age, his courage suddenly grew a bit stronger, and he threatened with a stern internal voice: "Boy, you don't want to ask about our Jinsha Gang here. What is the status of a piece? I advise you to release us as soon as possible, otherwise the people of the Sands Gang will never spare you."

Sure enough, it was a good thing done by the Sands Gang. This kind of underworld gang is really unethical. When they leave with their front feet, they forget all their orders on the back feet. They retaliate against the youngest family. This is to slap themselves in the face. , Really outrageous, this time we must make them look good.

For a while, Qingyang fire started from his heart, his expression became a bit sullen, and he grabbed the person and said: "Okay, it turns out that you really took the family of Yu Lao San by the Sands Gang. I'm worried that I can't find the righteous master. , Since you don’t take my words seriously, then I will break into your Sands Gang again and see what Wang Yinlong has to say."

The younger Sands Gang thought that Qingyang was just a fledgling kid~www.readwn.com~ Although he was very strong, he controlled the two of them with one shot, but after all, he was young and could just say a few words. Bluff the other person.

It turns out that the other party dared to call their gang leader’s name directly. It seemed that the Sands Gang didn’t even pay attention to it. I am afraid that such a person is in trouble.

   At this time, the older Sands Gang seemed to think of something, and asked Qing Yang quickly, "Dare to ask you, but Young Man Qingyang?"

   "What? Do you know me?" Qing Yang said.

The Sands Gang said: "Yes, you drove into the Sands Gang's general arena alone some time ago, and I fought against the four masters of the Sands Gang. The demeanor is still fascinating. Although I haven't seen the golden noodles of the young heroes, I am right. The young hero admires it."

   Although the Sands Gang didn't talk outside about the last time, they couldn't hide the curious Sands Gang. Some people knew that they were normal. But now it's useless to have a relationship, Qing Yang shouted, "Slow talk, first explain why your Sands Gang wanted to capture Yu Lao San's family."

   Qingyang mentioned Yu Laosan's family once again, and the Sands Gang quickly yelled: "Young Xia, Young Xia has misunderstood, we did not catch Yu Laosan's family."

   Didn't Sands Gang do it? Did you misunderstand them? But who are they? Who else can be offended by the honesty of the third family? Qing Yang wondered: "You didn't catch it? Then why did you show up here after the incident?"

The Sands Gang said, "The young man really misunderstood. It was because we knew about the Yu Laosan family that the Sands Gang sent us to inquire about the news. By the way, we are also staring here to see what those people are paying. Will you come to trouble again."

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