Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1152: :cheeky

The ghost chasing ghost is one of the only two Golden Core Consummation monks in the entire Fallen Ghost Abyss, and the strength of the Immeasurable Lord is not much worse than him. Such a competition between the two top characters in the Fallen Ghost Abyss is not to say that it will be difficult for a hundred years. It is difficult to see it once at least in decades, and the intensity of that intensity can be many times stronger than the previous match between the deadly ghost and the golden corpse.

The games on the field were wonderful, and the monks on the high platform watched mesmerizingly. Most of the hour passed without knowing it. After all, the strength of the Immeasurable Sovereign is not as good as the Soul Chaser Ghost Sovereign, which cannot be seen in a short time, but As time went by, it gradually began to lose ground.

The ghost chasing ghost is more and more courageous, and often uses some methods that no one else understands. No one thought that he has so many methods to suppress the bottom of the box, even the old opponent of Yuhun Mingzun sees it. Secretly surprised, I don't know why the other party has become so much stronger.

Yuhun Mingzun and Soulchaser Ghosts are both Jindan Consummation monks, and the strength of the two is almost the same. Based on Yuhun Mingzun’s speculation, his true strength should be slightly higher than that of the other, but now he is using the spirit of the chasing ghost. From the point of view of the method, he seems to be inferior to the opponent, even if he wins the previous game, he may not be able to beat the opponent and win the position of the leader.

The game on the field was still going on. After an hour, the Venerable Blessed Venerable was already completely at a disadvantage, and he was almost crushed and beaten by the Ghost Chaser. He continuously used several methods to press the bottom of the box, and he was unable to regain his decay. It didn't make much sense to stick to it, so the Venerable Blessed Venerable found an opportunity to retreat back and said, "The soul chasing fellow is well-deserved, and I have surrendered."

The immeasurable saint surrendered on his own initiative, the ghost chaser also stopped his attack, smiled, and then humbly said: "The immeasurable daoist is not bad, forcing me to use a lot of abilities at the bottom of the box, if it weren't for my recent one or two. If you have a breakthrough at a young age, you may not be able to beat you."

The two were polite, and they turned around and returned to their seats. Without waiting for others to speak, the ghost ghost said directly: "Everyone, now that all three games have been completed, my eldest brother ghost chaser has won the victory, according to the previous agreement. , My elder brother will be the leader of Fallen Ghost Yuan from now on, shall we discuss the matter of the leader’s appointment as the grand ceremony now?"

As soon as Su Ming Gui Zun's voice fell, there was a voice saying: "Hold on, I have a few words to say."

The person who spoke was naturally Yuhun Mingzun. He worked hard to promote the alliance between the seven overlords. As a result, when he was careless, the position of the leader was robbed by others. It's been a mess, but after so long, I haven't found a good way. In desperation, I can only go out in person. I hope everyone can agree.

Su Ming Gui Zun was very uncomfortable with Yu Hun Ming Zun interrupting himself at this critical time, so he said angrily: "The seven overlords of Fallen Ghost Abyss form an alliance to select the first leader. This is such an important thing. Can't you wait and say if you have anything to say?"

After waiting, things will be difficult to handle, Yuhunming said: "Just because things are important, some things have to be said to the front. This is also responsible for the future of the entire Fallen Ghost Yuan."

The ghost of life desperately wanted to rob Bai Yuhun Mingzun for a few words, and the ghost chasing ghost next to him waved his hand to signal him to be calm and not irritable, and then said: "Is there anything Mingzun has to say."

Yuhun Mingzun was also not polite, and said directly: "After all, the leader represents our entire Fallen Ghost Yuan. This person must not only be strong, but also have high morals, be capable of doing things, and be able to convince everyone, at least he should have both morality and ability. People, so I feel that the current leader elected seems to be too hasty. Everyone doesn't know very well about other aspects of ability. In the end, we will wait for the leader to take office. Let's take a look at it after a while."

There is no good way to directly prevent the opponent from becoming the leader. Yuhun Mingzun can only use the drag word tactics, put this matter aside, think slowly, and always think of a way. When everyone recovers, they don’t want to let it go. When vested interests are released, the alliance may be dissolved automatically.

As soon as Yuhun Mingzun finished speaking, Su Ming Guizun immediately understood his plan, and suddenly became angry, saying: "Yuhun Mingzun, the alliance of these seven hegemons is promoted by you, and you agree with the selection of the leader by strength. Yes, now that the leader has been elected, but it has been obstructed in every possible way, what on earth do you want to do?"

Suoming Guizun's words are too slapped, Yuhun Mingzun has a fever on his face, but he has cultivated for hundreds of years, and his face has long been tempered as thick as a city wall, so he sneered and said:" It’s not bad, but it’s the first time for you to form an alliance, and you don’t have any experience. Some minor mistakes will inevitably occur, so you should be more cautious when handling things. I’m not saying that the elected leader is not considered to be the case, but I just suggest that this is the ceremony. It will be held later."

Seeing that Yuhun Mingzun began to play rogues, ghosts had no choice but to turn their heads to look at Yin and Yang Buddha and Immeasurable Sage ~www.readwn.com~ and said: "Buddha, Jade Faced Bodhisattva, you also comment Judging, it was clearly stated that whoever wins is the leader of the Fallen Ghost Yuan, but now Mingzun does not admit it."

Yin and Yang Buddha pondered for a moment, and said, "You can't completely blame the Ming Venerable. The problem arises because I haven't made it clear before. Since the Ming Venerable has different views on this matter, it is better to wait a while. Everyone has formed a unified opinion. Go to the next step."

The Jade-faced Bodhisattva also said, "You don’t need to worry about your life, the ghost goddess, anyway, it has been determined that the ghost chasing ghost is the first leader of the fallen ghost yuan. This matter should not change any more. It will be a matter of time for the inauguration ceremony to be held. , You don’t have to rush for a while."

In the past, Yin Yang Buddha and others felt that they were fully prepared and might become the leader of the Fallen Ghost Yuan, so they strongly supported the election of the leader. Now they find that they not only fail to become the leader, but also lose a part of their profits for this reason. They naturally have less support. The two of them didn't go back and forth just like the water thrown out by the words they spoke out, but it was impossible for them to lose their own interests and support others vigorously, so they both persuaded Ghost Venerable to wait for a while.

Seeing everyone's attitude, Guizun was very helpless, and said angrily: "Huh, it was you who had repeatedly chosen the leader of the alliance. When the position of the leader was obtained by others, it was you who deliberately delayed the time. Everyone was depraved. The overlord of Guiyuan has done such a brazen thing, is it not afraid of being laughed at by others after the incident is said?"

After being scolded by the dead ghosts, everyone’s faces are not very good, but there is a stake, and no one wants to sacrifice their own interests for the sake of face, especially Yuhun Mingzun, who simply sits aside and closes his eyes and calms his mind, just as he did not hear. .

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