Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1168: : Skinny monk

The skinny monk said aggrieved: "This can't be completely blamed on me. We two have only the sixth level of Golden Core, but that person is the eighth level of Golden Core. If I don't try my best when I take the shot, it may not be the one who wins in the end. It’s us, I just started a little harder just to be on the safe side."

The fat monk also felt this way, and nodded when he heard the words: "I'm also wondering, I heard that the highest strength in this Fallen Ghost Abyss is only at the 9th level of the Golden Core. Generally, the monks of the Jiǔ level of the Golden Core are called names below. The ancestors are the ancestors and are used to enjoying the blessings. Few people will leave the Fallen Ghost Yuan and go outside. Therefore, the monks who use the ladder rarely have the gold core later stage cultivation base. I did not expect that this time they encountered not only the golden core. In the later period, the cultivation base actually reached the eighth level of the Golden Core, which is indeed a bit miscalculated."

Killing and stealing treasures is the fastest way to make money. As long as they succeed, no matter how much wealth they have accumulated, they will become theirs. Fat monk and thin monk are such people. This is the place for the two of them to choose the top of the ladder as an ambush. Purpose.

The cultivators who came up from Fallen Ghost Yuan were almost all in the middle of the Golden Core. Although there are very few cultivators coming up from the Fallen Ghost Yuan, Youdao is to eat for three years without opening and opening for three years. As long as the cultivation level reaches the middle stage of the Golden Core, the net worth is generally not too bad, and one vote can get a lot of benefits.

And the cultivators of Fallen Ghost Yuan just climbed up from below, almost exhausted and unable to lift their hands, they can easily defeat them, even if they encounter the seventh-tier cultivators of the Golden Core once in a while, the two of them can join together to win. The chance of a miss is very slim.

If no one was talking to the two of them, they didn't care about the Qingyang on the ground. In fact, this is also normal. Qingyang only has the fourth-layer cultivation base of the Golden Core. Even if it is intact, it is not the opponent of the two of them, let alone he Just climbed up from the ladder, the whole person has no combat power?

The two discussed a few more words, the fat cultivator looked down and fell to the ground. Qing Yang, who seemed innocent, said: "We are not completely unrewarded, there is no such thing as a golden core fourth-tier cultivator. Can this kid be able to cultivate to the fourth level of the Golden Core at a young age, and he should still have some wealth. After killing him, he can more or less make up for our loss."

The thin monk nodded and said, "That's true. We have been here for several years. It is rare for a monk to see it. I didn't expect two people to come up in succession this time. Because, maybe they are all in the same group, but you can't let it go easily. A little Golden Core fourth-tier cultivator, without you having to do it, I will solve it by myself."

After the thin monk finished speaking, without waiting for his companion to agree, he strode towards Qingyang. After not taking a few steps, he directly sacrificed his magic weapon and slashed towards Qingyang.

Qing Yang's current physical strength has not yet fully recovered, and his true essence and divine consciousness have also been consumed severely. At this time, let alone a magic weapon to resist the sixth-layer cultivator of the Golden Core, even the foundation-building cultivator's attack is unable to resist. However, he was prepared for this, and saw his divine mind move, a tall figure stood in front of him. It was not someone else, it was the iron-armed monkey that had been held in the drunken gourd all the time.

Seeing that the thin monk’s magic weapon has been cut, the iron-armed monkey knows that the master is behind him, and if he avoids it, he will expose the master. So he takes a stop, and his body suddenly rises a bit. The other party's magic weapon, just as the magic weapon was about to pass him by, the iron-armed monkey suddenly clenched his fist and slammed directly at the magic weapon.

All this happened so suddenly that the thin monk didn't expect that there was a seventh-order monster next to a fourth-tier Golden Core monk, and he didn't expect that this seventh-tier monster would dare to take the initiative of its magic weapon, monster. The beast's attack and defense are indeed strong, but those who dare to use their bodies to fight the monks' magic weapons must have practiced some special exercises.

At this time, it was too late to withdraw the magic weapon. The thin monk could only use his divine mind to force the magic weapon to change the attack direction, hoping to scare away the iron-armed monkey. Facing the attack of the magic weapon, the iron-armed monkey was not afraid of it, and a flash of light flashed from his fist, and it collided with the magic weapon.

Hearing a loud bang, the thin monk’s magic weapon flew back, and the iron-armed monkey shook his body and quickly stabilized his figure. Of course, the iron-armed monkey was not without damage. The magic weapon of the tier monks is still very powerful. If you observe carefully, you will find that there are several red marks on the fist of the iron-armed monkey. Although there is no bleeding, the damage is not light. If you do it again, maybe the whole The fist is going to be scrapped.

The iron-armed monkey didn’t care about it. Seeing that the other party’s magic weapon was knocked into the air, his body flashed, and he rushed towards the thin monk. He is going crazy, his usual opponent is Alcoholic Bumblebee~www.readwn.com~ But Alcoholic Bumblebee likes to fight more and less, and the method of attack is too weird. When the two sides are in conflict, he has never taken advantage. Now After finally encountering a strong opponent, it is natural to play a game happily.

The demon beast has amazing attack power and defensive power. It is best at close combat, while the monk is better at long-range attacks, unless it is a body-refining monk, so facing the attack of the iron-armed monkey, the thin monk can only try to get away from the opponent. Distance, lest the ship capsize in the gutter.

Obviously the strength of the thin monk is higher, but the current situation is completely reversed. The iron-armed monkey has been chasing the thin monk, but the thin monk is at a disadvantage.

In fact, this is also normal. The strength of the Iron-armed Monkey has reached the pinnacle of Tier 7, which is only one step away from Tier 8. The Monster Beast is innately good at fighting, and its melee ability is almost invincible. The Iron-armed Monkey is the best among them. , Especially the iron-armed monkey that was suffocated.

The iron-armed monkey is like a fighting madman. He launched a frantic attack on the thin monk. He didn't care about himself, and even dared to use his body to harden the opponent's magic weapon to attack, even if his body was injured and his body was covered with blood. Yes, he never frowned or hesitated.

Seeing that the situation is not good, the thin monk no longer cared about the big words he had said before, and hurriedly shouted: "Fat monk, what are you waiting for? Don't take advantage of the time when this demon monkey is entangled by me to solve the kid, if it is Once he regains his strength, it will be troublesome if he wants to take him again."

The fat monk had long noticed that things had changed. Naturally, it was impossible to watch the thin monk deal with the enemy alone. The reason why he was so late was to see how powerful the monster monkey was. Dare to delay, turn around and launch an attack towards Qingyang.

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