Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1177: : Ge Dagen

When the personnel arrived, the real ghost warehouse appeared on time, led Qingyang and others into the Youcheng, and headed in the direction of the Ghost Valley. The entrance to the Youcheng is actually not far from the entrance of the Ghost Valley, but three or four. Within an hour, the group came outside the gate of Ghost Valley.

Ghost Valley is a large sect with hundreds of thousands of disciples. The scale of the sect can be imagined. The tall mountain gate is extremely magnificent, and disciples of different colors come and go, which is extremely lively. Apart from anything else, there are dozens of disciples in Ghost Valley just guarding the gate. The leader is the two late Jindan monks, and all the disciples in the foundation stage are standing there with extraordinary aura. Anyway, Qingyang is in the realm of immortality. For many years, I have never seen such a big school. Many people in the same group were also shocked by the spirit of Ghost Valley, and they were full of longing for their future for a while.

The real ghost warehouse seemed to be very satisfied with everyone’s response, saying: "My Ghost Valley is the only big faction within a radius of a million. There are not many that can surpass us in the entire Nether Realm. Everyone’s choice is correct, as long as you Becoming a person in Ghost Valley, no matter who you have sinned before or which force you have offended, the sect will protect your safety, and you will no longer have to worry about your life."

Madam Guicang said absolutely, but the following are all old monks who have been practicing for many years. Naturally, I know that there is a lot of water in these words. Can you protect your safety? It depends on whether you are worthy of the shelter of Ghost Valley, or you offend. Is it powerful enough? If it is a general small force or the two parties are not deeply enmity, knowing that you have joined the ghost valley, you will definitely not trouble you again, but if the two parties are too enmity, you do not have much background in the ghost valley, or the offending force is very high. Powerful, Ghost Valley can't afford to provoke them, and they will never stand up for you.

After realizing the ghost Cang, he greeted the late Jindan monk who was guarding the gate, and then led Qingyang and his group into the ghost valley, and then headed towards a side hall on the left.

The interior of Ghost Valley is more dense than the ghostly spirit outside, so the entire space appears darker, and the spiritual energy is pitiful. Such conditions are extremely beneficial to the ghost monks, but not to the fairy monks like Qing Yang. What a good thing, fortunately, on the way from Fallen Ghost Yuan to Ghost Valley, Qing Yang purchased a large amount of Ju Yuan Dan materials, enough for many years.

Qing Yang followed everyone all the way, walked for more than two hours, and finally came to the front of the side hall on the left. Hundreds of monks had gathered here, and the strength composition was similar to that of Qing Yang and the others. This time the assessment was unexpectedly more than just their group of monks.

Think about it when I was in Youcheng before. The annual Ghost Selection Conference in Ghost Valley was attended by hundreds of thousands of people. There were only a few hundred people in this alchemy assessment. Hundreds of people just came to participate in the assessment, not necessarily all of them were selected.

There were more people, so there were more changes. Qing Yang quickly found three immortal monks like him among the hundreds of monks, but they were all foundation-building monks because of their low level of cultivation.

Seeing Qingyang, the three foundation-building cultivators felt very cordial, so they took the initiative to get close to each other. They are all immortal cultivators. Naturally, they should take care of each other in such a place where ghost cultivators are the main ones, not to mention Qingyang’s cultivation. One level higher than them, it is worth making friends anyway.

After some communication, Qingyang had a certain understanding of the three foundation-building monks. The one in the late foundation-building period was called Ge Dagen, and the other two in the early foundation-building period were called Fangliang and Yuan Zhu, both from the fairyland. As for the purpose of coming to Ghost Valley, they didn't elaborate, Qing Yang didn't ask too much, but most of them had to take shelter in Ghost Valley because of avoiding enemies.

Both Fang Liang and Yuan Zhu just came to Ghost Valley this year, and they have never been in contact with Ming Pill before ~www.readwn.com~. They only learned some of the techniques of refinement of the ghost pill in order to enter the ghost valley. They didn't plan to obtain a high status, as long as they could pass the handyman drug boy assessment, but the situation of the two was much better than Qingyang, and they had been in contact with the magic of the pill for more than half a year, and they were very confident.

Na Ge Dagen is another situation. According to him, he has been living in Youcheng for a long time. He had been assessed once a few years ago, but failed because of insufficient preparation. After that, he learned from the pain and studied in Youcheng for many years. The technique of the pill, now that he has achieved success in learning, intends to directly assess the identity of an alchemist's mentor in one effort, and the pharmacist's assistant will be the last time.

Because of this, Ge Dagen has a good understanding of the situation in Ghost Valley, and can almost be Qingyang's half guide. Then Ge Dagen also hopes to make friends with Qingyang, a junior who has a mid-Gold Core cultivation base at a young age, so There was a lot of flattery with Qingyang, and the two hit it off.

After some exchanges, Na Ge Dagen comforted Qing Yang and said, "Senior Qing Yang, you used to have the level of the Pill King, and your strength is much higher than that of our foundation-building monks~www.readwn.com~Apply for a handyman. The position of the medicine boy is very easy. Although the treatment of the handyman medicine boy is very low, since we are here to hide from the enemy, his treatment is not rare. Besides the current strength of the predecessors, no one dares to provoke you casually. As long as you endure loneliness patiently, your status will gradually improve."

Fang Liang and Yuan Zhu also agreed: "Yes, Senior Qingyang, we are also destined to be able to meet in this ghost valley. We should have more contacts in the future. If you have any errands in the future, let us handle it. I would also like to ask seniors for your kind attention."

This is the truth. Everyone is a fairy cultivator, and it is necessary to support each other. If something happens to these people in the future, if they can help, they will definitely help, and if they have these three people to help run errands, they will also Save a lot of things, at least you can cover yourself.

During the chat of the three, the assessment of the alchemist in Ghost Valley began. The first was the assessment of the handyman drug boy. The topics were relatively simple, mainly identifying the medicinal materials, examining the pharmacological knowledge and simple alchemy techniques. , You don’t even need to practice alchemy yourself.

Of course, this is very simple for people with talent, but it is more difficult for people who have no talent in this area. Some people are not suitable for alchemy by nature, and no matter how much time they spend, they may not be able to master it. Fang Liang Although Yuan Zhu had average talents, they had prepared for more than half a year before and after this assessment, and finally they barely became a handyman drug boy.

As for Na Ge Dagen, he did not participate in the assessment of the handyman drug boy at all. In the past few years, he has been immersed in the quiet pill technique in the quiet city, and his level has been greatly improved. He feels that he participates in the handyman drug boy at his current level. There were some declines in the assessment, so he directly reported to the pharmacist's assistant for the assessment.

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