Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1200: : Restoring freedom

Not to say what the people in the mine thought, Qing Yanghe left the mine with Ge Dagen, put away the iron-armed monkey, and walked all the way towards the entrance of the mine.

On the way, the two of them did not speak. Qingyang was worried that Ghost Yun would come to him. If they were in the sect, they would be more or less scrupulous. It is hard to say what will happen in this remote mine. Qing Yang didn't have enough confidence to deal with it.

And Ge Dagen was shocked by what happened these days, and now Qing Yang has become an omnipotent **** in his mind. In terms of alchemy, Qingyang can be a teacher to countless people. In terms of strength, he can easily kill enemies at a higher level. There is also a guardian of the eighth-level monsters around him. More importantly, he is too young to be too young. I really don’t know. There is nothing he can't.

Such an excellent person is the key training object of the martial art no matter where he is. How could he be allowed to live outside at will, so the things Qing Yang said before to avoid enemies must not be taken seriously. It is estimated that there is something important to do. People used to be uncomfortable, but now they finally have a chance to get in touch with each other, and they must hug tightly in the future.

When he came to find Ge Dagen, Qingyang hurried slowly. He walked for more than 20 days. When he went back, there was no worries, and the speed was much faster. The two only took seven or eight days to return. At the entrance of the mine, he left the mine smoothly.

The guard at the exit of the mine is still the monk from nearly a month ago. I still remember Qing Yang, seeing them two come out, one of the guards greeted them early and took them to the real ghost cave.

The rest is very simple. Qing Yang took out the one thousand Qing Mingshi that the real person Guifeng gave him, and the real person of the ghost cave replaced him with five thousand spiritual stones. These Qing Mingshi have seen too many people. If Qingyang doesn't take it out, I'm afraid it will leave him in trouble. This mine belongs to Ghost Valley, so naturally you can't mine it in vain. The discounted five thousand spirit stones are the cost of handing over to the sect. Qing Yang would not honestly hand in the Qing Mingshi obtained from the Golden Armored Zombie. Thousands of Qing Ming stones were worth tens of thousands of Lingshi, half of which was more than 20,000, and Qing Yang was also reluctant to bear it.

As for how Qing Yang obtained the thousand Qing Ming Stones, the real person in Ghost Cave did not ask. He already knew from others that Qing Yang had injured the real person Gui Feng. As the manager of the ghost valley stationed here, he has a way. Received the news before Qingyang returned.

It is false to say that jealousy is not true. He is exhausted here, and he receives the benefits of a hundred or ten Qing Mingshi in a year. This Qing Yang casually corrupted others by one thousand. , But he also knows that Qingyang is not easy to provoke. It is said that Qingyang only used one move to severely wound the real person Guifeng, and it seems that his strength is still reserved, although his cultivation base is higher than that of the real person Guifeng, but After all, he was still in the Golden Core category, and he was not sure to take Qing Yang easily.

He didn't dare to provoke Qing Yang, but he would have no problem with real ghost Guifeng. This guy was easily corrupted by Qing Yang for thousands of Qing Ming Stones, indicating that there must be more than so many Qing Ming Stones on his body. It seems his heart It's still not dark enough, and you must search it carefully when you look back.

After changing the Qing Ming Stone, Qing Yang gave the gift symbol to the ghost cave real person to check it. The other party erased the identity token information previously entered in the disc, and Qing Yang could leave.

Then it was Ge Dagen’s turn. He first handed over one hundred and forty blue meditation stones to the ghost cave real person, eliminating the previous task, and the remaining three hundred and forty qingming stones were replaced with 1,700. Lingshi, then the ghost cave real person lifted Ge Dagen's status as a punished disciple and returned his freedom.

According to the regulations of Ghost Valley, the disciples who were fined into the mine were required to pay ten blue underworld stones each month within the time limit for the penalty, which would be three hundred and sixty yuan for three years. After the time limit expires, the task can be restored to freedom. The Qing Mingshi that Ge Dagen found every month in these years had to be handed over to the real person of Guifeng for five yuan, and the rest was naturally not enough to pay the sect mission, so far it was still one hundred and thirty yuan.

Ge Dagen was fined for three years and expired last year. Only the task of paying the Qing Mingshi has not been completed, so he has been imprisoned so far. Now the task is eliminated and his freedom is restored. In fact, even if Qing Yang didn't come this time, Ge Dagen would be able to complete the task after three years in this mine. Of course, the premise is that he can live to that time.

After regaining his freedom, Ge Dagen was still the same door in Ghost Valley, and there was Qingyang standing next to him. The attitude of the real ghost cave man was much better, and he said to him: "Ge Dagen, you were a punished disciple before, I am The steward stationed here has to do business with you. I hope you don’t mind. After you go out, you must remember to be cautious and don’t violate the rules again."

"Thank you Ghost Cave Realist for your suggestion." Ge Dagen said sincerely.

Everything was handled properly, Qing Yang bid farewell to the real ghost cave man, then threw out his Yufeng Gourd, and took Ge Dagen to the direction of Ghost Valley.

This time I went to the mine to save people. From the beginning to the end, there was not much obstruction, and it seemed that there was no trap waiting for him. Qing Yang was in a good mood. It seemed that Ghost Yun was not ready yet. This is just right. When I return to Ghost Valley, there are many people in the martial art, and Ghost Yun really wants to deal with him, it is not so easy~www.readwn.com~ I can still live for a while.

This time, I got thousands of blue underworld stones in the mine, with a total value of nearly 50,000 spiritual stones. If they were all replaced by cold pool orders, they could be exchanged for at least more than 100, and I could at least stay in cold pools In the last ten years, there is a buffer of these ten years, not to mention the diluting of the hatred of the real person Ghost Yun, at least he can raise his cultivation to the top of the sixth level of the golden core.

At that time, even if the real person Guiyun wants to trouble him, he will have to weigh it. If Qingyang has the cultivation base of the sixth level of the golden core, even if he faces the perfect cultivator of the golden core, he will be able to fight, unless it is the true person of the ghost cloud. The master Youshi Zhenjun personally came forward, otherwise it would be for nothing if anyone came, how could Zhenjun Youshi come forward for the younger generation's private disputes? He can't afford to lose that person.

Thinking of this, Qing Yang couldn't help but feel relieved, and most of the stone that was pressing on his heart disappeared. The only thing that worries him is that Yu Mengmiao has no clue about things. It has been almost 20 years since Yu Mengmiao's accident. The methods and chalcedony used by the ghost king can only last for a few decades, and I don't know when a way to treat her will be found.

Qingyang is thinking about things while driving the Yufeng Gourd, seven or eight hours have passed in a blink of an eye, and it has been more than four thousand miles after leaving the mine. For such a long time to control the Yufeng Gourd, even Qingyang has a little bit. Tired, Ge Dagen saw this and quickly replaced him.


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