Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 120: : Save people

If one arrow just made Yang Jiren feel that the Jinyan Gang was not so good, and two arrows just made Yang Jiren feel that the people of the rivers and lakes are so unreliable, then after the third arrow shot the generals around him to death, then Yang Jiren was really scared.

   What kind of bows and arrows are these? They are exactly the order arrows used by Yama King to claim his life. Yang Jiren exclaimed, "Help, hurry up and protect me to escape!"

   Yang Jiren was afraid, and those officers and soldiers were even more afraid. When Jin Ruyan and Jin Ruhong died, they already had a trace of fear. But the general is still there, their backbone is there, no matter how powerful the bow and arrow are, they have to shoot one by one, can they still shoot everyone to death?

   Now that the generals have been shot to death, their confidence collapsed instantly, and the leaders are gone. Are they little soldiers still fighting? As a result, the officers and soldiers in the compound scattered, and even the officers and soldiers who surrounded the compound with them ran away, no slower than the group of masters of the Jin Yan Gang.

   The officers and soldiers only took care of themselves to escape, but they forgot about Yang Jiren. In a blink of an eye, only the stunned Yang Jiren and the three corpses on the ground were left.

   As for Lao Liang, the bodyguard who has been following Yang Jiren, I don't know if it was because of the previous things that made him ashamed, or if he saw that the situation was not good before, and he didn't know where to go after taking advantage of the chaos.

Then Yang Jiren wanted to escape with the officers and soldiers, but found that his legs were trembling, and he couldn't move at all. He wanted to say a few hard words to refresh himself, but his voice was dry and dumb, but he couldn't say a word. After coming out, after a long time, he finally weakened his legs and knelt on the ground, repeatedly kowtowing and saying: "Young hero, spare your life, young hero."

   Qingyang frowned and ignored him. Instead, he came to the three corpses, pulled out the three arrows, wiped them clean, and placed them in the quiver on his back.

Seeing that Qingyang didn't care about him for the time being, Yang Jiren thought that his begging for mercy had worked, and he quickly turned to Qingyang and said, "Young man, I'm also obsessed with sex. I really don't know you like that fisherman's lady, too. I didn’t mean to force her to death. I knew that Young Xia also likes that kind of mature woman, so I left her to you. But Yu Mengmiao is still there. If Young Xia likes it, I can send her to you. ."

   Qingyang did not answer Yang Jiren's words, but suppressed his murderous aura, staring at him firmly, "Where is Yu Mengmiao?"

   Yang Jiren thought it was Qing Yang's heart, and said with a flattering smile on his face: "Then Yu Mengmiao is in my backyard, as long as you let me go back, I will send him over immediately."

   At this time, I still want to go back. This Yang Jiren's brain doesn't know how it grew. Qing Yang feels sick after seeing this kind of person, and even if he kills him, he feels that his hands are dirty.

Qing Yang turned his head and said to Wang Yinlong: "You and Heishan old fox will go with me to save people. This scum will be dealt with by Langli Loach. Remember, you can't kill it easily, and let him taste that. The painful taste."

The other members of the Sands Gang have not fully awakened from the shock of Qingyang Young Man’s overturning the entire Jinyan Gang and hundreds of officers and soldiers. Only a few high-level leaders remain sober for the time being. Then Ni Qiurong quickly said: "Young Master Qingyang, don’t worry. I have a subordinate who used to be an executioner. He was especially good at performing executions. He said that he would die at 1,000 knives, and he would never only cut 999 knives. Regret to live in the world."

   Punishment? A thousand dollars? Hearing Wang Yinlong's words, Yang Jiren was so frightened that he was limp.

After   , Qing Yang didn't even look at Yang Jiren on the ground, and took Wang Yinlong out of the compound of the Jinsha Gang. Wang Yinlong had long been inquiring about the location of Yang Jiren's house, and the three of them kept going straight to the Yang Family of Kaiyuan Mansion.

   As for the Sands Gangs who have betrayed Wang Yinlong, Wang Yinlong and others didn't even look at them. Those who choose to betray at a critical moment will not be popular no matter where they go. With the deterrence of the immortal master Qingyang, they did not dare to give birth to any resistance. These people might still use it in the future, but reuse is definitely impossible.

Qingyang and the others are fast enough. Kaiyuan Mansion doesn’t know that Yang Jiren is dead. The Yang family’s guards are not very strict, and Yang Jiren is just a rich man from the city. Although there are many guards in the courtyard, For such masters as Qing Yang and Wang Yinlong, they are in vain.

   They first found out the specific location of Yu Mengmiao carefully and found out where the bodies of Yu Laosan and his wife were. Then the three of them forced their hands and took away the bodies of Yu Mengmiao and her parents.

  Those people in Yang Mansion couldn't stop Qing Yang, Wang Yinlong and the others, they had no choice but to give up the hunt, and then went to Master Fu Cheng for help. At this time, the government had just learned that the operation had failed, but the sky had gradually darkened, and it was too late to take any arrest actions.

So Qingyang carried Yu Mengmiao on his back, Wang Yinlong and Heishan’s old fox each carried a corpse, walking through the streets and alleys, finally found a remote city wall and jumped out of Kaiyuan Palace~www.readwn.com~ The Jinsha Gang’s resident has been occupied by officers and soldiers. I know, in order to avoid being surrounded again, Wang Yinlong did not return to the previous compound, but took everyone to the manor that Qingyang had visited in the first place. Not only them, but even the other gangs also withdrew. come over.

   Seeing Qing Yang's return, Ni Qiurong rushed over to report Yang Jiren's fate. Qing Yang also went to see it. It was really horrible. Yang Jiren had no good meat all over his body. What is even more peculiar is that Yang Jiren barely breathed a sigh of relief. It was not until he returned from seeing Qing Yang that he completely died. It can be seen that Ni Qiurong did not lie. He was really a qualified executioner.

   But no matter how miserable, this Yang Jiren deserved it. Thinking about what happened to the Yu Lao San family, Yang Jiren must have done this kind of evil deeds of bullying men and women. It is not a pity to die.

Yu Laosan and Yu Niangzi have been dead for a long time, and keeping their bodies is not an option. Therefore, Wang Yinlong sent a lot of people to find the villagers who had some friendship with Yu Laosan’s family over Hewan, and then worked overnight. A simple funeral.

The Sands Gang found a wasteland not far from the river where Yu Lao San and the others usually lie, and directly buried the Yu Lao San and his wife there. The Sands Gang also buried Yang Jiren’s body in front of their graves as a consolation. The spirit of the two in the sky.

   Not only members of the Sands Gang, but also some relatives and friends such as Uncle Jiang, even Qing Yang went over to take a look, and Yu Mengmiao was even more indispensable. Although the funeral preparation was very hasty, many people attended. The grievances are avenged, and the daughter is innocent, and the youngest husband and wife can also smile at Jiuquan.

  ~~~~~~ This story will end soon. Thanks to Ellisonsaid and Yan Dong for the reward!

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