Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1203: :0 Ghost Wand

After finishing speaking, the real person Guisha took a meal and rushed towards Qingyang. At this moment, Qingyang divinely moved, and a large group of drunk bees flew out of the drunk fairy gourd instantly, and met the ghost mightily. Sha Zhenren, in front of them were six Tier 6 bee generals, followed by nearly four thousand alcoholic bees of various levels, and in a blink of an eye the ghost Shazhen people were surrounded by them.

Qingyang did not release the Alcoholic Queen Bee who is now equivalent to the third level of the Golden Core. First, he felt that the remaining Alcoholic Bees could temporarily entangle the Ghost Shaman, and it would be wasteful to directly release the Alcoholic Queen Bee. Before the most critical moment, Qing Yang still wanted to leave himself a little back. After all, this time the one-horned ghost king is no longer there, and all problems must be solved by himself.

Seeing a large swarm of drunk bees flying towards him, the real ghostsha could not help but exclaimed: "Didn't the third junior brother say there are only six spirit bees? Why are there so many all of a sudden?"

If the strength of the Drunkard Bee increases, Ghost Shaman can still understand. After all, nearly 20 years have passed. The original Tier 5 Spirit Bee is likely to advance to Tier 6, but what is going on now? How come thousands of psychic bees suddenly appeared, even if the six psychic bees are powerful, it is impossible to give birth to so many psychic bees in just over ten years.

Unless Qingyang concealed his strength from the beginning, when he thought of this, Ghost Shaman couldn't help but groan secretly. If only six Tier 6 spirit bees can deal with it easily, but if you add this large group of ordinary spirit worms, I am afraid it is not. It can be easily solved. The three juniors are really unreliable in doing things. They can’t get any information and make them passive. There is still a senior next to him. Even if they are temporarily trapped, they shouldn’t be able to. What are the variables.

Thinking of this, Ghost Sha’s hand waved, and a chain appeared in the air. The entire chain’s arm was thin, with an iron hook in front of it. The whole body was dark red. After the Mingyuan urged, the chain burst into dark red flames. This is The magic weapon Houhunsuo of Zhenren Guisha is said to be refined with Yinmingli Flint. Although it is slightly inferior to Qingyang's Netherli Fire Sword, it is also among the top magical materials. Different underestimated.

However, Qing Yang would definitely not give Ghost Sha a chance to perform. Before he could fully sacrifice the magic weapon, the pollen maze of the drunk bee had taken shape, and then he saw Ghost Sha sluggish, and was instantly shrouded in the pollen maze. , The ecstasy also retracted back into his body.

At the beginning of the Yinfengjihuo cave, only six level 5 bee generals could use the pollen maze to trap the ghost cloud real person on the third layer of the Jindan. Now the six bee generals have evolved to the sixth level, plus nearly With the help of 4,000 other drunk bees, the pollen maze has greatly increased its power. It is not a problem at all to trap the ghost sand on the seventh layer of the Golden Core. He will not want to get out of the trap in a short time, and Qingyang needs to deal with it now. Only the real ghost of the nine layers of Jin Dan left.

Qingyang released a group of spirit insects to block his second junior brother. Although it was a little unexpected, it was also in the plan of Ghost Chen. The reason why the three senior brothers came together was that they considered this in advance. Now the two Junior brother can't make any move, this kid can only deal with it by himself, hoping that he won't make any other tricks to entangle himself.

Thinking of this, Ghost Chen came to the opposite side of Qingyang in a flash. Looking at the three giant swords flying above his head, Ghost Chen said with great regret: "A little Golden Core fourth-tier monk, Just with extra means, they blocked my two juniors. Their comprehensive combat power is stronger than many late Jindan monks. People like you are one of the few in my entire ghost valley. If possible, the old man would not want to. Killing you, it’s a pity that you offended my third junior brother. We are destined to not be friends. The more powerful you behave, the more we must cut the grass and root."

Really Ghost Chen’s words sounded like a pity for Qing Yang, but what he actually wanted to express was that you were not my opponent at all and could easily solve you. Qing Yang naturally understood the meaning and sneered: “Since I’m If I dare to come to Ghost Valley, I expected that there will be today. If you want to fight, you will fight. You don't have to be long-winded. It also allows me to see what the golden core ninth-floor cultivator is capable of."

What Qing Yang is telling is the truth. His cultivation level has been improved too fast in recent years, and he has rarely fought with high-ranking monks. In recent years, he has fought a real ghost maple in a mine, and his combat experience is not so good. Rich, he was eager to know what the strength of the ninth-layer gold core cultivator was.

I think that in the mainland of Kyushu, the leader of the Qingfeng Temple was the eighth-level cultivation base of the Golden Core, and the leader of the first major group of Yin and Yang Sect was only the golden core. Having grown to this point, the cultivators of the Golden Core Ninth Floor can fight against each other.

Qing Yang was telling the truth, but the real ghost Chen regarded it as a provocation, and said angrily: "Good boy, dare to underestimate the old man, then let you taste the power of the old man with a thousand ghost sticks."

After speaking, the real ghost Chen raised his hand and threw out a ghost head stick. This stick is six or seven feet long and about the thickness of an arm. At the end is a black skull with a big bowl. The stick body is uneven and engraved on it. Various forms of grimace, the sound of the wind, faintly can still hear the howling of ghosts and wolves~www.readwn.com~ As soon as the thousand ghost wands appeared, countless black lights burst out instantly, and the voices of howling ghosts and wolves went straight to Qingyang’s ears. It was so loud that he was dizzy and it was very difficult to concentrate.

This is just an appetizer of Thousand Ghost Rods. Taking advantage of Qing Yang's inability to concentrate, the Thousand Ghost Rods flashed sharply, carrying the skeletons on them and slammed directly on his head. The magical power of the ninth-layer gold core monk. Don't underestimate it, if this is hit, Qing Yang will immediately die.

Although Qing Yang's spirit was affected by Thousand Ghost Rods, he prepared for so long that the Sanyuan Sword Array above his head had already formed. Seeing Thousand Ghost Rods smashing towards him, the Sanyuan Sword Array quickly blocked in front. Hearing a loud bang, the Sanyuan Sword Array instantly collapsed, all three giant swords fell to one side, while the ghost ghost’s Thousand Ghost Staff only stopped in the air with a light pause. Although the energy had been defeated, it didn’t. It was not knocked into the air like Qingyang's magic weapon.

It can be seen from the current situation that in this first confrontation, Qing Yang was slightly at a disadvantage. Before in the mine, Qing Yang used a three-element sword formation to severely inflict Mortal Guifeng. At that time, he still I feel that the sword formation is so powerful that I might be able to defeat the ninth-layer cultivator of the Golden Core. Now when I really face it, I know that using the three-element sword formation against the ninth-layer cultivator with my current strength is still slightly insufficient. A few times, I'm afraid I can't hold on anymore.


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