Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1165: : The man in the cave

Of course, Qing Yang also understands another truth. Those who travel thousands of miles are half 90. The more you get to the end, the more you have to be cautious. You will not count everything before you reach the end. If you are not careful, you may lose all your previous efforts. Not to mention the last section of the ladder. The hardest to go.

In the penultimate cave, Qing Yang rested for six full hours. Not only did his physical strength and true essence fully recover, Qing Yang even adjusted his state to the best, and then he gritted his teeth and came to the edge of the cave. Grab the upper chain and climb up.

The suction at the bottom of Fallen Ghost Yuan is getting stronger and stronger. Qing Yang feels like he is climbing up a mountain with his back on his back. Every step is extremely difficult. Every inch of movement has to use the strength of feeding, which is just a hundred feet long. It actually took more than two hours for the distance, at least five or six times in the middle, and finally came to the edge of the last cave.

At this time, Qing Yang was exhausted to the extreme. He could hardly perform the simple action of loosening the iron chain and entering the cave. I don’t know how much work it took before Qing Yang entered the cave. He collapsed on the ground and didn't recover for a long time.

I don’t know how long it took, and I heard a voice in the cave faintly saying: "The Taoist friends are very good. You can come here with only the fourth floor of Jindan."

Qing Yang was taken aback. He didn't expect that there were still people in this cave.

Qing Yang was really tired just now, his eyelids couldn't move, and he didn't even bother to let go of his spiritual thoughts to scan, because he hadn't encountered anyone before, so he didn't observe the situation in the cave carefully, so that he didn't find it. There are outsiders nearby.

If this person has no good intentions towards Qing Yang, if the other party pushes him at a critical moment, or even just makes some hands and feet at the entrance of the cave, the consequences are really unimaginable. Thinking of these, Qing Yang could not help but sweat, and he quickly turned his head to look. To the inside of the cave.

It didn’t matter if I looked at it, Qingyang suddenly discovered the difference between this cave and the caves below. The caves below are not big, one meter in diameter and two feet in depth. At most a dozen people can fill the cave. But this cave is much bigger, not only a circle larger in diameter, but also a depth of at least ten feet. There is a stone niche in the innermost part of the cave, and there is also an old man with white beard sitting, but this person is very light, sitting quietly in the corner, lifeless, like a clay sculpture, if you don’t look carefully, it’s not easy Noticed.

Seeing Fang's appearance, it seemed that there was no malice towards him, Qing Yang couldn't help but said: "Fellow Daoist, forgive me, I just came up from below and didn't notice that Daoist is here."

The white-bearded old man said: "It's okay, I've been sitting here for a long time, and I've seen a lot of monks passing by. The first time they saw me, their reaction was similar to yours."

After hearing the other party's words, Qing Yang couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. This is the main route of the ladder. Only the last 100 feet can reach the Fallen Ghost Yuan. What does this person have been sitting here doing? He said that he had seen a lot of monks. Obviously, his time here is not short. Is it because he wants to practice some exercises?

Qing Yang hasn't fully recovered his physical strength, and there is nothing wrong with him anyway, so he asks: "Why fellow Taoists have been sitting here? I don't know which monks have ever seen passing by?"

The white-bearded old man sighed, and said, "Just like you, I want to leave the Fallen Ghost Abyss. It's just that I didn't succeed in climbing the ladder many times before and after, so I simply stayed here. How many monks are there? I can’t remember when I passed by here. I just remember that the last time it was about ten years ago, two cultivators climbed down from above. I don’t know whether it was too courage or a guilty conscience. I suddenly saw my hand slipping afterwards. Both fell into the Fallen Ghost Yuan."

The two body training cultivators ten years ago were sent by Zhenjun Shifu to chase down his Gu family brothers? I didn't expect them to have such a period of experience, but they are all cultivating cultivators.

This person saw the Gu family brothers enter the Fallen Ghost Abyss, indicating that he has been in this cave for at least ten years. He did not expect that he could live in this cave for so long alone. Qing Yang asked again, "I wonder if anyone has successfully boarded the Fallen Ghost Abyss these years?"

The white-bearded old man said: "How could it not be possible? There are two or three cultivators coming over this ladder almost every year. Some of them come down from the top to enter the Abyss of Fallen Ghosts, and some come from below to leave the Abyss of Fallen Ghosts, but it is generally easy to get down. It is difficult to go up, and there are almost no failures for those who go down, and among the cultivators who go up, two out of ten are not bad."

Think about it, too. The Jade Faced Bodhisattva has specially arranged the formation under the ladder. If there are not so many monks using the ladder, how can she earn spiritual stones? Every year, two or three people, each receiving a few thousand spirit stones, is enough to maintain the operation of this side. Of course, two or three monks every year is the limit. Fallen Ghost Yuan only has more than a thousand golden core monks. So many people want to leave~www.readwn.com~ Dao friends have been here for so long, why don’t you think about it? Go up? "Qingyang said.

The white-bearded old man sighed and said, "It's not that I don't want to, but I'm timid, because I have failed too many times. Now, as long as I walk to the edge of the cave, my legs become weak, even if I can follow the iron chain. Climbing upwards twenty or thirty feet, but because of lack of confidence, I felt that I was destined to fail and retreated, and gradually did not dare to try again. Later I thought of other shortcuts, digging up the cave diagonally, thinking I had to dig an upward passage, only to find that the cave became harder as I dig into it. This road didn’t work either, and I was trapped here in the end.”

After listening to the white-bearded old man, Qing Yang finally understood that this person already has a heart demon and was frightened by this ladder. Only if he defeats the heart demon can he continue to move up. If he still cannot defeat the heart demon. , Maybe I will be trapped in this cave for the rest of my life.

No wonder this person has a lifeless look. It turns out that he has lost his fighting spirit and is no different from a waste person. Others can't help with such things as the heart demon. It's too possible to come out of the demons.

Cultivating immortals is actually like this. Sometimes a little thing may become their demon and become their lifelong fetters. At this time, it depends on whether the cultivator's mood can withstand the test of this demon. However, this incident also gave Qing Yang a warning, at least explaining the difficulty of the last stage of the ladder, otherwise the old man with white beard would not be frightened like this.

Seeing this situation, Qing Yang couldn't say anything else, but could only say: "Our monk's great time can't be wasted in this cave. I hope fellow Taoists can get out of the demons as soon as possible."

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