Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1179: : Guixia real person

The ghost bead followed the black-skinned woman closely, and seemed to have spent all his thoughts on the other party. He didn't look at Qing Yang's direction, but he didn't find Qing Yang in the crowd.

The dark-skinned woman seemed to have a good position in Ghost Valley. She and Gui Zhuzi had just arrived in front of the side hall, and the golden core monk who was in charge of the assessment of the alchemist's students hurriedly greeted him and said from a distance: "Mr. Guixia, ghost Zhenzhu, I don’t know what it is for the two people to come here?"

The dark-skinned woman Ghost Xia arched her hand and said: "Brother invited me. I am here because I recently wanted to try to refine a batch of Jindan-level pills to break through the bottleneck in the initial stage of Jindan. Come to you and find two pharmacists to help me fight."

After hearing the words of the real person Guixia, the golden core monk who was in charge of the assessment was quite surprised. If you are willing to help, why does Guixia really come here to find a pharmacist for help?"

Guixia Zhen said: "The Ghost Valley Alchemy Academy has been very busy recently, and the alchemists in the Alchemy Academy are too busy. I don’t want to affect the sect's affairs because of my personal affairs. Besides, I am an alchemist myself. You can take advantage of this opportunity to improve your alchemy, why do you need to use someone else?"

"Why doesn't the real person Guixia ask the alchemist or the alchemist's guest for help? Their alchemy ability is stronger, and the coordination will be smoother?" The Jindan monk who was in charge of the assessment said.

Guixia Zhen said: "The abilities of the alchemists and the alchemists are really strong, but they need high remuneration. How can I afford it as a little golden alchemy monk? Besides, my alchemy is not easy to come by, I don’t want alchemy. Fang leaked out casually, so the pharmacist's help was just right."

Asking the alchemy master Keqing for help, half a year will need nearly a few hundred meditation stones, and the alchemist’s clerk also needs a hundred meditation stones, and the value of a material of the pill that is refined by the real person Guixia is only one or two hundred meditation stones. Although she doesn’t lack the Ming Stone, she can’t be so messy. It’s better to buy a few more materials if she has the Ming Stone, besides, her pill was collected at a high price, and it belongs to her own private collection. , The loss of leakage is not small. The alchemist’s mentor and the alchemist’s guest have great pill skills, and they are very powerful in understanding and memory. Maybe they can remember it after reading it a few times when they are nearby to help. The possibility is unlikely. As for the handyman drug boy, he can't help much when making alchemy, and Guixia has never considered it.

The Golden Core cultivator who was in charge of the assessment understood what Guixia really meant, and said, “Mother Guixia came a step late, and the pharmacist assistants who passed the assessment before have already left. If you are not in a hurry, you can wait here for a while. There are still many people on the field waiting for the alchemist's mentor's assessment, but the probability of passing is not very high. Even if this level is eliminated, they are the best in the pharmacist's help. It is appropriate to find such a person to go back and help."

This person's opinion was very pertinent. Real Guixia had nothing to do, so she didn't leave, and waited outside with Guizhuzi to watch the alchemist's appraisal. Ge Dagen hadn't come out for a long time, but the assessment was still going on, and soon it was Qing Yang's turn. After being named by the person in charge of the assessment, Qing Yang could only bite the bullet and hurried into the simple alchemy room in front.

Although it was just a quick glance, the ghost beads felt that Qingyang was a little familiar, but for a while, he couldn't remember where he had seen it. After all, the matter of Yinfengjihuogu had been more than ten years, he couldn't think of it all at once. What happened in the Yinfengjihuo cave, and Qingyang could easily recognize the ghost beads because he had thought about meeting them before he came.

Leaving aside the outside affairs, after Qing Yang entered the simple alchemy room, he set up a simple restriction outside, and then took out the materials sent to him by Ghost Valley. Looking at the materials in his hands, Qing Yang was in trouble for a while. Before coming, although he had learned the ten-day underworld pill in a surprise attack, he was too hasty, and he had limited mastery. He hadn't even refined the medicinal pill for opening the veins and refining qi by himself, let alone constructing it. The base-level pill, the first two levels were barely passed by luck, this level is really not sure.

But the name has already been reported, and it will definitely not work if you don’t try it. First, Qingyang, as a former spirit pill king, has never retired in alchemy. Second, the ghost bead is outside. The more special the performance, the easier it is to attract the other's attention.

Looking at the situation when he came in just now, that Ghost Zhuzi obviously didn't remember who Qingyang was, so he should behave as low-key as possible, and the time should be delayed for a longer time, maybe it will be fooled.

Although he was not sure about refining the pill, Qing Yang still followed the steps of refining the pill. After he first took the pill and read it through, he silently went through all the steps in his heart. After counting the materials given by the ghost valley, this was correct. Only then began to refine the Ming Pill.

The refining of the meditation pill is completely different from that of the spiritual pill. First of all, the alchemy furnace used is different. The refining of the meditation pill uses the spiritual tool~www.readwn.com~ and the refining of the meditation pill is the meditation tool. This is The two objects with completely different properties use different energy to drive. Qingyang needs to spend a lot of energy to convert the true essence into the nether element that can support the alchemy furnace of the nether device. In addition, the materials used are hugely different. The techniques and steps are unique, and the result is naturally twice the result with half the effort.

Fortunately, Qingyang's talent in alchemy is superior, and it more or less made up for his lack of experience. The identity of the once king of the spirit pills gave him sufficient confidence. This foundation-building level of the dark pills is also refining. , Ghost Valley also gave ten materials. After failing eight times in a row, Qing Yang produced the first foundation-building level Pill Pill. The remaining materials also failed without accident, but Qing Yang is not depressed at all. You know, this is his first attempt. Ten materials can successfully produce a foundation-building-level Pluto Pill. His talent is still amazing.

This trial brought Qing Yang a lot of gains, especially the deeper understanding and understanding of the Pill Pill. For the first time, Qing Yang felt that the refinement of the Pill Pill was not a natural moat for him. The main difficulty was to re-understand the materials of the Pill Pill. With the refining methods and steps, in the transformation of the true essence and the Mingyuan, as long as these know-hows are mastered, it is still possible to improve the refining technology of the Mingdan.

Qing Yang felt that as long as he gave himself some more time, even if it was only half a year, or even three or five months, he would be sure to raise his pill technique for refining the dark pill to the level of an alchemist, but this was a pity. If you want to try again, you can only wait for the next year.

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