Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1210: :Lingming Heshoudan

Speaking of the end, Yuki Zhenjun's words were already full of sternness, obviously he didn't want Qingyang to deceive him by telling lies, and he also had enough ability to find out whether Qingyang's words were true or false. Because Ghost Valley is a major faction, they are not afraid of someone coming to make trouble, so since Qingyang entered Ghost Valley until now, others only know that Qingyang has offended people, and no one cares who he offended.

But this time, Yuki Zhenjun obviously wanted to ask. Qingyang knew that he could not hide it, so he could only say: "Don’t hide it from Senior, the one I offended in the Fairy Spirit Realm was the True Lord Shifuzong of Lingfuzong, who accidentally killed him because of some disputes. He lost his only son, so he fled here."

Spirit Rune Sect is not far from the Nether Realm, and Ghost Valley is not far from the Immortal Spirit Realm. There are still some interactions with each other. True Monarch You Mu is naturally familiar with the name of True Monarch Shi Fu. Although there is not much communication, Qing Yang can say Given this name, it shows that this incident is true in all likelihood, and I am afraid that only by violently sinning such a heavyweight can a pill king fall into this situation.

Zhenjun Youmu nodded, and said: "I've heard of this true king of stone talisman. He is a middle-stage primordial cultivator, and he is more powerful than me. You, a golden core cultivator, killed his only son, and you can escape safely to the ghost. Gu, it seems that you still have some abilities. But since you joined our ghost valley, the former grudge ghost valley will naturally be blocked for you, not to mention that the stone rune does not know that you are here, even if he comes to the door in person, You will be fine."

A monk Yuanying said to this point, Qing Yang knew that it was time to talk about business, so he asked, "I don't know why Senior came to me?"

"Naturally, I want to borrow your identity as the King of Pill Pills." Youmu Zhenjun said.

"Borrow my identity as the King of Pill Pills? Could it be that high-level Pill Pills need to be refined in the sect? Let the people of the Keqing Academy arrange for me to do this kind of thing. I definitely dare not neglect it. Come out in person." Qing Yang said in surprise.

Zhenjun Youmu shook his head and said, "Since I am looking for you personally, it is of course a more personal matter. I need to refine some spirit pills myself, but I can't find a suitable spirit pills king in Ghost Valley. Then Guixia made a special trip to find you."

Hearing these words from Zhenjun Youmu, Qingyang suddenly became stunned. No wonder Guixia made a special trip to save herself. It turned out that they needed to refine the elixir, and when they found out that their elixir skills were relatively high, they hurriedly took it. The real person Guixia sent over to save people from the hand of the real person Guiyun.

However, it can also be seen from this incident that the spirit pill that Zhenjun Youmu needs to refine should be very important to him, and he does not want to let too many people know, otherwise they will never risk offending Zhenjun Youshi. Go save yourself. Although the Spirit Pill King is rare here in Ghost Valley, it is not that difficult to find one with the power behind Youmu Zhenjun.

The pill that the other party needs to refine is not only important for True-Kun Youmu, but the difficulty of refining should also be relatively low. If it is just a simple pill, there is no need for True-Kun Youmu to come forward, just use Guixia to find it. I can do it myself, and I don't know if I can do it.

Qing Yang didn't dare to say anything full, and said, "Although I can refine the golden core pill, seniors should be able to tell from my age. I still lack experience and have been on the run for more than ten years. Among them, alchemy is difficult to improve, I am afraid it will miss the major events of senior."

Zhenjun Youmu took Qingyang's humility as the truth, because from his face, he was indeed a little too young, even if he met the requirements of the King of Pill Pill, it should be the kind of relatively reluctant, so he laughed He smiled and said, "You don’t have to think about this. My pill is not troublesome to refining. It is relatively simple among the golden pill-level pill, and the materials I prepare are enough, as long as your pill is better than pill. If there is too much difference between the king, you will not be wrong."

What Qing Yang said just now is just a modest statement. In fact, his current pill technique is not too far behind the Nascent Soul Pill Emperor. The golden pill level pill is not the slightest difficulty for him. If things are not complicated, look at Guixia. The real person solved the siege for himself twice in a row, and it was nothing to help, so Qing Yang said: "Senior will let you know when he needs alchemy. I'll be waiting anytime."

Qing Yang agreed to the other party's request. Unexpectedly, Youmu Zhenjun went to shook his head, looked at Qing Yang and said, "If things are so simple, there is no need for me to come and look for you. This time the refining of pills is more complicated , You even need to go out with us personally."

Qingyang had a hunch that things were not easy this time, and he needed to travel a long distance with the other party. He had never encountered such a thing before, so he asked, "How specific?"

Zhenjun Youmu seemed to feel that the temptation was almost complete, so he said: "It's okay to tell you, we need to refine the pill called Lingming Helongevity Pill, which is a combination of both the spirit pill technique and the dark pill technique. The pill, a single pill can reach the level of King Pill, but the whole pill has reached the level of Nascent Soul, which can increase the life of the monk a lot..."

Perhaps Qingyang was ignorant. He hadn't heard of any Lingming Heshou Pill, but from the name of the pill, it could be judged that this pill should increase lifespan. If the whole pill can reach the level of Nasal Infant~www.readwn.com~, the effect will be more amazing, at least it can increase the life span of the monk for decades, which is better than the basic supplement Qingyang refined when he was in Wantong Pavilion. Shou Wan is much better.

But what did Youmu Zhenjun spend so much energy doing to refine Lingming Heshoudan? He is now in his prime of life and has several hundred years of life span, so he doesn't need to supplement his lifespan at all. As for those younger nephews and younger generations in the family, their cultivation bases are definitely not high. It would be a waste to use Lingming Heshou Pill, a Nascent Infant-level pill, and it shouldn't be possible.

At this time, Qing Yang suddenly remembered that in Youmu Zhenjun's family, it is said that there is also a late-stage Nasal Infant monk, one of the three remaining late Nascent-Infant cultivators in Ghost Valley. Those who can cultivate to this level have not much life expectancy. Now, could it be that this Lingming Helongevity Pill was prepared for this person?

If this is the case, the explanation will make sense. In a family like Youmu Zhenjun, a great monk of the late Nascent Soul can be called the pillar. Once the pillar collapses, the blow to the family will be disastrous. The entire family It is possible that it will fall apart because of this, not to mention other things, at least its status in the ghost valley will be greatly reduced, and the previous enemies will also gather in groups to attack.

In order to protect the family's interests, or to maintain their status in the Ghost Valley, it is justifiable to find a pill to increase lifespan by all means, just as the Liu family of Wantong Pavilion asked Qingyang for Liji Supplementary Pills for Liu Dan.


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