Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 118: : Shameless lower limit

   It was Qingyang who was showing great power in the river and drove away the Langli Loach and others of the Sands Gang. Yang Jiren and Na Lao Liang survived the disaster and were finally rescued by Yu Lao San together. If it were not for Qingyang's help, it is estimated that Yang Jiren would have been killed by the loach in the waves. Compared to Yu Laosan, Qingyang's life-saving grace was more important to him.

   It’s just that he can’t figure it out a bit, isn’t this guy having an enemy with the Sands Gang? How come together? Suddenly, he suddenly realized, and said angrily: "It turned out to be you boy. I thought you were of unknown origin. It turns out that you and the Sands Gang are in the same group. Since you are all here, it saves me a lot. It just happens to catch you all in one go."

If it weren’t for Qingyang’s strong rival to the Sands Gang, how could this guy survive? It’s just that you don’t want to thank him for saving his life. In the end, Yang Jiren also beat Qingyang as an accomplice of the Sands Gang, turning black and white. The ability is really powerful.

Knowing that this person doesn’t care about love and justice, Qing Yang didn’t bother to argue with this guy, and asked directly: “Yang Jiren, is the third child of Yu’s family taken away by yours? They saved your life, but you avenged your grievances. Is it still a person?"

Hearing Qingyang mentioning Yu Lao San’s family, Yang Jiren didn’t know what he was thinking of, he couldn’t help showing a wretched smile on his face, and said, “If you want to blame, you can only blame the Yu lady for being beautiful, and she happened to be seen by me. In it, hahahaha..."

After a frantic laugh, Yang Jiren said again: "Besides, why am I ungrateful? I took her into the Yang Mansion and let her live a good life with a fragrant and spicy drink. Isn't it better than being in the wind and rain on the river? Isn't this not a retribution? You and Lao San Yu’s family just met in peace, why do you want to stand up for their family? Could it be that you have been obsessed with Lady Yu at a young age? If that is the case, we are the same people, let alone anyone."

Sure enough, he was greedy for the beauty of the Yu lady. This Yang Jiren defied the morality of the family of Yu Lao San, and even this kind of words could be said. This Yang Jiren's shamelessness once again refreshed Qingyang's bottom line, and looked coldly. Yang Jiren in front of him, Qing Yang's murderous intentions became more vigorous.

At this moment, I saw that Yang Jiren shook his head and said regretfully: "It's a pity, that Niangzi Yu didn't know how to promote her. People didn't look at her this morning and even let her commit suicide. It's a pity for a great beauty. So In a fit of anger, I became a good person and killed Yu Laosan, and sent their family to reunite underground."

   The third child of Yu was killed by this Yang Jiren? It's fine if you don't report your life-saving grace. They even killed them. Yang Jiren doesn't take other people's lives seriously. Qingyang gritted his teeth and said angrily: "You killed all of them? "

Then Yang Jiren laughed twice, and said: "The two big ones will die if they die. How can I be willing to kill the little one? Even though Yu Mengmiao is only six or seven years old, she can see that she is a beautiful woman. Raising for a few more years, she will definitely be a little beauty no less than her mother. I feel distressed and it’s too late, of course I won’t kill it.”

Others saved his life, but because he wanted to look angry with others, he took all the family back. The Yu Niangzi couldn't follow, and he killed the husband and wife again in a rage, and he didn't give up after killing his parents. , Even the daughter refused to let it go.

These kinds of evil deeds have repeatedly refreshed Qingyang’s understanding of the word shameless. For more than ten years, Qingyang has never encountered such a person. If such a person continues to live in the world, Qingyang I feel that I can't pass the state of mind in my life.

Not only Qingyang, but also the gangs of the Sands Gang are filled with righteous indignation. They can’t wait to step forward and tear the gang apart. The gangs of the Sands Gang are not good people, but at least the morals of the rivers and lakes are still to be talked about. Yang Jiren has done something like this. For, it's really a loss of conscience, people and gods are indignant.

Looking at the people on the other side who wished to eat themselves, Yang Jiren sneered: "At this time, you still have the mind to take care of other people's affairs? Let's consider your own situation first. Golden Gang leader, I will bring the officers and soldiers outside to shut down the enemy. In the future, these gangsters will be handed over to the masters of the Jinyan Gang, and I will take them all."

   Yang Jiren brought so many officers and soldiers, but instead of letting them go, he first sent a master of the Jinyan Gang to deal with the Jinsha Gang. The Jinyan Gang in Kaiyuan Mansion belongs to the big gang after the Tiger Gang. It is much stronger than the Jinsha Gang. It seems that this guy has already figured out the bottom of the Jinsha Gang before coming, and has done a perfect job. Prepare.

   It seems that the Sands Gang is going to be completely finished, and many people present are thinking about it. If they were only besieged by officers and soldiers, the backbone and masters of the Jinsha Gang could still escape in the chaos with their skills. Now that the Jinyan Gang is here, there is no chance to escape. I am afraid that the entire army will be wiped out this time.

Yang Jiren gave an order ~www.readwn.com~ The leader and deputy leader of the Jinyan Gang came out with a lot of middle-level experts, and looked at Wang Yinlong and said, "The leader of the king's gang, because you are the leader of the faction, as long as you With the Sands Gang taking the initiative to surrender, I can take the initiative to give you joy in the future. If you stubbornly resist to the end, you will be humiliated in prison in the future, don't blame us for not thinking about the old feelings."

  Looking at what Jin Ruyan meant, no matter whether he surrendered or not, he would definitely die this time. The difference was whether he would suffer humiliation before he died. Since they were all dead, Wang Yinlong abandoned the distracting thoughts in his heart and prepared to gamble once and put the entire Sands Gang to fight to the death. As for whether he can survive, it depends on the Qingyang Immortal Master next to him.

   Wang Yinlong looked at Jin Ruyan, and said blankly: "I can't imagine that the Jinyan Gang has also become an eagle dog of the government. If you want to kill it, you have to do it. Why nonsense?"

   Wang Yinlong’s attitude did not surprise Jin Ruyan, and said, “It seems that the king’s gang leader is also a man. Since your Jinsha gang is going to die, then I will fulfill you. Brothers, prepare to do it..."

   "Wait!" Before Jin Ruyan finished his command, he heard someone yelling quickly.

At this time, Hua Caidie, the head of the internal affairs hall of the Jinsha Gang, suddenly squeezed out from behind and threw a wink at Jin Ruyan. At the same time, with a flattering smile on her face, she said: "Golden Gang Lord, you can't help but speak to us. Opportunity, the king’s gang leader is not afraid of death, and it’s better to die by himself, so we can’t let the gangs of us all follow suit to die.”

Hua Caidie’s words immediately stirred up ripples in the hearts of the Sands Gang. Some were angry, those who agreed, and there were a lot of vacillations. Ni Qiurong trembled with anger and pointed to Hua Caidie: " The surname is Hua, the helper treats you very well. I didn’t expect you to be such a villain, betraying the Sands Gang at critical moments, you are an indiscriminate licentious..."

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